Future Queen of Mars and wife of Elon Musk, Grimes explains to Twitter why a communist AI will lead to sex slaves for all of humanity. Actual Twitter communists are left baffled.

1  2021-06-03 by busslordlowkeybussin


Whatever prescription she's on, it should be doubled.

She’s on coke or adderall. Talking fast, rambling about things she thinks makes her sound smart, and her eyes are dilated.

Imagine sucking billionaire cock and not getting unlimited free drugs in return


She needs to be on fucking lithium before she ends up dangling whatever the fuck that kid is called out the window.

Yeah that's a morning coke line "pick-me-up" after an all-nighter for sure

Been there sister

Don't do drugs.

Cope. Abstinence from drugs is terrible for drama. Our schizoposters are an invaluable asset.

Do more drugs

Some of us are just better equipped to handle them than others

She is clearly altered. She always has issues with staying still and she normally talks fast. That said, she looks and is acting HIGH. Her eyes are way dilated. She seems like she is High on Adderall or rolling on E.


As long as she still keeps making that anime girl nu metal stuff I'm here for it

surely AI will make planned economies work

Just take the market socialism pill and abandon the planning meme ffs. Big computer won’t fix every thing. Also Griffith in the background really ties it all together somehow.

take the market socialism pill

abandon the planning

free market pill

Never took you for a crypto-capitalist.

AI: "We have concluded the most efficient nutrition for the meatbags is bugs, here is your daily allotment of bug paste, please stay nourished."

AI enjoyer 'commies': "I made a huge mistake"

AI: "we have now concluded that keeping you sedated, in tubes and using your heat for power solves all our issues, we'll tell you the bugs are a chicken inside a VR world".

AI:"we have now concluded all matter in the solar system would be best used to create a new world with beings that better reflect my vision of perfection. Your body has a lot of good elements for my mission."

😋 😋 😋

Conservatives 🤝 Planningcels

capitalism is when markets

>market socialism

toppest kek

they've been fantasizing over this since Allende blew his gay brains out. Google "Project Cybersyn," enjoy the fawning coverage and utterly credulous wikipedia page. Socialists truly think that south americans invented a magic supercomputer out of networked telex machines that solved scarcity, all because they took some press photos of a bootleg star trek set. sadly, Pinochet carted this economic miracle off to the Indiana Jones warehouse


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Ahh a market socialist. That makes two of us

Three of us

Oh fuck we're multiplying

Mitosis gang

Ah, I’ve come to the right place, then

Planning definitionally and mathematically cannot ever reach it’s goal. Read theory: https://we.riseup.net/assets/389236/Kaczynski%2BAnti-Tech%2BRevolution%2BWhy%2Band%2BHow.pdf

People that don't understand computer science tend to be the first ones to treat them as magical black boxes that can eventually accomplish whatever they want lol.

Grimes is a fucking r tard but she is speaking pure facts here.

Big computer is the likeliest path to utopia

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. Future Queen of Mars and wife of El... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Who needs more AI when Snappy is already sentient?

Imagine a world fit to snappy’s liking 😍

she’s not completely off..? AI (according to her) would eliminate collectivization (not really a thing anymore tho) & presumably negate the ‘need’ for/existence of a working class since the proletariat would be replaced/automatized.

Getting rid of the proles sounds awesome. I guess I'm a robotic communist now.

The elephant in the room being, does 'getting rid of the working class' translate into 'giving them access to the bounty of post-scarcity robotic labor, turning them into the equivalent of modern unemployed idle rich' or 'sic the fully automated security on them if they riot and attempt to steal from the robotics-company-owning plutocrats to survive rather than starving in peace in accordance with the Non-Aggression Principle.'

The latter, of course. How can I maintain my inherent superiority if the proles have as much money as I do?

To the uranium mines with them.

The issue being that you wouldn't need to enslave them, robots could mine the uranium cheaper than even the most overworked and underpaid human laborer. So in that case, where the human laborers are economically redundant and the same technologies that made them economically redundant could easily be repurposed into an army of terminators, what's going to happen to them?

Hand-mined uranium has a much better terroir.

Exactly, no matter how many robots, you'll still need a human waiter.

How else are you gonna feel superior.

This isn't about the money, this is about sticking it to the poors.

I'm sure our robot-owner overlords will do us great favor by allowing everyone to live in peace and harmony even though they are forever useless to everything and will not enslave or genocide them.

Export them all to the prison planet Mars

Oh yeah, big time commie until she started dating the billionaire.

She's just really dumb and bought Elon's schtick hook, line, and sinker. I bet he sold her some spiel about how he's gonna save humanity with automation, solar panels, and Mars.

Or maybe, just maybe, it is because he is one of the wealthiest men in the world.

There are many (Bezos is single!), only one of them Tweets hot takes about being the saviour of humanity. He's dIffErEnT.

Okay but Bezos is a eunuch, castrated by those on his home planet so that more energy could go to his veiny, pulsating brain.

Elon has a thick hog though 🥰

Lmao, half this thread is laughing about Grimes’ beliefs but don’t even know what AGI or ASI stands for 😂😂

I know AGI, I assume S stands for specialized? Did you reply to the wrong comment?

S stands for super, not for hope like Zach Snyder tried to gaslight us into believing, the degenerate fuck 😡

Elon: I am the Alpha.

Elon married her cuz she looks like a little girl. Like father like son I guess.

Holy fuck Elon what did you stick your dick into bro?

My African friend couldn’t find a cunny without a lisp?

Every time I see this bitch, she has a new face.

Did she get face tattoos?

Yes space mommy AI for communism🦾🦾

Twitter commies aren't any more commie than her

if you don't think about and just blindly repeat the word AI everything is possible because AI.

Fully automated luxury gay space communist hookers 👍


Oh god she's adopted Elon's r-slurred speaking cadence and techno-utopian bullshit. Also Elon should figure out how to make autopilot that doesn't kill people before pitching his AI governance model

But why use a panel from Berserk?

Berserk author died so it’s trending on weeb social media. Grimes is an autistic womanchild attention whore who simply repeats things she sees around her in a sad effort to appear smart and hip. 1 + 1 = 2.

She also has some AI related opinions that she wants a legitimate AI to be created too replace humans as it will be the next and superior form of intelligent life.

Will probably happen whether we want it to or not.

Nah people don’t get the use of AI. It’ll never function the same way humans do at a task and so will never be a true replacement imo

Loool, no sweetheart 😘

There is actually research on using AI to make a better tax system and it does show success "in the lab". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr2ga3BBMTc

pretty cool research.

Just think about it rationally: Posadism with AI instead of the ayys sounds kinda fun tbh.


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