🎼 Jinjer- Pisces 🎶

1  2021-06-01 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Not bad!

edit: nvm, I got after a minute into it, and that's bad.

edit 2: Yeah this is terrible. What the hell is wrong with these people?

It’s not bad smh. It’s a metal band lmao. Judgment and punishment is another good song of there’s it’s got reggae singing, mental growling, and classic rock sounding bars.

Spiritbox is also good they do metal and popish stuff and mixed stuff. Not to mention their Constance song which is just super sad.

I'm sorry. I have to disagree with you here. That sort of metal screaming is just terrible. Or at least that example doesn't have it.

I've really never liked that kind of thing at all, but the closest thing that I can think of that I qualify as skill and art is maybe Pantera or Motorhead.

Whatever. Go listen to this by spiritbox.

I tried. :(

Tried or cried? Shit I lost my grandma who helped raised me last year the first time I heard Constance I sobbed and I’m not normally an outwardly emotional person.

I truly acknowledge that and sorry for your loss.

I do understand different music affects people differently. Different moments in life, different times, different places and I never really mean to demean other people's taste or particular moment in their life when a song or a composition particularly touches their soul. ;)

Secret Garden is a great song.

Also why are you posting this here? I don't think drama users like anything other than anime OST's and dad rock.

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Great, now we have two NorthEastFaceposters? 😑

I’ve always posted music from time to time.

time to time


I've always liked this song despite hating screaming metal, might be because I think the singer is hot

Tatiana is hot. She’s got some serious vocal talent especially voice and range switching in different song. I’m not much of metal head but if you like non screaming metal unleash the archers is power metal blend group full of talented musicians, plus Britney slayes (ya that’s her real last name) vocals are phenomenal. They’ve got a two album whole epic fantasy story. If you like operatic/symphonic whatever it’s called metal night wish with floor Jansen singing is pretty cool. Ghost love score is what id recommend from them as a starter.

despite hating

Don't hate. You may strongly dislike something, but don't hate.

ok, I strongly dislike screaming and guttural vocals.

Ok now we can agree on something. I strongly dislike the screaming in some types of music as well, but as far guttural sounds there are some that are ok. Jewel does that very well.

But just rabid screaming? No. That's always shit tier "music".

This is the closest thing to the shitty screaming type of music that I consider acceptable:


I like Jinjer posting.