Our king just dropped a new movie about bussy

1  2021-06-01 by Kilo_G_looked_up


Alphabet people finally have their movie

"Could this be to LGBT people what Ready Player One was for gamers?"

Are non-alphabet people allowed to even watch it?

Someone needs to invent a captcha for alphabet people so non-alphas can't watch their bussyfilms.

Another peice for my collection of the tariq cinematic universe.

Cant wait for Tariq Endgame: wash yo azz

wash yo bussy

What is lord tariq saying? That the mzungu menace whipped black people to turn them gay?

That the slaveowners gave the BBC slaves their BWC in front of everybody to establish dominance. Truly, there is no evil too depraved for the spawn of Yakub 😔

No way he isn’t jacking off to this shit

Nah he’s just gritting the hoteps at this point

What would possess him to make a documentary to let more people know about this?

It's a gay humiliation fetish film.

Watching Pulp Fiction at a young age really left a strong impression on Tariq.

Honestly I think Tariq is actually gay.

the documentary is actually about how black people are being tricked into taking dick by the evil white man (true)

the supremacy of bussy is a trick of the mayos

Imagine thinking the truth is a prank

When's the watch party?

What will that one guy do who spent $100 dollars and still doesn't have his copy after a sending 50 emails?

He will buy it again.

has anyone watched it?

Why? I can barely stand 2 minutes of skimming twatter posts.

Not My King

You don't get to choose your king, mayo.