This is your brain. This is your brain on video games:

1  2021-05-30 by reptilia_remastered


"I can't play a colorful shooter game made for children because I'm scared of glitter."

The absolute state of gaymers.

Weren’t gaymers supposed to be hardcore? Now they can’t handle some glitter

They banned all the "HaRdCoRe" gaymers that say mean/naughty words and weren't constantly affirming trains and foids in voice chat.. This is what the games are left with.

This is the tax we now must pay.

Man I miss being able to say gaymer words in chat.

Hardcore! Yes 😉

The absolute state of gaymers.

The absolute state of humanity, actually.

sparkalabarpala? what's that?

made up shit by neurotic attention hoor

crossover of the best two subs on this shit page when

Excuse me, did you bang my HOOR wife?

It’s like the trains but instead of identifying as a gender you identify as someone who spontaneously does the worm when they watch the wrong Pokémon episode

It was mostly about epilepsy and he framed it weird.

Daily reminder that less that 2% of people with epilepsy are actually sensitive to flashing lights. Many epileptics don't even realize this. So next time someone goes on a rant about flashing lights, remember that it's highly unlikely that they actually experience photoepilepsy.

I don't know, someone who legitimately has epilepsy would probably just say so

"i want to play game but i am afraid of glitter"

solution a: stop attention seeking

solution b: dont be afraid of glitter

solution c: find a video game that is similar but doesnt have glitter

What was the Dev reply?

Damn, never even heard of this before, but I think we ought to take it seriously. Letting the team know.

From 28 days ago . They’ve done nothing lol

His concentrated sperging got a: "Damn, that sucks" 😂

Wtf I love these video game developers

Should have sold DLC to remove it tho

Should have sold a DLC named after that sperg, that is full of glittering, strobing shit.

Literally just got into Apex yesterday lol, fun coincidence. Gotta say, it's... frustrating. Especially since you're forced to rely on two randos, usually against (sometimes multiple) full squads of three other people, since there's no solo mode.

It definitely handles/looks better than Fortnite and isn't a huge space hog like Warzone, but I dunno if I'm gonna keep at it for long if I have to just keep chancing it with unwashed g*mers 🤢

Facts. If you can get a good group of friends to play it’s a lot of fun. Try playing Arena if you’re solo queing

Yeah, I'm considering harassing a couple into playing lol. Though most barely even game these days, and if they do it's one or two games for a few hours a day.

Why would you play team games without a pre-made team? Do you enjoy shoving toothpicks under your nails?

Someone online had recommended it to me after I'd mentioned I'd been getting into Fortnite lately. I have one or two IRL friends who've apparently played it as well, but I haven't talked to them about it yet since I want to fully learn the mechanics before weighing a team down.

I will play duos with you if you post something dramatic for us.

Hah, I would but I refuse to let anyone I don't personally know see me absolutely eat shit in my first ~20 hours of playtime. Maybe I'll take you up on it once I git a little gud, though.




I will also play, I'm not good either lol but hmu whenever.

Will do, once I get a little better and don't just insta-die in combat lol. Every time I think I'm getting better, my squad immediately runs up against a pack of rank 50+ spergs who just completely overwhelm us and can somehow get headshots on moving targets from like 300+ yards away.

Though one dude and I did outlast our third and still win yesterday, so far my only trios win, where he had rezzed me at a spawn point outside the ring and I barely made it back in, and had no guns. So I just charged at the last squad, and punched them to death while he covered me lmao. Probably my only "fun" match so far tbh, out of like 30something.

I don't know if I want video g#mes to be banned or bullying to be normalized.

¿Porque no los dos?

si si

12 autistic people complaining about a game is not “Drama”. It is “Shit”.

Cool it with the sparkalaphobic remarks


where is the drama

I would prefer mocking crippled people than drama tbh.

posts like these are why arr drama needs another culling

t. unapprovedcel


get over it


im gonna tackle OP's post real quick:


first and foremost, if you have epilepsy, you really shouldn't be playing videogames. you're putting your life in danger. is a small shot of dopamine from killing ttv.wraith.ihateblacks.2009 really worth over saving your own goddang life? im not going to gatekeep who can consume what media, but dude, seriously?

second of all, the phobia:

when i heard the news of doom 2016, i got real excited. then, i saw the gore. oh my fucking god, that shit really grossed me out. it made me vomit and feel dizzy just seeing it. but, when the game released, i decided to soldier on through it. i eventually got over it. now, when i glory kill, or saw through a fat fucking mancubus, i get fucking ecstatic. if you bear enough of something you can get over it. simple as.


The world can't cater to every phobia people have in the world. If it is an issue of seizures I get it, this is just a ridiculous case where 1 person (maybe in the entire game) are requesting devs stop working on serious issues because this guy is afraid of twinkling lights. It sucks for him but "come on man", sometimes you need to carry your own burdens.

Plenty of more in the thread.

if you bear enough of something you can get over it. simple as.

based epilepsy truther

when i heard the news of doom 2016, i got real excited. then, i saw the gore. oh my fucking god, that shit really grossed me out. it made me vomit and feel dizzy just seeing it.

mandatory liveleak classes when? being that pathetic needs to stop.


Literally just mod the glitter out you pussy.

> 1.3 KD

Why would anyone listen to a shitter?

Tumblrites have pretty much fucked any public discourse around mental health.

For the love of god unban porn there. Containment boards work.

so is the person a cat?