Connoisseur of swallowing suspect fluids and current leader of anti-Israel Twitter, Mia Khalifa baits Twitter by doing something she wouldn't be allowed to do in Gaza.

5  2021-05-31 by busslordlowkeybussin


Literally nazi wine. She's either a giant idiot or a trolling genius

She thought bangbros was sending her to have a photo shoot with vogue. She has no idea what she's doing.

hahahahaha that can't be real


I'm not sure what's worse: she's actually short-bussed enough to fall for such an obvious lie, or she thinks making up this story would make her look good.

Most Arabs love Nazis. Common goals and all.

Giving every citizen a Volkswagen Beetle?

You clearly don't know any Arabs.

Then you should know Arabs and Jews lived together in harmony, especially compared to Europe. What's up with Westerners trying to pin slavery and the Nazism on Arabs when they're the ones who actually did it lol

Ugh, must be a Shamia.

I'd love to know what that means

Aren't you an Arab?

This interaction was hilarious lmao

The cows seem to come here on their own now, excellent. Now we just have to train the newfriends to not downvote...

I'm your new friend?!

If you're gonna hope to survive on the interweb, kid, you need to learn the ground rules. Number one, no seriousposting. Ever. Number two, always upvote lolcows. Number three, tr#nswomen are real women. In fact, they are even better than real women. Number four, learn the meaning of the phrase bussy. Follow these rules kids and you just might make it out of here in one piece. Seek out the few local Բ0!d$ who post here and ask them to take you under their wing. They are wise old crows.

No bro

Then shut up about your gross pussy nonsense

How the fuck did you even find this place?

Through Reddit

Return the Levant to Christian rule, colonizer.

That's right Peter, hold fast to your Middle Eastern religion

u wot m8. The Jews in Arab lands were dhimmis. Sometimes it was less shit than others, but it still wasn't "in harmony."

You say that like it was something bad, when dhimmi literally means "protected", in that they were to be protected by Muslims. They paid a tax less than what Muslims had to pay, were exempt from military service, and had nearly every right bar being a judge or a head of state. For its time, the rights afforded them were amazing. Look into it yourself, it's not some Yellow Badge type shit. Albanian Muslims protected Jews from the Holocaust.

But this idea that Arabs hate Jews ignores the fact that there are Christian Arabs, agnostic Arabs, Arab atheists who have no animosity towards Jews. Sure there are certain Arab countries more hostile to Jews but a lot of it stems from political issues, there are many Arabs who consider Jews who still speak Arabic to be Arab Jews.

Ignoring the fact that dhimmis also couldn't hold public office, legally their word was less than a muslim, not allowed to ride -anything- in cities, and yes, wear clothing that distinguished they were different.

Yeah, for it's time it was less shit than being beheaded by a crusader. However to call it "in harmony" is a real stretch.

The laws and treatment varied over the centuries, Jews being forbidden to ride anything sounds like a very obscure law but I know from first hand accounts that some Arab Jews lived in a very similar manner to Arab Bedouins... riding camels, dressing in jalabiyas or similar Arab clothes, and some having very warm relations with their Bedouin neighbors.

Like a lot of elders look back on that time fondly with Jews, regardless of what the state laws were. The new generation is probably less tolerant due to increased political/religious strife but it's not like all Arabs in general are brought up to hate Jews.

It's true though, many arabs idolise hitler and sympathize with nazis because they killed the bad joos

How did you happen upon this thread?



If the wine's good, then what's not to support?

Champagne doesn't age like other wines, and will almost certainly taste like ass at this point.

Champagne can age incredibly gracefully idk what you're talking about.

In order to age wine you have to have a combination of the following preservatives at the right levels, alcohol, tannin, acid, and sugar. While champagne pretty much completely lacks tannin, it's alcohol level is usually in that super sweet spot of between 10-14% abv that produces the best aged wines, and it has some of the highest acid content of any wine, really only riesling is up there with it, and plenty of sugar considering dosage is part of the vinification process.

It will change, mellow out, produce more honey like qualities rather than a super zippy acid driven brioche you get from younger champagne, but champagne can be aged and it can be amazing.

But that doesn't fit my narrative.

