Lolibertarians solves racism

1  2021-06-03 by Mathieu_van_der_Poel


Cease federal and state school funding

I need an unironic libertarian to explain how this is in any way a good idea.

People are already mega stupid so we might as well save on all the money.

Unironically this

this is actually a fairly defensible take imho

Well shit you've convinced me.

They'll send you an email with the lyrics to The Wall by Pink Floyd saying "Pretty deep, huh?"

The more r-slurs there are in the world, the more drama we'll have.

Defunding education is the obvious choice here.

Stop asking how things will get funded. I already answered that many times (but you won't be able to find my previous answers). So stop asking. It's the same question that people keep asking libertarians. It's an easy solution, so obvious, I'm surprised you can't see it.

Anyway, stop asking how things will be funded.

They don't have a coherent reason. Libertarians operate on a very simplistic plane.

Outside of the most intelligent libertarians (which are few and far between) the only metric by which they judge or score anything is based on less government = better.

No matter what it is.

They start from the assumption government is bad, and work everything else into it, and never have an explanation for how you go from point A to point B.

Schools have issues? Why not remove government funding. That'll fix em.

How? Who knows but government bad.

The 'ol "let the market decide" schtick is so well known, and you can't even bring it up.

You could have brought up actual arguments, like voucher system for private schools and chartered schools.

Are you on med today? Please stop doing that.

I think you're missing the point my man.

The market deciding is fine for many areas, it's however horrible for many other areas.

For example, the market is terrible when it comes to healthcare for numerous reasons.

The market tends to be horrible for regular education, too.

You can see this in charter schools where for profit charters perform much worse than non-profit charters.

One of the primary reasons is people prioritize, for one thing, sports over actually learning:

but Finn also blames parents. Learning why they sent their children to charters, he says, “was a real cold shower.” Surveys by the Center on Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington and others revealed that parents, especially low-income parents, often pick schools based on convenience and safety, “but pay little or no attention to whether the kids were learning anything,” says Finn. Demand for things like location, security, and athletic programs allowed failing charters to thrive.

Right here you have an example of the market failure in relation to education - that is the very purpose schools exist is tossed aside for something else.

This is what I mean - they aren't laying out a coherent flow chart for how we get from point A to point B. They just blindly declare the market will decide, without even acknowledging the fact the market often fails in this area, for most people.

My bad. I didn't word it clearly enough. I was hoping you would bring up those old arguments and debunk them in your usual long-post.

This is the response I was looking for. Thanks.

fuck teachercels, lmao

That’s it. That’s why it’s a good idea.

Female teachers rape kids at a greater rate than priests and trains combined

I love how they think this

Schools would be funded the same way they were when this country was founded

Is persuasive to anyone outside their bubble

I could get behind some social libertarian ideals if they weren't all such low IQ pedophiles

Probably something along the lines of "capitalism will sort it out by creating more competition driving enrollment prices down and education quality up."


I want to be able to get a trad twink that has never learned how to read.

As a sperm you chose to impregnate the egg of a poor woman in a poor school district. If you worked hard you could have been produced by a rich man's balls.

How to solve wokeness, according to NH lolberts:

  1. Repeal the Civil Rights Act

We're gonna need Pizzashill's take on this one 😂

Just repeal every law and act on the books, turn the nation into a 300 million person battle royale where anything goes, and see what happens.

Right-wing mayos winning that one. Remains to be seen whether or not the ricecels will side with them, but it probably wouldn’t make too much of a difference except for better medical services on the battlefield.

I think the inner city gang members will give them some trouble but I'm the end, rightoids control the food. He who controls the food wins the war

Sides don't matter, there can be only one survivor.

The war of all against all, finally!

Based and Hobbes-pilled.

Hate crimes can't exist if crimes don't. Done and done my dude.

  1. Repeal the Civil Rights Act

We're gonna need Pizzashill's take on this one 😂

😎 👑

Solving the woke problem by giving more power to megacorporations

Lmao. Why would corporations want to get rid of woketards when they can slap a "TRAIN RIGHTS" sticker on a banana and it'll sell a 100x more than usual?

Lolibertarians just want to get rid of schools so there's more kids on the streets to prey on.

This kids on the streets part unironically makes sense

Why should I care if the megacorpos want to take advantage of trains rights to upcharge them for a banana? I can always go to Chic Fil A for some cheap straight food.

You're right some mega corporations will double down on being anti woke for their advertising instead

Anti-anti-woke pandering when? How deep can we make this?

Bigot Chicken actually did stop their donations to the anti gay groups in a move to appease anti anti wokies but then they had to start them again after the anti anti anti wokies also boycotted them

I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt,

Lolibertarians' ears are ringing

because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems

And they've lost all interest again.

Don't worry guys the bears will deal with them soon enough

This is based and quite literally redpilled.

  • Repeal the Civil Rights Act
  • Eliminate disparate impact regulations
  • End affirmative action
  • Cease federal and state school funding

Why do "childhood contact sports" enthusiasts always have to include one batshit demand to a bunch of otherwise based takes? Do they hope that people will just nod off the rest of them because they spend all outrage on the one demand that then can get dropped? Like, why do they demand to end school funding to this?