Renters mad

1  2021-06-02 by offshoreredditaccnt


so AHS is CPosting again, huh?

I thought the last time they were caught doing it the Moderators did something to them

Why would they though. They have neckbeards working around the clock to get rid of no-no subs. Free labor is free labor

AHScels would make great labor slaves if they were physically fit.

They could move to china and make 10 cents an hour by replying to ccp detractors on

That would never work. The Chinese do not tolerate degenerates.

AHS are useful idiots (emphasis on idiots) that the j*nnies use to their advantage.


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I'll never understand this.

Do these people not have anything else going on in their lives? I mean I already spend too much time on reddit but at least during my time here I get to laugh at other people and feel entertained. Meanwhile these people spent half their life on this godforsaken site just to be permanently salty and enraged. Why do they care so much?


That’s reddit’s resident Nazi hunter (who should be hired and paid $175,000 if reddit wasn’t so cowardly) you’re talking about.

i think that post was actually so embarassing, even to a literal AHS mod, that xzhey deleted it. Takes a lot to make a janny feel shame

Do you have that post saved somewhere? I think it's gone.

Lol that's not who I want it to be is it?

Hint 🤢

Yeah, it was "singing fish flap"

Of course, who else would it be?

Lol good

you can instantly tell by the length and amount of formatting

I had to stop reading this half way through because he used the term "upshot" 5000 times. I didn't even understand what it meant. I hate him




Lets stay in the realm of reality


do british trains have any hope?

They are cursed by god

So are all the ones outside Bongistan. The only difference is that some places outside Bongistan and a few other enlightened nations, which are unsurprisingly mostly Muslim majority nations, are coddling them instead of telling them what they're on about is completely daft and shouldn't be marketed to children.

why would anyone inflict themselves with the black hole of sexual success of a british white steam train? No wonder they all wind up cuddling people of <18. They have zero options.






They don't. They just pretend to care to justify their bullying. Imagine getting to kick someone off the internet while acting like they're the ones hurting you by having their evil opinions. Imagine the seethe.

Sounds incredibly exhausting

Stop trying to make AHS users sound cool. You describe it like it's something we would do. That's just wrong. We we all know that they're like your maiden aunt's ill-tempered poodle and can't stop themselves from biting people and shitting everywhere.

The chief rentoid claims to do $180k worth of work for reddit per year for free.

That's valuable time they could be spending with the wife or kid.

As if anyone would want to a) spend time with them or b) have sex with them.

I think she divorced her before transitioning

Is it tardBin?

Who else could it be


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Do these people not have anything else going on in their lives

Did you forget what site you're on

You got me there

They’ve convinced themselves that they are moral and virtuous for ruin other people’s fun. They see happy people and hate them for it.

They are unironically bad people.

I think the worst part is how ineffective they are relative to the sheer amount of time they spend on reddit. If they wanted to shit on everyone's fun there are far better avenues for it. They're just lame.

It's all from one user.

Why do they care so much?

OCD + autism (unironically)

It's because their actual life is meaningless so they feel like they're fulfilling their moral obligation of ridding the interwebz of Hitler clones.

Little do they realize, silencing and shitting on right wingers and white people will do nothing but piss them off and join white nationalist or right wing combat groups like Proud Boys, Patriot Front, or RAM.

They regularly preach their vast knowledge of WW2 history as if the only thing that happened was some dude named Hitler came out of nowhere and coerced everyone into letting him slaughter Jews, but they leave out the fact that the Weimar Republic was a major turning point in the authoritarianism of the NSDAP, and they're repeating to a tee what was happening in Weimar at the time.


they're printing currency to zimbabwean inflation levels?

Culturally dude, come on.

They hate Jews? (Israel)

Hilariously, yeah. The "progressive activists" I know despise Zionism and are completely against Israel.

However that's not necessarily what I'm referring to - the Weimar Republic was rapidly pushing for a "progressive" culture - drag queens, tr*ns, hyper acceptance of LGBT, prostitution, drug use, and the straw that broke the camel's back would be the attempted implementation of a central bank, instead of backing their currency with their own gold reserve.


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Yes Biden is.