This post about aging wine is completely inaccurate and misleading and I will not elaborate further. 🍔

Kicks down the door
Doesn't elaborate further

I don't believe you. Send me some well-aged champagne and take me out to a steak dinner

Fried chicken would be a better pairing.

t's alcohol level is usually in that super sweet spot of between 10-14% abv that produces the best aged wines

Literally every wine's ABV is in that range, except some stupidly strong reds.

and plenty of sugar considering dosage is part of the vinification process.

Unless it's dry, which it ought to be, in which case it has very little sugar left.

Champagne can age, but not for decades.

So you’re saying you’re gay

You're both daft. Wines and spirits aren't aged in bottles. They're aged in barrels, then bottled. I'm not sure how that would work for champagne since it is still fermenting when it's bottled (that's how you get the bubbles). That used to be how beer was carbonated, too, but it's now easier to let a beer fully ferment then pressurize it with carbon dioxide to add the carbonation.

I’m a sommelier lmao.

Edit now that I'm not on mobile: You are r-slurred and have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Spirits are aged in barrel yes. Wine is sometimes aged in barrel mostly due to the fact that barrels promote malolactic fermentation which gives wine that rounder smooth finish, the buttery aspect of an oaked chardonnay for example. Red wine is usually aged for longer in barrel because it provides a diversity of tannin to the wine, oak provides it's own tannic structure different from that found on grape skins, also the longer aged in barrel usually the more mellow the wine becomes as far as those really sharp, astringent tannin.

But to state that wine isn't aged in bottles is a hilariously deficient take. People have been aging wine in bottle for as long as wine has been put in bottle. It changes the dynamic of the wine to sit in a temperature stable, humidity optimized room, basically a damp cool cellar. For reds the tannins will smooth out, even completely drop out of the wine, you'll literally see the color particulate, which is basically clumps of what used to be grape skin, sink to the bottom of the bottle. The color of the wine turns from ruby red to more of a rust color. The taste and aroma changes, it is smoother, less astringent, usually a lot of the more deep fruit characteristics are subdued and more of the earthy, leathery, tobacco aromas come through. In whites, for those that can realistically be aged for some years like Riesling or Gewurtz, the acid will fall off, the color will change from pale to more amber, and you'll get less citrus and fruit and more honey and floral notes.

Once again, if you have the right combo of alcohol, tannin, acid, and sugar, aging wine in bottle is a completely fucking normal thing and can really enhance the wine by slowly changing it's characteristics.

Regarding secondary fermentation, sugar is actually added right before bottling, the primary fermentation is done, the sugar has been converted to alcohol, but more sugar is added then the bottle is capped and the anaerobic fermentation that happens in bottle creates bubbles rather than more alcohol. The fact still remains, you can lay down a bottle of nice champagne for 70 years and while most of the bubbles will be gone, and the flavor will be very different than a young bottle, it was still bottled for 70 goddamn years and aged. The standard timeline for making champagne involves 3 years of aging in bottle while doing periodic quarter rotations of the bottle before it's put to market. They don't fucking hold onto it in a barrel for 70 years lmao.

Shut the fuck up nerd goddamn

I’m a sommelier lmao.

Imagine bragging that your 'career' is pouring drinks.

I jest, of course, you do seem to know your booze-related science.

the anaerobic fermentation that happens in bottle creates bubbles rather than more alcohol

This is simply wrong. Yeast always makes both alcohol and CO2.

Stick to pairing food and drinks.


I’m a sommelier

do you know any pirates? want to invest in some moder day black black beard shit

This is why I proscribe to this community.

Well the renal failure piss color should be a hint and it should taste like madere/vinegar but post basé from madame khalifa to trigger the mossad, she'd swallowed worst 😎✌️

Respect the hustle.

Just assume her brain and spinal column are 50% cum by volume, and her takes start making perfect sense.

never seen a pornstar willingly swallow like she does

In my language we say "Even a blind chicken sometimes happens to find a kernel of corn"

What a dumb hick saying

Well of course it sounds like shit in English


Man my chickens won't eat corn. Little cunts just eat everything but.

Well the saying doesn't include corn specifically. "Korn" in German is just a grain, so that would probably be a better translation

I'm 'Murica there is a similar saying: Sometimes even a blind squirrel can find a nut.

