So he sexually assaulted a kid, as well as countless other men in the industry, but is molesting a kid and raping men all that bad if it's gay? The Guardian wonders...

8  2021-05-31 by CherokeeSurprise


comedian Aziz Ansari was accused of sexual misconduct in 2018, with an attendant debate about what was and was not consensual

As soon as that was posted on a 3rd tier site it was laughed at by all except the most R-slurred of R slurs. It was literally they made out and he ended up licking her gussy and she felt obligated to return the favor. He didn't pressure her or anything. She seemed very high maintenance and mentally unbalanced in her own 1st person account of the incident.

Everyone knows the broad was all sour grapes😖🍇 because she wanted to become a star fucker, but Parks and Rec dude thought she was a slore and considered the date a one off. I mean, if you wanted to sleep your way to the top, and a guy whose name rhymes with "disease" ghosted you, wouldn't you want revenge? "I had to suck a stinky uncircumcised weenor and all I got was ghosted😢😭" I heard she wanted to keep her name anonymous in the article because even though she knew every agent in Hollywood would of course find out and warn their male clients about her, she still had hopes to land a lawyer or a DJ.

I almost want to say he was targeted because he was Indian and they’re stereotyped as “creepy”

So your take is that she targeted Aziz to become a star fucker, with a backup plan of becoming a third rate women's rights martyr? It wouldn't surprise me if she had that in her back pocket. Very cunning. "If he rejects me, I'll claim 'bobs and vagene.' The world will always believe 'bobs and vagene!" That's pretty psycho, to have a backup plan to become mildly famous in a niche feminist community for saying you reluctantly sucked the smelly uncut weenor of a tiny Indian man because you got ghosted. It's like, honey, he likely sensed your ho vibes, and congratulations you played yourself.

Yeah pretty much. It’s kind of like the Elevator-slash-Dongegates and even that shirtgate. There’s still crazy people that believe the mob or women responsible were right. It’s depressing too because instead of trying to get a lynch mob to target an awkward guy the metoo movement could’ve targeted real bad guys like politicians. The only POS actually held accountable other than Spacey was Weinstein

^ Got removed by automod yesterday

This is why I refuse to associate with mayogussy


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Doesn't matter anything with an r followed by a slash gets zotted.

Indian and they’re stereotyped as “creepy

Wrong. Indian nationals are stereotyped as being creepy because internet Indians type in an indian accent and their creepy shit is instantly recognizable by all.

Aziz does not apply to this phenomenon.

Maybe, he’s still an easy target for narcissists because he’s not very masculine. Not a dig at him, I like him but he seems like the kind of guy who wokies target because he’s genuinely affable and might respond with real remorse to accusations of nothing

Nah Indian Americans still get the brunt of that


She legit thought it was going to be an episode of master of none and she'd be the next white queen for Aziz only to suck dick and then get ghosted. I wonder what her first date that she ditched for aziz thinks about all this

She seemed very high maintenance and mentally unbalanced in her own 1st person account of the incident.

Isn't that most White Wxmn these days?


Yeah but have you considered that he's a pajeet? Who would voluntarily fellate a curry sausage?

Thankfully it's been long enough so media outlets can vaguely describe it as "sexual misconduct". Also, I think she hung around his place naked for like two hours and he somehow didn't take the hint she wanted to go or something..

He also served red wine with fish, which is a huge no no


In American Beauty, Spacey rebuffed the Marine's advances because he was already having gay sex with the teenage son.


No, sodomy is actually reverse-pooping.


While perhaps "reverse-pooping" was too subtle, the truth remains the same. Dick goes in, poop comes out.

With today marking the eve of anal season, I am merely spreading awareness.

Is awareness the name you gave your bussy cheeks?



That wasnt enough therapists for my slut sister, are you even trying, poorcel

Umm you can just call aggressive choke sex, sex.

It’s all sex darling


Anything else makes god angry, you disgusting degenerate

How dare you suggest we have sexual intercourse with a gussy? This is a subreddit for bussy enthusiasts.


Am I going to take the word of a bunch of LYING TWINKS over the Big K? I don't think so. Same goes for Bryan Singer. Also Stephen Fry when he gets exposed next year.

Stephen Fry already married a shota bussybot and nobody batted an eye, they're less uptight across the pond.