And it will end the same way. Ww3 and violence


Have you not been paying attention to the last few years? The Bush/Obama stimulus, "quantitative easing," and recent trillions in "COVID relief" are exactly the sort of shit that helped destroy the German economy. The ridiculous 'reparations' they were expected to pay after WWI certainly didn't help, but the fallout from that and their fiscal policy were a disaster.

Of course they have nothing else going on in their lives. These are people who, in the days before the internet, would have been completely ignored. Society allowed, at most, one or two of them in a community, and even then they were pariahs and misfits.

Unfortunately, the internet has removed the societal pressures that used to keep them in check and they have formed their own communities of bizarre and deviant idiots. They used to know to keep their heads down and their mouths shut. They now believe they can safely speak their demented thoughts and make demands of others because of a distorted sense of majority achieved by allowing a few hundred (or, God help us, thousand) of them to congregate on a shitty web forum.

Twitter, of course, feeds this phenomenon. The only people who seriously use Twitter are either shilling themselves and their work or are the sort of repulsive, abnormal, barely intelligent gene pool mold you find in American Horror Story. The press makes that even worse by treating Twitter as if it is some sort of reflection of the popular culture and the hot takes from absolute sociopaths are an accurate reflection of popular opinion.

In short, we have allowed the people we once knew shouldn't be trusted alone to have an outsized voice as a group in what goes on in our society. In all sad words of song and pen, the saddest are these: Uncle Ted was right again.

It gives them a purpose in life, as pathetic as that sounds, they are not wasting their lives on an internet forum, they are fIgHTinG FAsCIsM.

They get to feel righteous. It's the same feeling that the KKK had lighting up a cross on black peoples front lawn it's totally the same thing shut up. More power to them, honestly, it feels better than crack.

how do you read those sub names and not realize you're being baited?

Well it is the first of the month and RENT IS DUE

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Did they ban you for alphabet usage?


well did you get permission from jannies to use the alphabets.

Depends. In landchad communities, yes. In rentoid communities, no.

It's even more hilarious seeing pissed off lefties log serious, formal punishments for someone typing "N"


Watch out. If you say their name you might end up summoning them, then they'll go through your post history.

Your comment history is appalling.

Thank you 😍

I have a custom feed named Cum Zone for your posts now


Your user name has been the inspiration for many google searches.

Enjoy all the horse porn in mine?

That's why I fill mine with furry porn

That will only excite AHS. You need to fill it with pics of wholesome families enjoying picnics to really make them mad.

Ohhhhh how dare you have a happy family and not be furious 24/7 about issues throughout the world that have no basis in reality.

You need to fill it with pics of wholesome white families enjoying picnics to really make them mad.

All they’ll find is fence sitting centrism, a mix of misogynistic jokes scattershot with feminist serious-posting and that I like obscure capeshit but hate marvel. So maybe I should be worried as that’s like the opposite of their core values

obscure capeshit


I used to enjoy saying something mildly controversial in large subs and getting the Nicuragua Bot flung at me only for it to come up with nothing and watch them stammer looking for something else

Of course they have the "type" of harrasment neatly categorised and flaired.

Qanon-esque lmao, absolutely delusional

I can’t even think of a way it’s even like Qanon lol.

QAnon is literally anything right of communism.

Remember a month ago when "COVID might have come from the Wuhan lab" was 'literally' a Q-Anon conspiracy? Most of my fellow rightoids are dumber than a bag of dicks but lefties have the memory of a goldfish.

they do it for free

🎶 Everyone I don't like is literally a nazi qultist🎶


I guess "incel" has become too overused even by them?

Imagine losing your mind over a handful of nonsensical boomers rambling about shapeshifting lizards and birds not being real

It's actually a very apt flair in that everything they said was so wrong it's on the point of being delusional

I miss Deuxrama

Duex became a shithole and dos followed with it

implying this entire website isn’t a shit hole.

It was our shithole at least.

Yeah but it was a fun shithole

Exactly. I never cared for Duex, smuggies, MDE, CA, or the similar ones at their core. But holy fuck was it fun to browse. Not only seeing funny comments that refused to hold back but the seethe those places produced was glorious.

You're acting as if Deux can be grouped together with those subs lol

I’m just listing off what they took from us. They may not be the same, but they had the same energy. Grow some wrinkles on that smooth brain and think for once.

