Developing drama... with less than a 10% vaccination rate, Japan is still trying to forge ahead with the 2021 Summer Olympics while over 10,000 Olympic volunteers jump ship

1  2021-06-03 by ohheckyeah


I mean with a booming population like Japan's, I can't blame them for wanting to cull the herd a bit.

it will kill the old ones which is pretty much what japan the world needs

Italy: sssshhhhhhh stop talking about killing the elderly

I will laugh for a thousand reincarnations if Tokyo has a shittier games than Rio


A kayaker got tipped over by a couch in the river

less than 10%

it's less than 3% lmao. and it's literally because they have like 40 million doses sitting in the freezer and half of them are never gonna get it because they're afraid of the softbank microchip. it's time for the yamatos to either admit that Goryeo already does everything they do better or grow some balls and help kim with reunification

Goryeo already does everything they do better

Yamato still make better anime and video games.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Developing drama... with less than ... -,*

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Snappy is sounding anti-vaxxy 😳

looks like it isn't just the West that's collapsing

Despite all "scandals" and drama, the west came through still the best, maybe except the US. Other places just hide their numbers and/or don't have the critical public and press to show the problems that exist.

China just hides their numbers because the country, despite all propaganda, is still the second most closed off place after North Korea. Russia made a lot of propaganda victories by shilling their garbage vaccine early on, but by now its biting them in the ass because it doesnt work, the vaccination program isn't working either, most places outside of the metropolises don't even get any doses, and even in the cities its really just the nomenclatura that gets it.

And Every other place is even worse.

he west came through still the best, maybe except the US

After china, the USA economy still performed the best by far during the recovery

Shamefur Dispray.

Why are there 10,000 olympic volunteers?

Because they are "voluntold" there.


Most athletes are young and healthy why are they afraid of a virus that doesn’t even kill fat and old fucks anymore

It's not the athletes who are complaining, you Korean.

Because you cant roid out when you have the wuhan wheeze.

Mayos gotta complain about what nations across entire oceans do with themselves.