Big tiddied old hag reminisces about having huge jugs ten years ago.

1  2021-06-03 by CherokeeSurprise


Wasn’t her entire role and career based off of being an object of the male gaze? Did she do any good acting in anything else? She knew what she was signing up for and now she’s no longer famous she’s shitting on it for not getting her more roles. I could be wrong because I never watched any of these shows but that’s my read on it

In Mad Men she's the head secretary or whatever and is introduced as the hot head office chick and a sidepiece for a partner of the firm.

So yes.

Lol yeh then she fucked that Jaguar dealership guy and became a partner even though they lost the client. She had a pretty good character arc but not as good as Pete.

the fact that I ended up liking him at the end is a testament to how great the writing on that show was

I love mad men so fucking much bros

Yeh fuck so good, top 5 show for me. So many great moments. The carousel pitch, the "you're not happy with anything" Dow Chemical pitch, Harry ending up becoming a sleaze, Layne's suicide, Duck Phillips the alcoholic drama queen, Betty going from a housewife to a bitch but her death still hitting hard and this classic Pete line. They managed to perfectly land the ending too.

It'll be tough to beat that show.

I love when layne fights pete - "you're a grimy little pimp" lol

also when they run over that british wank's foot with a lawnmower. also good lord the carousel/kodak pitch in season 1. also I would watch a prequel about young Sterling if they could fins someone as charismatic and funny as john slattery

always loved this 4chan take on the finale

Fuck that was a good explanation. He's right cause we never got closure on Sal who disappeared after being outed. People came and went.

Lmao yeh "he'll never golf again". So rslur but funny that back then they cared so little about people therefore that was a good enough excuse not to hire him.

Hope they don't try to unless Matthew Weiner writes it but think it would ruin it. Sterling had a great character arc too, full gets into lsd and becomes a hippie. Fuck what a bittersweet show.

That was the pretty standard take, wasn’t it? Personally I liked reading it as a Sopranos-esque Schrodinger’s Ending, but for whether Draper actually moved on or simply embraced his life as a soulless all-consuming capitalist pimp. Either he’s smiling because he found real peace and the advertising world will move on without him and the Coke commercial is an indirect thematic coda to that effect, or he’s smiling because he just realized how to cannibalize this soul-searing quest for personal meaning to let a billion-dollar megacorp sell people the world’s greatest glorified sugar water, proving that both Don Draper and the corrosive logic of capitalism cannot change. Instead of wondering forever whether Don is alive or dead, we wonder whether he’s free or damned - and the show seems to slightly hint at the latter.

I watched 2 episodes of that show and it was a chore to get through and stopped watching. Does it actually get better and interesting later on

Yeh its a slow burn. I think you gotta let the characters develop to get you into the story. It's them living through an entire decade. It's definitely a show that requires you to focus on it.

I watched 2 episodes of that show and it was a chore to get through and stopped watching. Does it actually get better and interesting later on

She had the biggest fake tits in hollywood at the time. Complaining people are looking at your fake tits is done for attention, just like getting massive fake tits is.

That's not what fake boobs look like. Have sex.

have sex

No thank you.



Her tits are fake?

Christina Hendricks confirms in a new interview that, yes, her breasts are real. But she's perplexed that the question even comes up.

So the broad is famous solely for her rack, but she can't comprehend why anyone would want to know more just about her rack. No way is this broad that stupid. That's like Dave Chappelle being confused that anyone wants to know more about his jokes, or Bruce Jenner being dumbfounded someone wants to know what her mutilated groin looks like today. Jokes, ax wound, tiddies. Christina, you weren't exactly out here putting in great performances in The Cherry Orchard. Is it really perplexing that people want to know more about your only redeemable quality?

I thought he refused to get the bottom cut out because he loved sticking it in vegay so much?

I too would like to know.

Only ever movie I saw her in was Drive in a bit role, she did well if I recall but it is REALLY hard to ignore those milkies.

So you've never seen her act, but you're gonna go ahead and throw your opinion out there. You are the definition of a troll.

Also, Bryan Cranston played a meth maker. In interviews he gets a lot more questions other than the recipe for blue meth.

Lmao imagine being this thirsty for gussy 🤮🤮🤮

LOL, no one likes rational thought I posted. Idc, I stand by it.

"There are only two sentences to say about a bra."

...Well? What are they?

“What size is it” and “can I take it off”?

Still think people talked about John Hamm's hambone more than her tits. Dudes rock

The Hamaconda would have made a good Batman.

Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Big tiddied old hag reminisces abou... -,*

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