They didn't have the same energy either - don't call me smoothbrain and show your passport.

You seem upset

Wrong and suspicious answer

Deux was just the frontend of a chatgroup lol

You’re not supposed to talk about it 🤫

Have you tried Duexchat?🇨🇵

was deux the retarded offspring of arrrrrrghdrama that let in a few too many MDEtards?


haha thats why it was so fun...

idk it was fun when there weren't any fugees - they came and went in waves, and sucked way more fun out than they ever "brought";

cause the thing with pollack memes is, they're really the funniest when they're snatched by norms and btards etc. - the actual rightoid places where they emerge from are otherwise filled with butthurt, pious moral outrage and boomer seethe, and that's what Deux turned into whenever they came over.

Nah, dos just got banned spontaneously for "evasion" - there were no pollacks there as far as I've seen.

Deux was fine until all the race shit kicked off when those rednecks murdered that jogging criminal early in 2020. I don't get particularly offended by racism on the internet as long as it's funny, but MDEfugees are just flat out annoying.

supposed dramanaut

Cries about intentionally inflammatory rightoid posts

Deuxrama peaked during that time, as is evident in the fact that it got banned while this neutered shithole is just slowly killing itself

They literally stopped linking to drama, the entire sub devolved into shitty /pol/ memes and people spelling the n word in comment chains. I mean I would have loved it when I was like 14, that was the kinda shit I did on 4chan and iFunny, but doesn't it get old for you after a while? Either way no one's robbing you of that experience now, just go to ruqqus or voat.

Zweirama and dxama were far superior offshoots, but luckily I'm not an unapprovedcel so I never had to mingle too much with the commoners 👸💁‍♀️


Yeah no, deuxrama on ruqqus only contains rightoids now.

Zweirama was same as an eunuchs heaven as this sub is, I got banned for stating that a Xrama sub that doesn't get banned is shit tier at best.

Lol rightoids don't "intentionally inflammatory", they're serious about what they post and they want you to be serious as well.

Deux might've very well have been banned due to edgy "inflammatory" posts by Dramatards, maybe even posts of similar type and content - however as it happens it was a bunch of invaders from Groypermovement and similar places, who're serious and preachy about this stuff much more than they are any kind if "peak fun".

r/Drama currently has no trouble dealing with controversial content - it's just without the linking and pinging, and Deux didn't have those due to the groypefugees lol.

Another suspicious stereotypical comment by a user whose early Pushshift history no one's searched yet... always interesting when this happens.

Biggie Floyd memes werent even rightoid, they were hilariously obnoxious and tasteless, the exact amount of salt in the wound and the reason that sub got banned.

Brigading other subs and exaggerating and ruining any overly serious nerdfest with even more inflammatory comments was the deux-crown principle.

All of it is lost 😔

Yeah but I meant it happened to be fugees who were doing it, not the natives.

Although tbqh I wasn't there during the end - the notion that the groypers finally took over in the last several weeks or so is just what everybody else is saying lol. All I saw myself were their previous flood waves where they started seriousposting about family values and upvoting each other etc.

Kinda how arr coomer and arr consoomer went to shit.

I don't remember cringe rightoid posting but then again I might be blinded by my glasses of nostalgia


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Fr*nch apologist 🤢🤢🤢

Deuxrama and brapbarn are the only two subreddits I've grieved for. MDEcels could die idc


Oh no people posting mean things on internet!



If you have ever wondered what kind of people joined the Gestapo, they are a perfect example.

Man I miss BrapBarn

I don't even understand why it got banned. Why not ban fat fetish subs too?

They'll never take r wgbeforeafter away from me.

Damn city folks trynna take our hogs 😭

Oh my God that one fan related air conditioning sub was fucking halirious

AHS just wanted to take down one epic sub full of friendly air conditioning repairmen, because apparently air conditioning is racist😤

All Air Matters!

Is there anyone more cucked than a landlord?

I give him money so I can be inside and enjoy his home. I don't have to deal with any of the problems. Any issues with the house and I call my landlord, out he comes, with a twinge of embarrassment on his face that his home is not living up to standard. I don't mow the lawn, fix the dryer, or address a leaky sink.

