Dale Akiki was persecuted by the paranoid CEOS of Jack In The Box because he was ugly.

2  2021-05-31 by 911roofer


Someone else can give you the wayback machine link. I've got other fish to fry.

Dale Akiki was not a lucky man. He was born with Noonan syndrome, which meant he was short, ugly, and often had problems with bleeding from his orifices. He had an IQ of 89 to 93, which meant he was a bit dim but still smarter than the average srdine. He also lived in California. He worked as a computer assistant in the navy, who sadly didn't immediately invade San Diego when he was unjustly imprisoned.


California has always had a troubling tolerance for wackos, and the repressed memory therapy found fertile ground there. The satanic panic is often remembered as a purely religious phenomena, but there was also a lot of bullshit pseudoscience and malignant feminism in the mix for those who weren't big on Godbothering but still felt like witch hunting. It all came down to womanly hysteria in the end though.


Here a psychiatrist admits the whole thing is bullshit


Dale volunteered at a daycare in his church because he was too naive to know that, as a man, you're never allowed to interact with children that are not your own. A lot of parents didn't like him because he was creepy-looking. Wikipedia claims it was Jack in The Box CEO Goodall who was his main prosecutor, but they don't provide any evidence of that and they're the only one who claims that so fuck them for liars.

Then someone became convinced he was bad-touching the kids and, thanks to repressed memory theory, a bunch of six year olds were convinced that he was eating babies, shitting on them, and slaughtering elephants in front of them. In the church daycare. While mass was going. With the parents just down the hall. While leaving no physical evidence. And Mr. Akiki is the one who's mentally handicapped here?


He spent two and a half years in prison on charges that were obviously bullshit.

A scholarly article that mentions him and his case.


Here a lawyer reflects on the case


In Jail he was adopted as under the protection of one of the gangs who realized he wasn't a chomo because he was clearly being railroaded.


Our friend Dale, however, was found innocent on all charges and was released.


Later on a San Diego grand Jury told the prosecutor they had no case and everything that happened was bollocks.


Here he reflects on his experience.


On the plus side, he got 2 million dollars out of the experience.


Then his wife died of a stroke at 45, and two million dollars is nothing compared to that.



Holy fuck, I'm so sorry about your loss. And the prison time, false accusations, and low IQ. That's quite an origin story. How did you cope throughout these ordeals?

I wish I had two million dollars.

Imagine only having 2 million

How insecure and grasping one would be


fuck off

It aged well, and you haven't. Jealous much?


Read this to yourself, out loud, and realize what a fucking f-slur you are. Talk like a god damn person and stop spilling out this perpetual fucking nonsense.

Do you know how much I hate this fucking board? How fucking awful it is? How awful the quality of poster that it brings up? What the fuck is wrong with you people. The SRD board, specifically created to be a fucking zoo for the worst posters on Reddit, has straightened out to a pretty nice place with a lolcow who consistently puts out videos that make you go "wtf?" in a not-too-serious, not-too-emotionally-involved way. As a result, the fucking SRD board is now more popular than the Drama board.


  1. Dale Akiki was persecuted by the pa... - archive.org, archive.today*

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