Having finally gotten over a bad case of bat soup induced sickness, China recovers with some chicken soup.

1  2021-06-01 by busslordlowkeybussin


Hopefully, they have learned a lesson with COVID-19 and will be upfront and out fast with info from now on.

And maybe DDR will be sworn back in this summer

DDR survived covid, can DDD survive bird flu? I hope not because Commander in chief KamKam gives me a drama-rager.

Wouldn't it be awful if Kamala became president, put all the pot heads in labor camps, and then accidentally tripped, fell out of all her clothes, and landed in my bubble bath? Haha that sure would be a problem

Good on you for not succumbing to the obvious KamKam using her cuffs on you then riding you to 2pac's greatest hits fantasy. Tbh It's my personal favourite.

KamKam 😂😂😂😂

pot heads in labor camps


How much work would actually get done?

It’s not about the work, it’s about spite and power tripping.


And also my lust for a stern older woman in a position of extreme power

position of extreme power

Like most vice presidents in this era, Garner had little to do and little influence on the president's policies. He famously described the vice presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm piss" (for many years, this quote was bowdlerized as "warm spit".)


No shit, but we're talking about a theoretical President Harris in my bubble bath

Just out of curiousity, how big is this bubble bath?

Big enough for all of arrr drama.

It depends on the president. Cheney and Pence did more than their presidents I say.

Wait, when did you get based?😳


“The risk of wide spread is low”

Not this shit again

Panda propaganda to scare the boomers.

Iunno, I don't want the CCP calling me racist or anything, else they'll finally just create their own Disney or NBA. Let's just see how this plays out, and not do anything rash like ban Chinese travel.

Everytime a dramat@rd says "we need a plague" on degen posts, China obliges

Fuck, maybe I should become a commie and support the CCP then 😬

As we all know, China does an excellent job containing pandemics.

Expect a lot more of these coming out of china over the next decade. I’m surprised India hasn’t shat out a pandemic yet tbh.

Why more? Surely glorious leader Xi will see this as an impediment to strong GDP growth and will act firmly.

They can project orderliness and strength as much as they want but the CCP’s only real area of competence is doing a debt colonization in africa and guiding the economy (that one is a bit contentious and complicated though).
These pandemics happen because already existing viruses in animals make the jump over to humans, and because this is china with over 1.4 billion people and where everyone will eat anything that has 4 legs and isn’t a table it means they have a far higher pandemic potential than their neighbors. Nothing short of a unprecedented social engineering campaign that would make the cultural revolution look minuscule would change that.

Don't forget a total monopoly on rare earth minerals

Anytime any other nation wants to compete china ramps up production and puts other nations projects into deep red

They have maybe 30% of total deposits, iirc. What they do have is an experienced logistics network, already up and running for years, which is why they produce so much of the world's supply at the moment.

China's biggest economic strength right now is colocality. They've been able to entice the entire bottom portion of the production chain to their country over the past three decades, both through industrial parks and special economic zones, as well as generous government subsidy.

If there were signs of an imminent conflict, there are other sources of rare earth metals. It would just have very high up front costs and require ramping up the necessary infrastructure, logistics, and personel to match minimum demand.

Don't forget a total monopoly on rare earth minerals

There's a lot more other places, for lots of reasons they haven't been dug into yet.

Well fuck. I guess since they increased the child policy to allow 3 children is only gonna make things worse too.

The child policy thing won’t change anything tbh. While china still has a large rural population that will pump out a lot of kids, their extremely large urban population are living through the start of china’s move into post-industrialization, which means that birth rates are going to decline dramatically like they do in virtually every developed nation for a dozen different reasons. China is going to have Japan’s age demographic problem on a much larger scale in 20-30 years and the 3 child policy won’t fix that.

I wouldn’t put past them to force couples to make more children

It's too late for the Chinese government to put that demographic Pandora back in her box. They already have a professional middle class that should have been having more kids 20 years ago. That gap, and the population reproduction trends that accompany increasing household income, mean that the damage has already been done.

Nothing short of a unprecedented social engineering campaign that would make the cultural revolution look minuscule would change that.

no come on it can't be that hard to make people stop eating filth

that one is a bit contentious and complicated though

"a bit"

impediment to strong GDP growth

How so? With the right pandemic, their old people problem will be solved within a year or two.

Huh I never thought about it like that. No need for pensions or elder healthcare if you can just dispose of them. You need to run for congress asap with this policy platform.

I’m surprised India hasn’t shat out a pandemic yet tbh.

India is so bad at getting things done, they can't even put out a pandemic smh.

I cope by thinking about COVID as the perfect disease to spread worldwide. Lowish death rate while still being significant, huge amount of asymptomatic cases, airborne, highly infectious and long incubation time. Past SARs viruses always got hyped by the media but have been handled with minimal disruption. If anything, we'll start hearing about them more because countries are going to pour billions into tracking this shit now. If there was even a hint of some virus travelling around China/India, states would be much quicker to react with travel bans and lockdowns.

