OnlyFans content creator has heart attack after 'dry-scooping' pre-workout

1  2021-06-01 by ChapoDestroyer


Pre-workout is such a scam. Do cocaine and roids like a man.

I still don’t know what pre workout is and I don’t think I care enough to even bother looking up what it is and what it does. If its protein or something then why not just eat more meat.

Most brands of pre-workout range from 150 mg to 300 mg of caffeine per serving. This roughly translate as one to three cups of coffee. So that label promising increased energy, focus and performance is usually made possibly through a jolt of caffeine

Could drink lots of coffee instead. Probably cheaper. The gym phase has been great for grifts tbh.

Yes but caffeine doesn’t come in cool colors for Instagram.

Based and shallow vapid pilled

You can literally by a bottle of like 50 caffeine pills for 5 dollars. Preworkout is caffeine mixed with placebos

I know you betas want to feel superior over the dumb iron pumpers, but pre workout can be much more than just caffeine. I don't know what's around anymore, but back in the day stuff like Jack3d were legit stimulants. I wouldn't be surprised if there's stuff out there with Chinese novel chems in them that are real stims.

All that good shit is banned now. Can’t even get dianabol mixed in with your supplements these days.

I stopped taking it as soon as they banned old Animal Rage a decade ago. I’ve been chasing the feeing that shit has given me ever since…

probably and its still annoying how people go "dwammmaaa so special not like all other reddit" and then do this annoying nerd shit. We get it you read the back of the bottle & and you've never worked out more than three months that doesn't mean you need to shout on the internet about this stuff.

You want to look for PWOs with DMAA (it hasn't been banned everywhere).
I got a PWO named Crack from my slight dodgy independent supplement shop a few months ago.
The name is pretty accurate tbh.

Whatever happened to RippedFuel?

I feel like caffeine before a workout is probably bad for your heart


Actually a known performance enhancer for events involving limit strength. Probably want to skip it before your century bike ride, perfectly fine if you’re hitting the weights.

I'd strongly agree. I took some caffeine pills and drank a cup of coffee before my nightly 40 minute run and 20 minutes in I started feeling super weird like my heart was "sputtering."

I instantly stopped and called someone to pick me up. I thought I was gonna die.

When I got home and laid down I remember just being in bed and feeling half asleep half awake while my chest pounded.

Three cups of coffee is too much to drink at once. Just buy a bottle of NoDoz.

I've never managed to drink enough coffee at once to make me as jittery as a packet of pre-workout

This is not an endorsement

bloating bro

it also has shit that makes your butthole itch and chemicals to make your dick harder

t. Fatcel who never lifted anything heavier than a bottle of diet coke



Drink some caffeine, taurine, and beta alanine and you basically have a pre-workout drink. This ignores the ones that have stuff like DMAA that they aren't supposed to include though.

DMAA is dope, nothing like having a comedown from your preworkout on the drive home. Almost every non-chain nutrition store has DMAA pre. The names change every couple of months, and they're labeled "not for human consumption" 😉

Can you write that like foods normal people know? Because I dont gaf about your industrial nutrient terms. Just eat some fucking self-hunted deer or Hog like a real human being. Tastes better, as well.

Preworkouts contain legal stimulants, including caffeine, to give more energy during a workout. Depending on the mix, it is either as effective or more effective as drinking coffee.

Basically powdered caffeine and some other shit, likely taurine and all that weird shit in energy drinks.

Real men inject growth hormone in the gym parking lot and then get the police called on them for acting erratic and unstable in the weight room.

Suspiciously specific 💪💪


Caffeine pills are just as efficient. Personally I like cold instant coffee. Walmart's excellence brand is surprisingly good and affordable.

R-slurs who wrote this article dont even know the difference between pre-workout (powdered crack) and protein powder.

Yeah i was like since when did pre workout have protein

I remember seeing a pre-workout jar of powder that had "NOW WITH PROTEIN" for sale at my gym before. Never bought it though.

It probably was groundup grasshoppers or something.

I often eat a banana before I masturbate.

Thanks for sharing

actual good advice

Have you ever fucked the peel? I remember a thread from a totally straight male bodybuilding website where a guy used to microwave and fuck the peels

Trying for some sort of Pavlovian response?

Pavlov's 🐺💊

We need to encourage tiktok challenges. Please delete this article thank you

Why the fuck would I pay some slut for their OnlyFans when every goddamn second some Russian bimbo bots with massive titties try to add me. I can save a photo of one and then cum to it, just how a 25-year-old incel without a job who lives with their parents who didn't talk to a woman for months, and only sits at their gaming computer browsing Reddit.

