(Very mild drama) The adult children of r Harrypotter face a dilemma in the form of a character being blackwashed. Half respond with yass qween, the other half ponder why JK Rowling has forsaken them.

2  2021-05-31 by busslordlowkeybussin


You can tell Hermonie wasn't black because her parents are dentists. There are black doctors and surgeons, but there are no black dentists. Even in Africa they have to import white and Asian people to do it.

Hands are too big.


Wasn't she good at school too?

Internalized white supremacy!!!!!

Pretty sure her father is still in the picture so this entire discussion is pointless anyway


There are no black dentists

What's this then? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_Dogs

That's a complete list. They're so notable because they're so rare.

You said there are no black dentists. I provided a wikipedia link that proves otherwise.

Oh sweaty

Ok bud

Dude I live in Africa and have never seen a black dentist.



Don't see any Grangers there, you BTFOd yourself.

“It’s not a race swap”

OK, Zoomer

I haven’t read wandshit since I was a child but wasn’t Harmione described as having white skin? Or is that some weird mandela effect

Mandela had white skin.

Reverse Michael Jackson

EDIT: wait i’m r-slurred, I forgot MJ was BtW

Mandela scored the winning try in the '95 world cup.

JK Rowling just made all of her characters into black LGBTs because she needed to convince modern day soys that she was woke.

I respect it.

Yeah but she doesnt like trains and thus is a TERF and must be cancelled

Sorry not sorry.

We https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros now with how we eat our own with our own retarted idpol

Easy to deflect though, in this case it was “white” as in “white as a ghost” because she’s scared

The real proof is that Rowing had 100% over movie casting. All the characters in the movie look what she wants them to look like, to the point where she literally changed Snape’s character because Alan Rickman’s interpretation was better than hers lol


Oh you wandshit reader

Never finished the series because I grew out of the target age range, but from memory she:

1) Gets a tan after a summer vacation 2) Gets a black eye and is subsequently described as "resembling half a panda"

So pretty clearly white.

Same. I read them as they came out, even queued for the Goblet of fire but didn't finish the Half blood prince because I thought it was fucking boring

They can have Hermione if they can accept Elon Musk as African American.

richest African American- white

first African American president- not even African American

first African American vice president- also not even African American

I almost feel bad.

first African American president- not even African American

Literally African-American: one African parent and one American parent. ADOS BTFO.

Literally born in Africa you r-slur

So her getting called Mudblood just took a darker turn

The darker, the better. just like her skin

Hermione wasn't black because she was banging Ron and Ron's a ginger.

Black chicks will go mayonaise but not full thousand island dressing.

Yeah but Bill Burr tho

Bill Burr has money. The only ginger whom money couldn't even ever help is Louis CK. Louis can only bag house plants

I wouldn't go so far as to call Bill Burr ginger but he's definitely auburn. But, he's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

Black chicks will go mayonaise but not full thousand island dressing.

How do you explain Jidenna then?

Some say the Prophet Himself, pbuh, had red hair.

On the other hand, Ed Sheeran is ginger and clearly a servant of the Shiyatin. Who can say?

Ed Sheeran looks like a grown up Dennis the Menace.

Brightest Witch

She looks pretty dark to me 🤷‍♂️

Someone has a ganguro bimbo fetish I see

I have a theory about that. I was thinking about if you’re going to raceswap anyone it should be blond(e) hair blue eyes, but instead it’s the hair colour that’s a minority among white people. If anything black people and gingers should be something of an alliance since they’re more targeted for their appearance than most white people. Then I realised it’s the whole advertising demographics thing, people who fit the blond and blue demographic are more common so despite that actually being associated with white supremacy they’re take out a lesser demographic so they can still have their white audience and not compromise it too much. Then it’s almost turning redheads into a political thing. It’s also due to ginger hair being a recessive gene that’s slowly going away and you’re not going to get a whole theatre of gingers going in

This might be the dumbest take I've read this year.

I hope you weren't sober or coherent (well obviously not that) when you wrote that abomination.

Yeah it was a theory I wanted to share but it does seem pretty dumb

Im dumb too

Epic 😎

To be fair, they're only too happy to replace brunettes and dark-haired mayos too.

Maybe they target fire-haired women more though because maybe they're considered more attractive, and that's not a great thing to be reminded of if we want equity.

Just rearrange the letters of ginger and see what you get

But didn't JK Rowling herself once say that Hermoine is actually black?

EDIT: Yep, she did.

She actually wrote that hermione is white in the books. What's more canon, the actual books or tweets by the author to try and appease the mob?

She wrote a story about some straight white kids in the 90s and now that she is woke (except for the TERF shit) regrets it.

She wasn't appeasing the mob, its more like she retroactively made Dumbledore gay people loved it which then encouraged her to make even more r-slurred changes to the story. Which then made the majority of fans ignore her changes altogether.

Rowling buying into all the woke stuff and then immediately getting dumped by her fans when she dared pause for a minute to question the train stuff is absolutely hilarious. And the fact that she then dug in is even better. I miss when that drama was new.

It was beautiful. Video essays and lengthy wordposts by redditors who would immediately start searching through your userprofile when you made fun of them. Then Lindsey Ellis, who made an hour longvideo on Rowling, got the same treatment. Its like theres some sort of risk of becoming a voice for ppl that shouldnt have a voice.

I feel like a lot of women influencers that start as wokies just immediately go full Republican “cancel culture is a threat to society” as soon as their opinions or actions get criticised

I mean in that example it's obviously referring to white as in pale due to fright, not the character actually being white.

Lmao yeah obviously

Except she wasn't scared at the time because they were literally saving buckbeak and hiding from the ministry officials, whereas they would've been scared when fighting the dementors just an hour later.

You can't rewrite shit. Nice try.

Imagine reading wandshit 😂

I'm just looking at the text surrounding it, obviously scared of something.

If you're going to say something then the very least you can do is not be a retard when you say it.

But she didn't write pale, she wrote white

everyone knows black people turn white when they get spooked

JK Rowling is a dramanaut, she's got her bag, money can't buy seeth from check marks.

Just basically proves how racist 'liberal' hollywood is.

Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Here is the ultimate proof that she is a whte wman: https://imgur.com/NHQoOcY.jpg