Pardoned felon and former General, Mike Flynn insists that America should embrace Myanmar-style democracy.

1  2021-05-31 by busslordlowkeybussin


Fake news, libturd. He's talking about the coup in Minamar.

I think if we start now we could bait the magacels into something even more stupid than January’s boomer-raid

If the next presidential election has a democrat winning then we will have another Qoomer Uprising. Calling it now.

no, it will demoralize them if it happens, they'll disappear like the Tea party only to resurrect in another form

Wasn’t Mitch a teabagger?

god, imagine Biden croaking in 2023, and Kamala winning in 2024-2028. The rightoid seethe will be off the charts and it will be compounded by the ongoing and accelerated mayocide.

I just can't see Kamala actually winning a general election, unfortunately.

People just don't like Momala. Can't say why but I don't like her as POTUS either. Naturally I'd let her ride my face for 12 hours or peg me till her hip flexors give out but I just don't like her in the Oval office.

It's more likely than not the GOP will run some crazy r-slur like Allen West, Alex Jones or Michael Flynn in 2024-2028, so I'd say Harris has a decent chance at winning against the current GOP.

It'll be Trump or DeSantis tbh.

There's a non-zero chance that Trump ends up in prison within the next 4 years and while this may be an unpopular opinion I honestly think that DeSantis is all flash and very little substance, he lacks the sheer Hollywood charisma and entertainment factor that Trump had. Same for Noem.

Tucker Carlson is a more realistic fit to replace Trump but iirc he has no interest in running and even then I think he's only a 60% match. It's probably gonna be 50/50 Cruz/Hawley or Trump pulling a Eugene Debs.

Nah, there's no chance in hell a former president ever ends up behind bars. He'll get fined at worse, maybe there might be like a 6 month house arrest if shit really goes south for him, but that's it.

But no one on either side actually wants to open up the Pandora's box of jailing former presidents. Once that happens there's no going back.

And DeSantis would be a total lock if it wasn't for his shitty voice. He's managed to attract most of the Trump base without being Trumpy and alienating moderates. And if Trump doesn't run he'll almost assuredly endorse DeSantis and back him.

Tucker would win the primary easily, but there's no way he'd want to put his family through the sort of shit they'd have to deal with if he ran, so he'll never do it unless something crazy happens.

Fair, I've seen convincing arguments for Trump going/not going to prison so I think it's 50/50. Either way, I don't think it would amount to much and he'd still run. I think only time will tell.

My skepticism towards Carlson is that I think he's too economically-left for most Cons and way too explicit for moderates and even some Cons, in addition to him being a bit less charismatic than Trump. He has more of a smarmy anchor type of charisma than a movie star type of charisma.

What about the GOP's "Squad"? Gosar, Greene, Cawthorne and Gaetz? Think they have any sort of future?

I just don't see it, even if Trump is 100% guilty what would be the point? He's old, he's banned from all social media sites, he's essentially powerless and he won't be around for long.

Easier to just let him fade away on his own than to further rip this nation in half by jailing him. It just isn't worth it.

The GOP base is incredibly malleable, I don't think Carlson's policies would be an issue. Trump got the base to flip on so many issues with ease, Carlson could make them fall in line if he wanted to.

What about the GOP's "Squad"? Gosar, Greene, Cawthorne and Gaetz? Think they have any sort of future?

None whatsoever.

Fair point on Trump and Carlson.

Yeah, imo Cawthorne is the only one that could theoretically have a future in politics.

Gaetz is just way too sleazy, Greene is just a goofy r-slur, and Gosar...I'm just gonna say that he is one of the only people in politics that I find to be genuinely unnerving.

Tbh I hadn't even heard of Gosar and Cawthorne until you mentioned them.

Gaetz maybe could've had a future in a GOP administration until the whole sex trafficking thing, but he's dead in the water now.

Greene has all the idiocy of Trump with none of the charisma, but she seems like a true believer rather than just another grifter so that might carry her somewhere depending on how the GOP moves forward.

As far as higher office goes though, I don't think they could pull it off. Their best bet would be simping for a rightoid that could actually win and getting a job in their admin if they're lucky.

DeSantis has recently been getting astroturfed to hell in right wing circles though, so he clearly has the ambition as well as the digital team to prop him up. It's like a switch was flipped overnight and now every rightoid is in love with him.

Gosar has ties with Nick Fuentes, Steve King and iirc even NSM, he also kinda looks like dude from Saw who cut off his own leg. Cawthorne is the crippled kid from North Carolina.


I don't know. I'd agree if this were the old days but the only real attack they have on her is she's "too liberal" and after jan 6th and the Trump era, the GOP trying to smear liberals as "radical" isn't all that effective outside of their core base.

Kamala actually has fairly decent approval ratings for a VP.

A recent poll put her at a pretty low favorability rating among independents and Republicans, with Democrats not having her too far above 50%.

As a national whole, I think she barely cracked 40%.

She's just extremely unlikable.

Edit: Found it. I was wrong about her barely being above 50% among Dems, but the rest is true.

To be clear, that's not bad for a VP.

VPs tend to have lower approval ratings.

Her average is net favorable.

She's a bit more popular than Pence was.

41% favorable, 48% unfavorable

"Her average is net favorable."

what did pizza mean by this

Polling averages. Seriously, she's not that unpopular for a VP.

The fact that he got away with his lobbying for Turkey alone boggles my mind.






Really hope that our favorite cop wins in 2024 just so we get january 6th part 2 led by none other than a former felon general

we do a little beer hall putsch, it’s called we do a little beer hall putsch,


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