Tatted wandshitters mad

1  2021-06-01 by Iowa_Hawkeye


I'd be ashamed of being a harry potter fan, too.

I used to love the books/movies when I was kid, but I watched one of the movies on a plane recently and that shit does not hold up. Being obsessed with it past 20 years old is a mental disorder.

Books are still comfy.

Why didn't the "wizards" just cast themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Stretch your legs is a comfy phrase. Imagine caring what a critic thinks about a child's book lmao

The books are very good at giving you an immersive feeling of the school. You're reading it for the day to day of them going to class and stuff while the bigger plot slowly plays out in the background. That's why they are so popular, not because they are high art or anything. The repetition is almost a benefit, you establish a routine with the characters

I liked the Harry Potter games when I was a kid. I read the fourth book first cause lol like little me gave a shit. It was nice.

Lol it was a trip reading them while pulling allnighters and slipping into hallucinations lol

And btw what's "high art" anyway? As far as I see it, a work is simply good at some specific thing, or fails at its goal; these ones were good at what you said and a number of other things, but maybe not so much at some others - like avoiding that particular repetitive phrase I guess; I suspect many just didn't notice it like the gorilla/moonwalking bear test, it happens lol

High art = shit like the Ring saga, Rembrandt, going to the ballet.

Lowbrow = Game of Thrones, animoo, Lana del Rey.

going to the ballet.

Reminder that the ballet is the mid 1800 equivalent to softcore porn.

If you want to see art, go to the opera.

She ripped off an anime called Naruto. Far better series. The whole thing is a metaphor for war and child soldiers. Pretty interesting stuff. Some interesting themes too. For instance the more love you lose the more power you gain, which really is a curse if you think about it.

"Harry Potter ripped off Naruto" is probably the greatest take I have ever heard

*JK Rowling ripped of the creator of Naruto.

Weeb should get ripped off

Makes sense. It is the superior form of entertainment

Wait, is this Harold Bloom? I remember he didn't like that characters were always stretching their legs


Why didn't the "wizards" just cast themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

Idk as a smug kid who didn't want anything to do with that corny children on broomsticks thing I'd been hearing for a while (still haven't watched Bibi Blocksberg btw lol), it was the audiovisual artistry that ended up winning me over to the 1st movie + Rickman and Maggie Smith;

so I can't relate to your assessments at all, you seem to be living in some kinda mirrorverse where any of those things apply to these movies lol idk

Also if she was so anti-art that she vetoed Steven "Hook fucking sucked tbh" Spielberg, why did she agree on Alfonso Cuaron?

Also idk I can't relate to that whole "Columbus sucked and was boring, Cuaron brought le kinography to the series" circlejerk - looks cool and stylish to me, and reflected that British conservatism vibe with the black school uniforms very well; Cuaron's more "dynamic" style went along with them all sporting informal clothes for no reason, listening to jazz and crappy goth rock and running around on uneven hill planes with wild uncut grass - it was a style change, not an "improvement" lol, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never liked absolutely everything about the series and still see the same flaws as I did from the beginning - those ultra-fans worshipped JK as a god and then got "disillusioned" when she wrote sth mediocre about other countries' schools are just typical deconvert plonkers, what else was to be expected lol

The French and Bulgarian schools weren't obvious comical monolithic stereotypes or what? And the goblin bankers weren't obvious Jews like Watto? Lmfao it took them 10 years to realize that stuff, and they're still confused and not sure what to think lol - yes just like the Simpsons and many other works it's filled with ott cliches incl. ethnic stereotypes, it was obvious to us from the start but these ppl took getting radicalized in wokeism to start noticing any of it lmfao;

how were they ever "fans" if they missed all the jokes?



The first movie is comfy as fuck for me. I was the right age for it when it came out and the Christmas vibe makes it a lot more enjoyable. Plus the lighting has a warm look you don't see in the other bongistan colored films.

Getting a Harry Potter tattoo is a little strange, but so the incessant need certain people have for distancing themselves from their childhood fandoms. It reeks of insecurity. Probably the same type of people who insisted on wearing a suit to class every day.

They remained obsessed with the series well into their 30’s.

It's the multitude/stan syndrome - the most obnoxious GoT haters were the ones who saw no growing flaws in the show until they were deprived of Nightkingbowl and Kelly remembered she liked to burn people;

they're embarrassed at having been gullible uncritical morons the whole time, and to cope they proceed to act as even bigger morons in the present.

That's why I refuse to consume media unless my asshole is puckered, my magnifying glass is out, and I've taken a dangerous amount of Vyvanse.