If there was even a hint of some virus travelling around China/India, states would be much quicker to react with travel bans and lockdowns.

Damn you weren’t lying, you really are coping.

I'm an optimist at heart 😌 😌 😌

At least they'd be faster than this time around, which isn't saying much lmao.

I’m surprised India hasn’t shat out a pandemic yet tbh.

Covid was the first Chinese pandemic to spread after the Chinese population started engaging in tourism on a large scale. Once India starts doing so you'll probably see something similar.


I’m surprised India hasn’t shat out a pandemic yet tbh.

they basically have with all the variants

Jesus what the hell are they doing to the animals over there

Stacking cages of live animals lol

Monkey shit combines with ferret shit combines with pig shit combines with bat shit. Then an unlucky chinaman pays for a bowl of that, and gets to spread Chinese Democracy in a way a bioweapons lab could only ever theorize.

"someone is doing the raping"

Crazed, sex starved Chinese peasants are 100% doing this.

I was more picturing a monkey forcing himself on a pangolin in his cage but maybe you're on something 🙈

The history of this is interesting:


Spoiler: it's rich people.


Please, some of us are allergic to smug 🤢

"Over there"?


I don't think Burgers have any room to talk sweaty.

The difference between American chicken farms and Chinese wet markets is that one is just chickens and the other has every animal imaginable including bats which are known to carry a fuckton of viruses. Chicken farms are known to create flu viruses but they’re not nearly as dangerous as Chinese wet markets.

🦇🍜 cope

Just glass the Mainland, please.

I really can't stand watching the beautiful and glorious Middle Kingdom getting Marx'd anymore.

Just make Chinese the new Jew, and disperse us to the eight corners of the world while the world glass that place.

There's enough genetic material in HK and Taiwan to repopulate future North Taiwan.

The commie sympathizers in those two places would probably mellow down, as well.

HK and Taiwan are way too packed. Those people got no chills online because of all the bs happening in those places, especially when they talk about their future. The new free estate would probably get the Chinese race some chill they desperately needs.

Tbf I get why China is so mad. I'd be mad too if some Br*tish showed up and cucked me into smoking opium. Imagine a world where they got China hooked on weed instead.

The bureaucracy and the thought process of automatically putting anybody non-Chinese into the "barbarian" category really screwed the Chinese over. This is also a rather population topic for some Chinese nationalists to blame it all on the Manchus. They would argue the Ming dynasty would not have stoop this low.

Imagine a world where they got China hooked on weed instead.

"Yeah man, just like, flow with the nature, dude."

Taoist supremacist state, here we come.

Ackkkktually, Han Chinese is an arbitrary term that's been dumped on 95% of their diverse population. They're as homogenous as the Amerimutts.

I have already accepted that I am a mutt a long time ago.

I would just use Han-Chinese as a measurement of how assimilated they are into the Chinese culture. Like people talk about Romans.

they got China hooked on weed instead.

They tried, but the people demanded opium. Capitalists and Marxists alike have recognized that the Will of the People is absolute.

Who are you to deny them their right to consume?

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


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i stg if this turns into another pandemic i'm going to shoot up a laundromat

I swear to god, If the 🦇🍴-oids fuck up again, I will forget everything Uncle Ted taught me (or i guess take it *really to heart) and personally ship a nuke to rice-stan.

These racist headlines are only humiliating to the low IQs that writes them.

Imagine how low IQ you have to be to think bat soup is food. Oh wait we don't have to imagine because the people of North Taiwan did it.

Taiwan is real, China doesn't exist sweetie.


Taiwan province is the only province in China without electricity and with a third world sht hole infrastructure just like the US.

Taiwan is a country. It's better than China too.


Dengist btfo.

Wait, actually, don’t respond. I don’t want to be responsible for 50cents being loaded into your worthless pockets.

Imagine you're a top graduate fresh out of Peking University. Your father is a high-ranking party official so you apply for, and get a coveted job in the CCP intelligence services. Your division supervisor meets you on the first day. Glancing over your profile, after noting your high social credit score, he enquires,

"I see you've studied English for many years. You're fluent?"

"Yes sir, very fluent."

"Good. You'll be working inside Western networks to infiltrate and disrupt the American running dogs.'

You couldn't be more excited: Everything you've studied and worked for has come to this. You'll be like a real-life James Bond, only because you'll be working online, you won't have to drink martinis (which makes you sick) or talk to girls IRL (which makes you nervous).

You report to your workstation excited and ready to get started. Signing in, you see a badly-formatted PDF full of screenshots from some site called reddit-dot-com.

Cadet, your first assignment is to memorize the following terms and learn to use them in idiomatic English:


As you read on, scrolling through page after page of near-gibberish, the product of minds damaged by years of exposure to decadent western culture, you become confused and depressed. This job was not what you thought it would be. You will not be like Mr. James Bond at all.

Bruh lmfao