Well she literally does


cumbrained Levantine

Yeah she's just an idiot

IMO she seriously thinks she's being an intelligent "firebrand" and this is part of the attempt to reinvent herself as more than just a pornstar.

She's not only an idiot, but also an antisemite

I was going to list the numerous "states" that came in to existence after Israel but its actually such a long list that its not worth the effort. Instead, check this Wikipedia article for an easy reference to find countries whose population we should genocide for forming after 1948. Bonus points if it included territory acquisition.

I'm going to be fucking disappointed if I click that and Kekistan's not on the list.

Nope. The filthy wiki editors didn't put it on the list. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


its easier to purchase a Nazi flag than our lovely Kekistan.


Say no more

Cool, how many of those states were made after people from various parts of the world purposefully moved to a certain place which was already inhabited by another ethnicity?

Kissinger says 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱right of return 🤗🤗🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱

😎🙏🏾 preach

The fact that the whole world has to pretend that a bunch of Eastern European and Africans are “natives” of the Middle East instead of Levantine people is the ultimate cuckholdry.

The Afrikaaners should have just claimed to be Africans instead of claiming to be 🚨 Mayo 🚨

People of 👃 are just running up the score at this point by making us recognize ethnic eastern euros as middle easterners.

The Afrikaaners should have just claimed to be Africans

They did. Hence the name...

So most Israelis are not from the Middle East?

Chad move by the people of 👃.

That doesn't include the 20% which are arab christians/Muslims r-slur. So at most its 36% without factoring in other smaller ethnicities.

thinking that Muslims would want to live near Jews if they had a choice

Calling other people r-slurred

Pick one JIDF.

It doesn't matter whether they want to live there. If they don't move out and are citizens, they are counted as living there. This is your brain on idpol.

The people of 👃 trying to larp as middle eastern in an attempt to rule over the goyim is the issue here.

No amount of oy view shut it down can change the fact that eastern euros and Jews of 🍉 don’t have a place there.

Israelis are Israeli just like Palestinians are Palestinian. It’s a nationality not an ethnicity.

Who cares? If they can't hold it, they don't deserve it.

I think the United States was formed in the 18th century

Still no Sealand SMH

And no transnistria. REEEEEE


The nation who's wine she is drinking is considered to have been formed in 1958, because the French are wacky about their republics.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Connoisseur of swallowing suspect f... -,*

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Jesus christ.

Snappy is going to be such a glorious AIgod when we hit the singularity.


Man, the replies are full of pooinloos shitting on her. Pajeets supporting Israel is one of the weirdest events of this year. I understand why, but it still confuses me.

Their natural distrust of people of 👃 is overcome by their hatred of people of 💥

Bonded over being the cheapest mf'ers on the planet

I understand why,

but it still confuses me.

You might be r-slurred, Teddy.


Not even in question tbqhwyfam.

They support Israel because of Muslims doing trolling in India

This recent controversy with Israel has caused a lot of people to go mask off, but I’ll be honest...

“Prominent Internet Whore Calls for Jewish Genocide via Nazi Wine” wasn’t on my 2021 bingo card

People don't know that most Arabs look up to hotlir?

He has the all time high score in their favourite game. If you want to progress, you learn from the best.


I'm not sure that the Lebanese can throw stones regarding that but ok.

wtf i love mossad now. CIA twitter cant compete

God she has the fattest fucking tits


Sometimes people criticize police, governments and security services for shitposting on twatter: "why don't you stop wasting time and do your job?" they say.

Mossad shitpost and still find the time to kill half of Hamas, Hezbollah and find all those elderly nazis still hiding out in the rainforest.



I'll never understand how this borderline r-slurred chick managed to fail upwards despite making one shitty dumb decision after another

SAME. Like she has to be one of the dumbest celebrities on the Internet today…

So wine made during WW2 is Nazi wine?

So Palestine is making Apartheid Beer and Wine now? I'm not following.

Sounds like Jews being mad for being called out for taking land where people already lived. Guess Americans can relate. As long as they're brown they don't count. Palestinians weren't already inhabiting Palestine and Native Americans weren't already here when Columbus started murdering them and getting them all sick. Touché.

EverGreenPLO looked disgusting - seriousposting - in his comment on arr drama. Very very disrespectful.

If those cousin f*ckers wouldve left with the rest of them during the Nakba this wouldn't be an issue.