I don't understand. He actually MARRIED one? Lmao, that man really bought the media propaganda. Marrying a twink. They are toys. To be used. To be shared with friends. Till they are worn out.

Well you suck

Twink detected. Opinion discarded.

Don’t you dare insult twinks 😠


I cant be gay I am fat

Oh I’m queer but not a gay man and I’m curvy and toned not fat

curvy and toned not fat


Wanna find out 😏

Oh no some random on reddit doesn’t believe me how will I go on

You'll probably keep coping and lying about how not fat you are, and then deleting your comments later because you have no spine. Shameful display

No just don’t care about the replies of random pissboys on Reddit. Have fun with your sad little lives

Ummm sweaty that is denigration of beautiful plus sized twink bois uwu 💅

I suck Kevin spacey that's for damn sure


Peter Bradshaw is still the prettiest man in England 🤮

I’ll be honest I didn’t even know Spacey raped people directly. I thought he was caught threatening to fuck the mouths of teenage boys and that’s what got him

Kevin Spacey got on top of underage Anthony Rapp (remember Adventures in Babysitting and RENT?). He also got super weird with the son of Richard Dreyfuss while Dick Drey was there. I guess other than that, he held his celebrity over the men at the Old Vic for "sexy times"/weenor touching, men who worked on set in Hollywood, strangers at parties and clubs. I'm not sure anyone ever claimed anal though, so...🤔 I think my favorite Kevin Spacey story is when he got drunk one night while filming some movie out in bum fuck, met a straight kid, then crashed a car.

But anyways James Franco got snubbed by the Oscars because during some film school he was running he had a class called like "Sex Scenes 101" and had dumb actresses take their tops off. (Honey, you're in Sex Scenes 101, what did you expect?🙄) Plus he was texting teen girls. But the age of consent in Japan is 13, so...are we really better than the Japanese? If Kevin and James had been diddling 13 year olds on Japan, there'd be no issue.

When you said Anthony Rapp I thought the Nintendo lady transitioned but yeah that’s terrible. To make my comment funny I’ll say moids smh 🤦‍♀️

lmao the Nintendo lady hasn't been seen ever since her parents came to take her back to Minnesota. She's probably working at a Taco Johns or something with her internet privileges revoked.


Kevin Spacey is too likeable and big to be canceled

💊 : Hollyweirdo cancel only has beens and people they wanted to get rid off in the first place

You better watch your friggin self because this is one doctor who does make house calls

What's the dilemma? I don't care how many bussies and gussies were violated during the making of this film. All I want is a two-sentence plot summary, a fancy movie pic, and a >4.0 imdb rating. And if I really liked the film, I'll give the jannie rate.

I mean the case was dropped against him right? This was because the accuser and his mom left out important shit and lied about the dates.

There's something about him jumping on top of little underage Anthony Rapp that doesn't sit right with me. 1, Tony was underage and tiny. But 2, he's a ginger. That's the part that screams sex predator to me because who goes out raping redhead twinks like that? Only sex predators. I wouldn't give 1970s Ron Howard a handjob with your hand. Yuck.

The case of that news reporter's son being dropped is an excellent study in Kevin Spacey's MO: target mostly straight men so hopefully they'll never come forward, and if they ever do the judge will laugh at them because "I'm House of Cards and nobody takes me down." Make no mistakes, KSpa is a prolific gay rapist. He operated so long because he handpicked victims who'd be too ashamed or afraid to report. The Daily Mail ran this story once: Kevin Spacey's father was a 'Nazi child rapist who abused his own son'

That's how Kevin Spacey played the character in American Beauty so well. It wasn't acting, it was him reliving growing up with his Nazi father and the son he raped. So Kevin became a rapist because that's oddly how a lot of fucked up family situations like this can work.

Snappy pls

I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. So he sexually assaulted a kid, as ... -,*

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Actually its about ethics in due process journalism?

Idk didn't read beyond the headline, but its the guardian so its guaranteed rslurred.




That doesn’t prove anything lmao

Based on your comment history, something is definitely messed up there, so I’m not gonna argue with you


Why post on this sub. This should be strictly for the hindrance of unnecessary continued birth 🤷‍♂️

The opening of the gates to unapprovedcels has been a disaster for dramanauts

Gay pedos are heckin cute and valid