I can watch TV, or bang my wife, or sleep in while all that is taken care of for me.

Thats why you pay a 10000% premium. Also a good landlord doesnt do shit himself, he either pays a company to do the dirty work or doesnt do anything at all because what are the renters gonna do?

Um, sweety, lots to unpack here, but this comment reeks of landphobia, so just try to be better, k? 💅

I think the n*tives already claimed landphobia you colonizer

That’s why you have to tip your landlord or landlady

I even help my landlady carry out her garbejjjjjjj...

Why do they fall so easily for a troll sub

Trolling? Oh, sorry, you mean crypto-hate

What's the value of crypto hate coin?

The market's currently manipulated by the Tether scam; in an ideal world, though, one cryptohatecoin is a hundred dramacoin.

Ha, the joke's on you. Cryptohatecoin is just Dramacoin with different branding. It's all the same pool of currency.

I actually don't know much about the technology side of it. I just need it to moon, so that we can afford pinging again :(


Just like SRD they can't distinguish between trolling/satire and seriousposting. It's a common issue for people on the spectrum. They seriously believe that L4L is made up of actual landlords posting about stealing their rentoids' funko pops.

No, the AHS types are online enough to know better. That’s why they accuse it of being a “ban evasion” (despite predating all the banned subs it’s supposedly evading) subreddit first and foremost. At most they deliberately choose to misinterpret posts in the most negative way possible.

They want it banned specifically because it’s a drama-adjacent bait sub. The Reddit powerjannie cabal hates this subreddit. There’s been tons of shit like the Banout that were nothing but weird conspiracies to try and get us banned.

You know you're doing the Lord's work when people like that hate you and can't stop thinking about you.

No joke dont think the people posting on those subs can tell the different either reddit is known for that breed of moron

No, they recognize the satire but think it’s used to hide “hate” or “bigotry” which makes it not satire. It’s just massive mental gymnastics against the fact it’s just a bait sub making fun of them

Probably because their rent just went up and they're salty

Ooooh, this is one I've been waiting for since they told landchads they couldn't kick people out for not paying rent. Once COVID is over and all the excuses are gone rates are going to rocket at the end of people's leases so the landchads can recoup their losses. The seethe, especially with the current inflation issues, is going to be epic.

Oh yeah, people are returning to major cities now that they aren't desolate wastelands anymore

Planning on jacking up my rentoids' rent later on this year the way things are going

Fuck yeah



Nice to see they-who-shall-not-be-named finally mustered up the courage to retake their place as grade-A lowcows.

I was actually getting worried we'd lose them for good since they seemed to go on radio silence after the British-trams-admin-who-shall-not-be-named Incident.

I wonder if they will muster the courage to beat their wife again lmao.

Which jannie was that again. The 150k a year jannie who does it for free?

Oh no AHS is posting illegal photos again?


Personally I'm more against hat subreddits, especially r_fedora

Literally LoveForLandlords was the first "LoveFor" subreddit, honestly anyone even remotely familiar with this community knows that this is complete horseshit.

LoveForScalpers is also a very close second

Wow, pretty ignorant equating Landlords with Billionaires. The large majority of rental properties are owned by independent small business individuals.

I'd like to have an AgainstIncelSubreddits sub, but the entire post catalog would just be American Horror Story-cels

You should make it, you can mix posting RW incel posts and cracking down on MDEfugees with posting whenever a Breadtuber or AHS person talks about being dateless

Be the change you want to see in the world ✨❤️

They forgot Love For Inqusitors who got banned in like 3 days, witches control this world.

This is what they took away from you ;(

AHS is just mad that us landchads don't accept funkypops as a form of payment.

Also rent was due yesterday Chapocels. Pay up.

how can it be a ban evasion sub if it was the first one?


reminder that the mayo telling latinos their word for black was offensive is an AHS poster

Average landphobe rentoid


Don't remind me 😭

Maybe if they didn’t spend so much money on awards for a shitty post on Reddit they wouldn’t have so much problem making their rent

LoveForLandlords has been one of this sub's finest achievements.

So much hatred in their hearts, smh.

lol "Q anon"

QAnon-esque is a funny fucking statement

Q who?

How much do they get paid for all this?




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