Iron dome superhero vs captain palestine on bird app.

1  2021-06-01 by Pokanot


It’s honestly starting to feel like Zionism is the more politically incorrect/edgy position now.

In real life it's the mainstream position. Online though it is definitely more fun to be a zionist because of being able to piss off the rightoids and leftoids at the same time.

The mainstream opinion is: what's that? Oh, are people bombing each other in the middle east again? I think I saw something about that on the news last night. That's too bad. sip

Centrism wins again 😎

honestly seeing blue checkmarks support palestine is the best argument for zionism you could ever ask for

your mom gave me some irondome


He should have a young sidekick named Shabbos-Boy who takes over his duties on Saturdays.

Wholesome Druze moment.

Isn't that all the replies?

Can't wait for the cool fanart edits πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

Knowing Disney, they would probably replace captain America with him.

If only they would. People would be fuming while still watching all the movies about him and collecting the funko pops.

I wish some of the more based ones took over.

Tulsi I believe is israelpilled

I'd suggest featuring him in the comics, but even I don't read mainstream superhero comics anymore.

I thought this was a shitpost, but I am very glad it isnt. I can't wait to support America's Israel's NEW greatest ally superhero

Honestly, it looks pretty decent. Color Palette is great.

TBH I'd watch 12 Marvel movies of him killing Arab kids.

Only way I'd ever watch a capeshit or rat-corp movie again.

You hear that, Disney? You want those filthy filthy industrial Benjamin's?

Capeshit truly has ruined an entire generation...

The "strength of convictions:pronouns in bio" ratio in those replies is too damn high.

Daily reminder that Twitter deserves to get mailπŸ’πŸ“¦

And that it is a complete mess of a site that doesn't represent any real life population and that it is a danger to democracy by how directly twittertards can interact with politicians and influence them compared to how much they should be listened to.

For Saint Ted's sake I hope ADX Florence doesn't have Internet access and the TV doesn't have any programs where tweets could be shown.


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


  1. Iron dome superhero vs captain pale... -,*

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