
1  2021-06-01 by Arundel3


That didn't happen. No decent person would accept that offer. Also when you're standing in line cashier's don't say who's next that's the point of a line.

Also to OP this is a tweet why is it censored and a screenshot, I want to bully this person.

I to would like to personally inform the tweeter that they are a beta cuck. We demand to know the handle.

lover of Scotland


there are male redheads there. ULTRA MAYO.

source: you don't want to know

Ouch. What the fuck did we do?

Prison bong

🤢 imagine simping for abos. They literally have to make songs to get them to stop huffing gas.

Actually, in a way I guess abos are based, they live(d) in a not just pre-industrial, but pre-agrarian society 🤔

Abos had agriculture. They were even the first to have agriculture.

No pronouns in the bio is surprising.

No pronouns in bio??? I was so ready to post that and farm karma from you rslurs.

Lol I can see all of your tweet accounts now.

Tweets are my own.

Yhea no shit who else's would they be? The PM's?

Lol who tweets from an ipad

No it’s still there


No decent person would accept that offer.

That doesn't mean an injun didn't accept it.

Different abos. Boomerangs, not feathers.

Op should drop the handle in comments

It's a tweet...

I'm quite dumb it appears

I've definitely had to ask " who's next ? " on more than one occasion working as a cashier lol

they have been here for more than 60,000 years

👏 End 👏 🌋 Atlantean 🛸 👏 erasure 👏

If you want to start the biggest shitstorm ever namedrop Graham Hancock anywhere on reddit and talk about North/South America being the fabled "Atlantis".

Assert with confidence that this has all be confirmed. Refer to Plato's description of Atlantis being OVER 9000 years old at his time which lines up with a cataclysm that ended the Younger Dryas period. There are an endless amount of "proofs" and vague "evidence" about this if you wish to enrage academic white knights.

Alternatively, try finding any discussion of Graham Hancock on reddit and you can see for yourself. It's similar to how pissed off "skeptical" redditors get at the mention of UFO's.

Matter of fact... Im gonna go check out the Talk discussion on Graham Hancock's wikipedia I bet it's a total shitshow. BRB

Oh wow. They even pulled the

Galileo was persecuted for his views on heliocentrism


I need to remember this name. This guy obviously gets people going.

Simply phenomenal, thanks for the suggestion Kweeng 🤙

Roxy the elfin dog . wooF

F*rries talking about science and archeology, and expecting to be taken seriously, may Allah help us.

Hancock's been on Joe Rogan's show a few times, and that gets the "I fucking love Science™" redditors extra mad

bro go carve a 100 tonne granite block to ultra-precision with a copper chisel and then come back and DENY ATLANTIS

Ancient reptiloids who got wiped out by the Chicxulub asteroid would've been very offended rn

It doesn’t really cost OP that much to let them go ahead as they probably only needed to buy a couple 40s.


what's that

Some yank bullshit

40 oz of an alcohol that taste like bum piss and is the preferred drink of the fiftindofitty tribe in burgerstan

bet they were actually mexicans

Tbf most Mexicans are indigenous

They’re half indigenous half conquistador we can’t let them get away with it

Isn’t it hitlers one drop rule? Like how Megan Markle is black?

pLoT TwiSt: This was written by an immigrant in Europe

That would be nice, but we all know indigenous Europeans are the wrong kind of native.

The mayo kind. 🤢🤮

That's a yikes from me, sweaty

I clapped. I cried.

Everyone in the shop clapped too

The cashier was Albert Einstein


That's literally true though? They split from the rest of humanity roughly 60k years ago and have mostly been pure since.

You know what? This tweet was such a burger thing to do that I thought this was about Native Americans. There are crazies who believe that native Americans came over long before the commonly accepted 19-16,000 YBP. My bad. I seppokued my comment.

He probably thought this took place in burgerland.

Most abos today are mixed race due to colonisation.

Imagine only getting two likes and one retweet for such noble action?

I was literally in tears and had to take a break from my phone so couldn't like it. Also who is gonna pay for that emotional labor?

Embrace tradition by cutting inline in front of natives 😤

Dear Noble Savage--

We white people took your land, raped your women, sold your children into slavery, and worst of all, had Johnny Depp play one of you in that stupid western movie where his first name was "stupid" in Spanish.

I feel bad, but not so bad as to actually give the land back. Here, cut in line uwu. You need this liquor the white man sold you sooner than I do. I'm not the one shaking. Signed, A guilty white person.

Pretty much, most mayos would sell out any indigenous or minority just to get ten more marvel movies. Then again I’d never stand up for what I believe in if it involves dying so who’s to judge

Followed BY Michael West? How can people I respect follow people i deride! Twitter is the worst.

That's racist.

She didnt do it, but she thought about it and decided to tweet it out for the virtue points.

Does this kind of a mayo self cuck fantasy have a name? This isn't cucking yourself, this isn't cucking yourself and telling everyone, this is making up stories about how you cucked yourself. This is peak mayonnaise.

LOL imagine thinking so lowly of an entire ethnic demographic that you go out of their way to allow them in front of you at the store.

Also no, this didn't happen.


And then they paid for their plastic bottle of vodka with dollars and quarters and everyone was happy

This would be more believable if everyone in the shop stood up and clapped.


Snappy has better punctuation and grammar.