Fucking idiots, that's who I'm REALLY talking about here. They cannot do ANYTHING. Cook? Why? I can buy McD's. Do some shit YOURSELF? Why? mom will do it but better. Basic hygiene? I don't care about long, crusty hair and acne. Why walk anywhere, when I can sit on my arse, and die from bedsores. Fuck them.

Why would I jerk off to only fans when I can just use the mirror

I took that personally

If she had a pimp she wouldn't have been allowed to do this thus saving her life. Ergo pimpin' save lives.

DailyDot reports DailyStar reports Buzzfeed interviewing Onlyfans thot.

That's three minutes of my life I won't get back.

boost the energizing effects of protein powder

What did they mean by this?

Showing off their noodle arms I imagine.



MFW when dry scooping is not some kind of porn thing.

Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. OnlyFans content creator has heart ... -,*

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Most pre workout is shit. Makes me jittery and fucks up my lifts. I just take half a caffeine pill and I’m good to go.

"She pushed through the discomfort and began her workout but soon “started to feel a heavy feeling in my chest and slight pain.” She ignored these symptoms as well, thinking they were “maybe anxiety or a bad panic attack"

Fucking what?? If you are feeling pain it is your body trying to tell you something, not a "panic attack"

nah bro pain is weakness leaving the body you gotta push through that shit

Panic attack is a stupidly chosen term, just like "psychopathy", "stroke" etc. - however the official definition includes cases with psychosomatic symptoms and sometimes with no "panic" accompanying them at all.

How the fuck can dry protein powder give you a heart attack?

EDIT: Oh, it's not even protein powder, the writer is just having a journalist moment

Okay I have actually almost had this happen. I was 19 in the Air Force and hated waking up at ungodly hours to workout (I think it was 0400 start so 0330 wake to be dressed and in formation in time iirc) so anyways I got this genius idea that I could just take some of that blue c4 powder shit I saw all the meatheads taking and be good to go.

Long story short I didn’t read the label because that’s for pussies (and I’ve done actual drugs this shits legal so how dangerous can it be) , did like 3 scoops, and was having heart palpitations while trying to make it through group stretch. I thought I was gonna die, started panicking, and just barely avoided getting pulled out of formation for looking like a twitching junkie.

Your're supposed to smoke a pack of cigarettes during your morning routine to mellow out the feeling of panic that near-heart failure causes.

Slamming preworkout to offset your hangover before morning formation is a time honored military tradition.

i usually have 2 scoops with 600ml of milk, been doing that for 2 years no issues

Two scoops of what tho?

Powdered milk. He just likes his milk extra milky.


Really bad. Hope she recovers

I hope she does the "Cup of nutmeg" challenge next

On a cold Friday afternoon, I had come home from school. I had been thinking of the gym all day. I was hungry, didn't have any lunch. In fact, I didn't eat because I spent the money. For the past month I was saving up for something. Something special which I bought at GNC. I was surprised they didn't ask for ID; I was pretty sure the cashier noticed how nervous I was. Anyways, my mom asked my how my day was when I got home, but I ignored her. I have more important things to do. I run to the bathroom and unpack my bag. In my school bag is a white plastic bag from GNC. I open the bag, first removing the receipt and flushing it down the toilet to get rid of the evidence. My heart was racing now. I unpack the creatine monster from the bag.

I wonder what people will be asking me when they see that I will be 50lbs heavier. Should I say I was just eating a lot? I remove the label from the tub and tear it into a thousand small pieces. I flush that down the toilet, too. It is time now. I run up to my room when my mom ask me what I am holding. I panic, sweat drips down my forehead and my teeth chatter. "Mom, it's just for a school project". "What project?" "I don't know mom I just started it!". A tear runs down my cheek. I run upstairs and open the creatine, scooping upservings into a clear water bottle. What have I gotten myself into? I fill it with water and drink it. There is no turning back now. The creatine monster is inside me now, it will control me. What should I do if I die? I cant let my family know about this.

I open the creatine tub and throw it all out the window; a white cloud of mysterious dust sparkles into the wind so graciously. I feel the substance taking control of me; I am now the monster. I walk downstairs, its time to work out; time to get big. Now I worry, I don't want to get too big; people will think I use steroids. I do use steroids. No I don't. Creatine. All I see is the weights now, I am almost downstairs when I hear "Do you want a cookie I just baked". I know I do not have time for this shit now. "No mom I do not want a cookie" I walk in the basement and drop to my knees before the weights, tears running down my cheeks. I turn to the right and look at myself in the mirror. Oh god, what have I done?


Anyone who takes part in any kind of 'challenge' deserves death and worse.

How the fuck does this cause a heart attack?

We can’t take her word for it, she did a Tik Tok challenge after all.. She probably just had a panic attack.

"I saw it on TikTok so I decided to try it" jfc, if you see someone eat dog shit on Tiktok are you going to do that too? Wtf is wrong with people.