(Not drama) It was a mistake to tell them to make their own Coachella.

1  2021-06-01 by busslordlowkeybussin


the demographic that shows up to this shit has to be fascinating.

The demographics are probably going to be the same as the ones for most of the post-election rallies.

average age is 40-60 years old mostly suburban upper middle class ~70% white almost everyone has some form of undiagnosed mental illness

almost everyone has some form of undiagnosed mental illness

aka fent

But now they're pro-Myanmar

I would be worried if these "people" weren't so hilariously incompetent a coups

I'm surprised she didn't pronounce it like the rest do: Minuhmahr

I wonder if the total heart attack count will be higher than the daddy rally at the Capitol 🤔

The mental illness is called being BASED!!1!1!111!


I hope that guy with the channel all gas no brakes shows up.

I'd even be willing to pitch in money to make it happen.

He's got a new channel. He split from his producers who owned the rights to that channel and name.

Ahh, good to know. Thanks.

Whats the new one?

I can already see them taking pics of DDR on the jumbotron to upload to Facebook.

If only All Gas No Brakes was around to document that


This is real? I thought this was a shop. One of our finest dramautists needs to infiltrate and report.

I'm disappointed that they didn't book at least one professional wrestler.

Trump's on the jumbotron, tho


Wtf is wrong with burgers that they

1: vote someone who was in this for president

2: watch wrestling in the first place

Never got the appeal of wrestling/WWE but I think I get it now, it's the beautiful spectacle I never knew I wanted.

They finally got an angle that makes charlie kirks face look normal.

He looks strangely seductive. Like he wants to go from PragerU to Prager-inside-U.

Omg he looks like a Moral Orel character can u imagine

He kinda looks like Clay

Its called photoshop sweaty. you either make the man big or you make everybody else smaller. contractual obligations

Can you imagine not only enduring 4 and a half hours of this shit, but actually paying for it?

I'm just trying to smoke crack backstage with the MyPillow junta

But Wisconsin already has Country USA 🤔🤔🤔

I kinda wanna go and see this freakshow...

That's the best poster they could make? Real low-energy stuff.

Well I doubt many people under 50 support this so that really limits their options for graphic designers

The rightoid equivalent of HWNDU?

Donald Trump is in the Teevee

as it should be

I didn't know Dinish had a cute daugter.

I actually live somewhat near him. Went by his house once. No hints, but if I didn't have a friend that lives a block away, I wouldn't be able to get within 1/2 mile of his house. He's not pillow man, but he's doing pretty well financially.


Ben Shapiro counterpart

Ah man that's sad. She do look physically good. Ben if he worked out a little and was taller, based on looks alone (not voice) I could see that.

I'm not sure I get your angle here, but I meant the "rightoid manlet with hot relative" thing lol

Where you taking about sweet Abby? I apologize. She is beautiful. I think she is taller than Ben.

Well yes I was comparing these 2 situations.

I picture Ben and D'nesh meet up for a serious professional rightwing conference over a dinner table to discuss the future of this country and its traditions, while their sisters start subtly eyeing each other while graciously sipping on their fine wine glasses; would be pretty cool.

I think That is Dinesh's daughter. But yes Abby and Daniella collab when?

One must hope.

Man muss hoffen

