Dinosaur 🦖 post: Amargasaurus

1  2021-06-02 by Aevann69


im linking to ur post 😭😭😭 (the correct one this time not the one that was removed)

I removed it bc it was a DUPLICATE and wasn’t the pinned one with the PICTURE.

Also wow, what a cool website. What is this?

Fbi ccp nsa Kremlin backed intel harvesting site because everyone knows drama posters have either 70 iq or 140 iq

Return of the dino. 🦕🥰

Let's hang this imposter!!! In ark. That is.

Do the one with all the teeth

Can you narrow that down for me bro

I'm not picky. Maybe one with more than 400 teeth if that exists.

Remember when the Animorphs went back in time and acquired dinosaur morphs and it convinces woke bae Cassie to quit the team because she kills a Triceratops while in T-Rex Morph?

And then ummm I think...I'm pretty sure they genocide a race of lobster people aliens at the end of that book?

Wasn’t that a gateway book series for furries?

That certainly sounds right

Wait just one second....

This isn't cdace...

I'm going to take my last bit of pride with me and not go over to the broke dick site. Is this the end?

Ngl, the direct linking is kinda like crack to an addict.

Is this the end?

It is unless Lawlz posts his shaven bussy on reddit dot com slash are slash drama.

Spread the word!

Big lizard

Argentina gets all the good dinos. Wait you're not cdace 😡😡😡



We had a teacher that we literally called amargasaurio! Amargado means "bitter" in Spanish, and that man was some insufferable old twat. I think he has so mean because his wife made him miserable.

(((The Elites))) don't want you to know this, but there is no U.S. law against owning a dino. If you trap an Amargasaurus, you can saddle it up and ride it up and down Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden, Fauci, Comet Pizza, and the rest of the lizard people shills can't do a damn thing about it other than SEETHE.