Idk man the internet brings out people who seem like they're really into one side or another, irl nobody really gives a shit unless they want to insult someone. Like I doubt any of the haters actually think or say anything in their day to day life.

I loved both the books and movies as a kid as well, some people just seem to never be able to move on from their childhood

I liked Alan Rickman's performance. Especially his end there. Asides from that I didn't find anything else appealing. The guy that played Gandalf was cool too.

Snape’s end was one of the few moments in the story that I think was improved by a visual medium. In the book his final moments come across as having weird homoerotic overtones and it just...doesn’t really land.

I liked the movies because of their dark and creepy vibe

It's basically a ripoff of Naruto.


Technically Naruto debuted in 95 with a manga series in 97.

Look this is something a lot of people in entertainment do. The rip off (mainly anime) or plagiarize it. Naruto is a phenomenal series. If JK was such a great writer how come she hasn't recreated her success? Her fucking The Cuckoo's Calling was a failure. I can't think of any other books she has been praised for. Lastly, anime and manga is huge in the UK. It's become huge here but it has been there for far longer. The similarities between the two cannot be coincidental because there are too many.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Cuckoo's Calling was so bad that someone 'leaked' her pseudonym to push sales.

However, of the two Naruto is a far better story.

Imagine being an unironic animesexual

Just wait till I start a pride parade bigot! Subbed>Dubbed

Technically Naruto debuted in 95 with a manga series in 97.

HP was already completed in 1995, it just took 2 years to publish. And Rowling claims to have been writing it for 5 years at that point. If anyone ripped anyone off, it's the weebs.

If JK was such a great writer how come she hasn't recreated her success?

There are lots of great writers who only ever wrote one book, and dozens who only ever wrote one successful one... And not even a 6-book series like Rowling. For example, the other great darling of online nerds, Tolkien. Emily Bronte for another. Harper Lee. Arguably JD Salinger and Oscar Wilde. And so on and so forth. This is a non-argument.


Tolkien has a couple problems, but being a one-hit wonder is not one of them

>a couple problems


Tolkien is the pimple on the ass of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagious—you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislike—his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichés—elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic rings—have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

China Meiville is a sanctimonious commie pomposity who can't write his way out of a paper bag

You aren't wrong.

Go gobble some French dick you fucking pseud.

Read 👏 another 👏 book 👏

How do you feel about HP Lovecraft? I kind of want to get into his work.

Start with the shorter ones, and not the popular ones, lest your perception gets tainted by the "lol tentacles" "lol cthulhus."

The Music of Erich Zann is my favorite short story, and At the Mountains of Madness is my favorite long story.

Thanks homie will check it out. I think that is a good way to approach it too.

Never read him actually, got all his books saved somewheres but haven't got to them yet.

Story of my life too man.

This is the worst non-pizzashill take I have ever seen in 🏴‍☠️/drama. Delete it.

is the pimple on the ass of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagious—you can't ignore it, so don't even try.

So does that mean fantasy is the Johnny Sack's wife of literature?

And there's a lot to dislike—his cod-Wagnerian pomposity,

A phrase that can only been uttered by a cod-Wagnerian pompousist - speak American lol

his boys-own-adventure glorying in war,

Idk what exactly this is supposed to mean, but the dude didn't need anyone to tell him about the nihilistic horrors of war lol

his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos,

So Tolkien was an MDEfugee? Wtf ban him on the spot

And come to think of it, those greedy dwarves in their mountains weren't Scots - they were Jeeeeeeeeews...

his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity.

Being an evil fire demon who wants to take over the world is pretty evil though tbf

Tolkien's clichés—elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic rings—have spread like viruses.

They became cliches afterwards - didn't he reinvent "elfs" who used to be tiny people on wings?

He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

I'd like my fantasy function to get mollycoddled by Tolkien's article of policy tbqh

Yeah, the guy who wrote hobo to king story is a good writer lmao.

Aragorn did nothing to get the role of king outside of being born. He didn't even do something great for his country, he just put it in a war with the local superpower, mordor.

Btw, sauron entire stick is completely inconsistent (somehow a great talker, but has to go to war instead of convincing a bunch of people so guillible they put a random hobo as their king? Please).

Let's not even talk about gandalf the white, the supposedly good guy whose main claim to fame is killing a balrog, who was simply living his life in his home.

A leftist meme is more concise than this pretentious drivel.

A leftist meme is more concise than this pretentious drivel.

Yeah, that's another issue with tolkien, how much pretentious useless shit he add to the story.

He's exactly as much a one-hit wonder as Rowling is. Hell, arguably moreso, given that all his novels revolve around The Lord of the Rings, whereas Rowling has written a bunch of stuff independent of HP.

