Not to be outdone by Meghan Markle, actress Ellie Kemper (from The Office and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) reveals her own royal background.

1  2021-06-01 by busslordlowkeybussin


Twittercels really think that's a KKK thing?

Is it indescribably r-slurred bourgeois degeneracy? Oh, yeah. Its definitely that. Is it like the Klan? Nope. Not even a little. TL;DR- just some typical wypipo nonsense.

The Veiled Prophet thing is a super cringey nouveau-riche shit-take on a harvest festival & upper class English ball. It's a relic left over from the transitionary period between ye olde Midwest frontier days and the Gilded Age. Some of the earliest people involved in it were racists, sure, but overwhelmingly, the people involved wouldn't be the lynching and cross-burning kind of Deep South racists...not by a long shot. These would be the sort of people that would have been either 100% indifferent to the slavery question or even "soft" abolitionists before the war. Their wealth wasn't from slavery and the end of slavery was actually a boon to their bottom lines. Only one or two real racists were involved. There weren't even many around in this particular social caste at that time and place. The St. Louis persons-of-wealth community was skewed much more heavily toward carpetbagging Yankee proto-robber barons than failson ex-slave owners, which makes sense because Missouri was barely even a slave state. It was never the place to go to see the iconic plantations chock full o' slaves like you see in movies about the subject.

In any case, there's no reasonable argument to be made that it was founded as a racist dealio, no matter what you think of the people involved. Imagine being in a softball league and years later, you find out that that one bald dude you never met who played third base for another team was actually a skinhead. Does that mean you were a participant in a "neo-nazi softball league?"

At worst, the current year people involved with this would be extremely benign racists, like members of a country club that has an unspoken wypipo-only-and-yes-Jewish-doctors-and-lawyers-are-white rule. Or, you know, Mormons. They'd never be in any real racist group like the KKK because those are institutions for disgusting, unmannered rednecks who fix daddy's car or mop the floors at daddy's Mason lodge. Being realistic, the only time the average Veiled Prophet type of wypipo would even think about black people is when they cross the street to avoid them, so it's super weird to act like they're KKK types, who are by definition absolutely obsessed with melanin lol

Besides, she's Catholic. The KKK wouldn't elect a Papist mutt to be their Princess of Pure White Protestant Virginity. They're just now beginning to begrudgingly accept Catholics into the membership. They're not declaring a practicing one to be the ideal white woman yet, and certainly weren't in 1999.

Ellie Kemper's family comes from railroad and bank money. They were a lot closer to being Kennedys and Astors and Carnegies than they were to being bitter Reconstruction-era Lost Causers...and the Veiled Prophet Ball is much, much closer to being the Met Gala than it is to being some white pride costume party. Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and other "socialites" are famous specifically because they grew up with shit like this, but that was in Manhattan, so people just roll their eyes at how stupid and pretentious it is rather than trying to call it a Nazi cult or whatever.

I can't wait for the Q people to learn about VP and start calling it a "Democratic Party Adrenochrome-Harvesting Organization" and play six degrees of Jeffrey Epstein with the participants.

Twitter thinks everyone is KKK or a sekrit cop if you are rich and 100% mayo, no HFCS.

What is wypipo? Slang for white people?

It's not slang. It's the accepted scientific term for the Demons of Yakub.


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Yup, its Twitter slang mainly used by black people to describe white people.


So they’re rich racists instead of poor ones. Got it.

Yes, exactly.


What did you expect?

There's also knock-off Chicago

Doesn't this have nothing to do with the KKK

It started in the south when the confederacy was a thing so obviously it's a secret kkk initiation ritual where they sacrifice beautiful POCs to yakub

And apparently they've let black people in since the 70's which probably makes it less racist than your average golf club.

and Mormonism

I always just knew it as weird Southern Aristocrat shit

yup nothing to do with the KKK just old rich white people shit

Unironically what old money southern aristocrat family doesn't have history with the Klan?

The people in the Twitter comments are literally making up history to attack her. Saying it was created by the kkk to scare black people. The fuck?

Lmao, what a bunch of dorks.

Jake Flores is the fucking worst

45 year old pizza delivery boy who makes no money off comedy thinks he's qualified to talk about the state of the industry because he bombs 2 open nights a week

I was talking about the cracker court.

Kids wouldn't be Jewish anyway. Judaism is inherited matrilineally.


Ellie Kemper's Uber rich yt family did Uber rich yt shit?

Holy shit stop the presses.

Is there anyone in Hollywood who doesn’t come from a rich family?

Some do slip through the cracks and make it but the odds are stacked against you. I think a few like Ryan Gosling, John Boyega etc prove talent wins in the end.

Adds another layer of irony to their fake speeches at award shows. Not only do they work in a pro-rape industry, but while they complain about women's rights and #timesup remember they're usually so well off they don't even need to do this.

This genuinely sounds like some shit from a Lovecraft story

The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


  1. Not to be outdone by Meghan Markle,... -,*

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First I always confuse her with Anna Kendrick (had to google this shit) and they both have the same stupid role/formula in all their movies.

Imagine caring about Anna Kendrick's role in movies instead of her sweet swingin' milkers.

Fucking water people
