Bird place angers bird app for no posts on this gayest of months. Replies are incredibly constructive and definitely do not boil down to the same image spammed.

1  2021-06-02 by Bagtot


Competitorcycle @competitorcycle 3h What does that even mean?

what's this @_likeasorethumb 2h They actively fund groups in other countries that murder queer people

Chic Fil A funds ISIS?

The way leftoids just say whatever and it works is hilarious, like the other day they said musk used Congolese child slaves to build his rockets and everyone just rolled with it

yeah and some actress went to a ball in some former confederate state when she was 19. the ball had banned black people like 30 years before she attended.


These people literally sit on twitter 10+ hours a day looking for any little thing they can find to attack someone for wrong-think.

Meanwhile we sit on reddit 10+ hours a day looking for any little thing they can find to laugh at


They fund Hamas

Mashallah! πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸš€πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

Chic Fil A is now officially halal.

If true I am going to eat there everyday for the rest of my life.

Good luck with the fucking lines.

There was always like a 30 minute wait whenever I'd stop by back when I lived in the south. I finally put up with it once to see what the food was like and it's pretty fucking good, but it's not worth the wait.

Is there a chickfila alphabet soup death squad out there or something?

If you say death squads one more time.... 😑

We have been promised all types of death squads, none have materialized.

Don't let your dreams be dreams. Be the change you want to see.

This is why the Middle East is based, they actually walk the walk when it comes to death squads of all shapes and sizes

The death squad death squads are just too good at their jobs. Sorry.

Be the death squad you want to see in the world. in_minecraft

Please don't remind me. I was promised a fascist state, and WW III.

Look where we are now.



Chik fil a could literally send hitmen to kill me and I would still eat there tbh

Theyre an amazing business tbh; how they can get all cute girls to work the most visible jobs while the men are in the back. Not a single ham planet working a chik fil a. Sweet, moist, genocide chicken.

There's a fatty at the one near me. πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

Report it to corporate, the death squad will deploy shortly

Diversity hire.

50% of them are Blondes, 45% attractive not blondes, 5% typical fast food warm body to man the windows.

I feel like their food is mediocre but im also not a huge fast food person. Their sauce is amazing though.

I support them purely because other people dont like them

You can buy the chic fil a sauce at stores now by the way

Oh yeah i got a bottle in the fridge for my tendies

I know the cute drive though girl being forced to say "our pleasure" is weirdly psychosexual, but its miles better than raytheon saying they support the home of sexuals.

Somebody should replace the logo with the Palestinian flag

Lmao good job king

When did Chick Fill A come out in favour of furry and weab genocide?

imagine if they made their logo rainbow just to fuck with everyone lol

They would be fool to do it. Libs ain't going to like them, and they'll get the cons pissed.

Killing queers is a personal choice. As a latent homosexual, it seems like a huge hassle. But no judgments. The chicken comes into Chick-fil-A frozen. You can get frozen chicken tiddies and frozen waffle fries at the grocery store, deep fry them at home, and save mad money. Chick-fil-A is overpriced. Forget about throwing people off a roof. They sell overpriced glorified food that comes in frozen.

They pressure fry it, though. Nobody has an industrial pressure fryer at home. Just be addicted to industrialized/adulterated processed food and convenience like a normal person.


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