Who could forget the spinoff man with a really big breifcase

You're stretching the phrase. Like The Princess Bride could be considered a one-hit wonder, did you know it had two sequels that will probably never be seen?

The guy asked how come JKR hasn't written anything successful other than HP. In that regard, her and Tolkien are peas in a pod - both wrote other things besides (although Tolkien's novels are all related to LOTR), and none of them were really all that successful. Writing hit after hit after hit is not a requisite for being a great writer. You were the one who used the phrase "one-hit wonder", not me, but if JKR is a one-hit wonder, so is Tolkien.

That's fair

Hey say what you want about me but don't you dare disrespect Bummunism Sama. As I said JR like Tolkien plagiarized her work. Tolkien borrowed heavily from Beowulf. Two fucking peas in a pod.

What did Tolkien take from Beowulf?

I read it on this site a long time ago. Also apparently beowulf too was plagiarized from somewhere else.

Tolkien wrote academic publications on Beowulf, idk what he was trying to hide there or what you think you're "exposing".

Expose that bussy boy

after lawlz maybe idk

You first...

Tolkien wrote unrelated briefs at the very least - I mean shorts

I can't imagine writing that Tolkien, Emily Bronte, Salinger, and Wilde were one hit wonders then hitting a button that allows other people to see your bizarre pseud opinion.

Bronte literally only wrote one novel, Tolkien wrote one series (like Rowling, allegedly), and the other two are primarily known for only one of their novels (exactly like Rowling, who wrote a bunch more).

Like, you google "one hit wonder writer" and you'll find those names.

Bronte mostly wrote poetry, Tolkien was a prolific essayist well known for academic work, Wilde is best known for The Importance of Being Earnest which is a play, and Salinger wrote tons of short stories that still get studied.

Your middling high school's english curriculum was not an accurate representation of what literature is considered influential or relevant in literary circles.

I do read thats how I know you're wrong lmao. Hot take machines on the internet don't actually have taste even when they pretend like they do.

Making the internet accessible to midwit pseuds was a mistake 😔

I'm sure it was painful to find out just how useless your English degree was in the real world, it must be similarly tough to now realize that the authors you still dream about fellating were only marginally smaller failures than you. The cope emanating from your comments absolutely reeks of desperation, shame, and the cheap whiskey you drink in the hopes of being a little more like Hemingway.

Trying to deflect reality as a "hot take" is funny though, reminds me of rightoids blaming everything on (((them))).

Seethe more 😴😴😴

Your shit's so unoriginal I'm half expecting you to call me sweaty

Keyword there claims. Also I edited my comment because we both know that her pseudonym or alias was leaked for cuckoo's cock or whatever to push sales.

Keyword there claims.

No, keyword there 1995. Your weeb conspiracy theories are baseless.

And I didn't even mention anything Rowling wrote outside of HP, so I don't know why you'd bring up the Galbraith books, but thanks for doing so since they handily disprove your own argument.

You haven't proven me wrong. And I brought it up to demonstrate that she is not talented. What sounds more believable a broke single mom writing harry fucking potter, or a broke single mom comes across Naruto because her kids are into it, and then just writes harry potter off of that. I go with the latter.

Dude, she would have needed access to a time machine to come across Naruto before writing Harry Potter... We've been over this. The shit your schizoid brain thinks your Sasuke body pillow is saying aren't facts. HP isn't some modern day Iliad, but it's not a ripoff of some shitty obscure weebshit no one cared about then and no one cares about now. Go back to jerking it to some 8-year-old who is claimed to be 120.

She also would have needed my cock.


The novel was the fastest-selling in the United Kingdom in three years[2] and had the second best-selling opening week for an adult novel there since Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. It became the 15th best-selling book of 2012 during its first week of release. Within the first three weeks the book's total sales topped one million copies in English in all formats across all territories, including the US and the UK.[3] The book also set a Goodreads record for the all-time biggest 'started reading' day,[4] later winning the Best Fiction category in the Goodreads Choice Awards 2012.

The book was adapted into a television drama broadcast in 2015.[5]

Not sure how I feel about it. I might check this out. Based on my previous comments though it does make you wonder why she would transition from fantasy to this. Most writers stick to a genre.

True true, there are a lot of Wikipedia articles that omit negative information and only post good info. No one will edit that article with the overall numbers of the book in comparison to other books of that year, if these numbers even exist.

Also it could be a case of "people bought it because it had Rowling's name", like you said, since some of the numbers only refer to the first week hype. The television adaption speaks otherwise though. Personally I found the book quite satisfying, average to good. Easy to read, some good thought concepts, not the most creative plot and ending out there. Something middle aged normal working people watch on a thursday evening and go to bed happy afterwards.

