Which one of you posted this? SLATE: My Girlfriend Just Revealed Her Real Sexual Agenda With Me. I’m Speechless.

3  2021-05-31 by inquirer


This is an amazing find. At first I was gonna say “christ just put on the costume and do it”, but from the sound of it there would probably be less and less non-Nazi rape sex happening as time goes on.

She just wants him to be on top for once.

She admitted to me that a major reason she’s sexually attracted to me is because I am a descendant of a Holocaust survivor, and she has a persistent sexual fantasy of being a Nazi concentration camp guard who is overpowered and raped by a male Jewish prisoner.

Wtf 🤣🤣🤣

exposing kids to porn at a young age creates some weird fantasies.

Ilsa the She-Wolf of the SS isn’t porn, it’s art

Someone watched Schindler’s List and seeing the breasts crossed their synapses

I once even suggested to her that she could live out this fantasy with another person in an open relationship-type arrangement

Does it not ruin her fantasy of being overpowered by such a cuck?

No wonder she fantasies being dominated, when she's with such a limp wristed fslur.

My advice is to keep sexual fantasies a fantasy. Once you act upon your fantasy it becomes a crime and bodies are a pain to make disappear.

Huh Max Mosley did fine, the 🗝 is 💷

What is that last emoji?

Monopoly money


European funny monies

If this was posted on askreddit I would have said this is obvious creative writing bait but a bunch of journos actually went out and published this on their site...

Given the current state of journoids, it might still be creative writing

It obviously is, but it gets them clicks and traction. The clicks the fine users of arghhDrama provide will be put in the metrics of this hack's profile and used by them to negotiate higher pay (or more realistically, not being part of the next round of layoffs).

Think this is a pretty common taboo fantasy. The other one is converting a girl to Islam and fucking her with a hijab on. Right before you cum yell out "Allah hu Ahkbar" then make a liquid explosion inside her. There's something strangely attractive about corrupting religion into a perverse thing.

Gonna need 911roofer to weigh in on this one. Assuming he isn't the guy who wrote the letter, that is. 😏😏😏

Wholesome 100

I’ve been dating this girl for over two months. She’s way out of my league in terms of both socioeconomic status and physical attractiveness

This was his first mistake. I was engaged to a wealthy model when I was younger and goddamn these people think they can get away with anything.

Don't date outside of your league, lads. You'll almost always regret it.

Ended up getting so sick of the bullshit I cheated on her with three of her friends and ruined their lifelong friendships though so it worked out in the end.

My only disappointment is that the girl doesn't have a fart fetish on top of it.

My screenshot of only getting partway down the story:


This sounds like an idea Philip Roth would have for a short story, then realize... nah, that's stupid.

This is really stupid and made up lol

The important question: is she German?
