M*ther pulls out gun to protect son from a heckin dangerous boxer puppy, ends up wounding him instead.

1  2021-06-02 by The_Live_Ghost


Knowing what i know about houston women, the dog was nowhere near them and she was just exercising her right to be a bitch while gratuitously injuring her own child.

I'm too lazy to watch the video but redditors said she drew her gun because a Person of Hispania (the doggo owner) yelled in her vicinity then she shot towards the pupper and hit her child instead because of internalized FDS.

Which sounds like a perfectly reasonable thing a Houston person of womb would do.

I watched it. She basically got karma'd for trying to kill a goofy ass puppy who didn't even know what the hell was going on.

Yep, psychopaths like this are just itching to kill shit.

They better throw the book at her.

Would CPS taking away the child she shot be punishing her or rewarding her? 🤔

It would be saving the child and us from her.

Yep lmao, she fucked up

Woman moment

Foids and guns, name a better duo.

The dog owner got a class 3 misdemeanor for having an animal off leash. I don't think I have had my dog on a leash in 8 years except the vet. Never been given a mf misdemeanor aka the same crime severity as intentionally giving someone HIV.


And the winner for dumbest cunt in the universe goes to

I wanna know how tf you hit your own kid when shooting at something across the street.