Though he hasn't written any books I love Ricky Gervais's work. Derek to life after death. It is a dark comedy and it is very well written, and more importantly very well acted. On net flix too. 10/10 recommend.

Wait what did she write under a pseudonym, that urban satire book that she announced years before publishing? How many non-HP books did she write?

Also I read some of her interviews and she showed absolutely all of the self-awareness and self-deprecation and humility regarding her "branching out" and potentially failing at it, and the cynical scoffy comments people would voice if that happened - her being a one trick pony who "should stick to the kiddie stuff thx" etc.; r/Drama needs to step up its game a bit lol

Dude imagine if Rowling up and said “it actually symbolizes white supremacy” the seethe would be off the charts

Watch all bookstores pull Harry Potter and rightoids get super into stuff like figuring out which house they are

the culture war was a mistake

Huh? I don't get either of your comments, what "it" symbolizes MDE? The 2 supervillains are both Hitler stand-ins and she predicted Charlottesville lol - who would seethe and why would rightoids get into it? They already kind of like her for the track vehicle thing and have made "would blend right in in Gringotts" jokes, is that what you're referring to? Or am I complete slured lol

I was hoping it was because those people grew up and realized they were fucking stupid, but apparently it's due to trains.

Being grongoloided enough to get a wizard tat then is the exact thing making them seethe about their wizard tats being terf-inheritance now

I hope they never realise how fucking stupid they are. They manufacture their own inane distress and as such deserve all of it.


You can't just grow out of the amount of stupid it requires to get a HP tattoo.


Fuck that was a tough read.

Even the news of an upcoming Harry Potter video game, something I've wanted for years, no longer brings me any joy.

Oh god there are wizardgamers. The sum of these two disgusting hobbies has somehow created an even worse monstrosity.

charity for trains women of color.

Not specific enough.

The goblin bankers of Gringotts are described as greedy, hook nosed creatures that control the Wizarding World's banks, which is antisemtitic even if it was accidental. 

Jordan also recalled Rowling's additions that the minor character Anthony Goldstein

Accidental antisemitism is unironically hilarious.

hey, she writes that slavery is good,'" Jordan said, referring to the series' house elves who refuse to be freed from literal slavery. 

Based JK Rowling.

They said that their annual reread of the series also included the Shoebox Project, a lengthy fanfiction depicting a romantic relationship between Remus Lupin and Sirius Black during their school days

They're doing exactly what they say JK Rowling is doing despite complaining about it ruining the fictional world.

their annual reread of the series

Do these people really...?

I expected them to be embarrassed by their stupid decisions as teenager because they grew up to be functional adults.

Of course it was about 🚉 I hate Millenioids so much if hurts

You were wrong about them growing up 😂

Am I supposed to feel bad for adult fans of a childrens book who somehow found it acceptable to mark their body with a symbol from it on their body?

Remember when Harry Potter was the raison d’etre for many leftists like five years ago?

Man. Funny how fast that changed.

think it finally broke off with the 2016 election when some people realized comparing real shit to harry potter was cringe

I mean reading shit like this that was awful 24 hours after the election let alone 4+ years later is just lol

Awful? That was amazing! Quality scoffs were had.

Lol the Slytherin Hitlerjugend joining them against Trump

Btw when did that trend start? I don't remember it from the '00s.

cringing into oblivion

I'm aware it's a year old article, I just think the fb comments are funny.


Pottercels BTFO.

Lot of words to say “Here are three adults who are mentally still children”

If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. Tatted wandshitters mad - archive.org, archive.today*

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I thought that triangle thing was the alcoholics anonymous symbol.

No, wandshitters are not attempting to get help for their drinking.

I get shitfaced on berry-flavored Trulis every night. It's soooo Hufflepuff

Tatoocels are hysterical. When will they ever learn that as long as someone's alive, they can disappoint you?

She just got tired of telling people her partonous stag wasn't the jagermeister logo

partonous lolol

My phone didn't autocorrect the made up word :(

Holy fuck, Jordan’s tattoo is objectively terrible lmao.

Like did a drunk person with Parkinson’s do that work?

It use to be Tattoo's were a sign of respect and in some way's a warning. Now normies have turned it into some goofy ass shit like this.

This is why I never get tattoos.

just deathly hallows symbol tattoos

I'm disappointed. I was hoping to see a ps1 hagrid


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It’s hilarious how JK Rowling’s views are barely transphobic but they’re still too much for some people.

Yeah I'm sure there'll be a lot of varied interesting answers 🙄 god damn what a worthless fucking article