The NFL decides to finally stop considering black players as being legal rslurs but only because they were sued.

1  2021-06-03 by busslordlowkeybussin


Race norming doesn't just affect sports.

SCOTUS says it's unconstitutional to execute someone who is intellectually disabled. Prosecutors argue Black people score lower on IQ tests because they are biased, so they INFLATE their scores, making them eligible for the death penalty.

"Actually, IQ tests are culturally biased against minorities... NO NO NOT LIKE THAT" lmao

there is a lot to unpack here, but unironically.

It's enough to make you Insane.


Prosecutors argue Black people score lower on IQ tests because they are biased, so they INFLATE their scores, making them eligible for the death penalty.

Lmfao what? Im not even sure if I got that right, but is he saying prosecutors test for IQ, know that 🏀 score lower, and so inflate the test score to make sure the Kang fries? Does he even know how IQ tests work, or that its not the prosecutor testing them?!

Also, isn't he just roundabout calling watermelon-americans rslurred?

the prosecutor knows the iq test is reasonably accurate.

but, he also knows that the left have put a mountain of effort into discrediting iq scores because they show differences between races.

so the prosecutor says 'ok, fine, the convicted isn't r-slurred, he's just a victim of racial bias inherent in iq tests' judge says 'ok lets pump his score up by 10 points to prove i don't listen to sam harris'

prosecutor: 'oh look, he's actually smart enough to be put in the chair wink wink'

there's just so much going on here it's enough to make my head spin

Race realism (but woke)

The most underserved and discriminated against population does bad in some test made by nerds for nerds

Interesting 🤔

IQ tests aren't hard your r-slur it's all logic and reasoning based, if it's hard I got bad news for ya.

Tests of logic and reasoning can’t be hard

Dramacels really be thinking they smart 🤣

Logic and reasoning based





What is that supposed to be a euphemism for? "CVS won't open a store in that neighborhood because there's too much theft"?


I can't believe that the NFL was both bold enough to try this and they somehow simultaneously kept it from being bigger news.

From my understanding this had little to do with the NFL, it was a standard medical procedure for assessing brain damage, using so called "Heaton norms" (see for example It's just shows the disconnect between the firm public belief that Science is Settled on race being skin deep and how the actual reality-based science (or medicine in this case) is practiced.

Though apparently it was an NFL lawyer who kicked the hornet nest by asking why in some particular case these norms weren't applied. Bet he isn't feeling so smartass now!

It's just shows the disconnect between the firm public belief that Science is Settled on race being skin deep and how the actual reality-based science (or medicine in this case) is practiced.

Well yeah because the actual experiments on the matter haven't yielded the results the public thinks they do. They just know scientific community fiercely defends it and assumes there is something to back it up.

Reminds me of when James Watson got cancelled for his views you didn't see people citing experiments that proved him wrong and instead got op eds written by Lab assistants.

It's well-known that environment and trauma can negatively impact IQ, and it's well-known that black people typically live in worse environments and have higher levels of trauma. The science is settled on race being skin-deep, but people struggle to understand that race can be used as a proxy without actually being real because of socioeconomic effects.

I mean, dude bussy lmao.

pUrEly sOciOeCoNoMic FaCtoRs

The science is settled on race being skin-deep, Figure 3 is of a particular interest.

It’s well-known that environment and trauma can negatively impact IQ

North Koreans have one of the highest average IQs in the world. They are in the top 10 I believe. How are you going to explain that. That being said, race is a completely made up and arbitrary concept

How long until some kicker who has never been tackled gets classified as brain injured?

there would have to be a black kicker first

Justin Medlock played for a few years

The NFL has rascist hiring practices and I am boycotting it until there is adequate asian representation on the field.

Young Hoe Onside Kick God is all the representation any group should ever hope for.

That’s kinda amazing tbh.

Also, this entire situation can be avoided if they test the players at the point of hiring, which can be later used as a point of reference to see if abnormal decline occurred.

Thing is, the NFL doesn't want to know if slamming your head into concrete for 20 Sundays out of the year is a bad thing. Until legally obligated, they'll continue to kneel for the flag, bemoan police brutality, and glom into any low-hanging social issues they can, all while employing women-beaters and probable rapists, right before they cut the puddinheads and leave them with no health insurance.

Which is awesome: work your entire life to get here, play an average of four years and generate for yourself what would be, ideally, enough money for the rest of your life; go broke, go crazy, and go to prison. Unlike the MLB, the NFL ensures that their game of inches is just as exciting off the field as it is on it, as it is thirty years after the field.

No player or coach can ever be THAT important on a 53-man roster to ever warrant his voice being listened to (unlike in the NBA, where a single star-player is about a fifth of your whole team). Owners can choose to let their teams languish forever in neglect (Bengals, Bears, Lions), or flail miserably with mismanagement (Cowboys, Texans, Lions), all while fancels have to grit their teeth and hope their 105-year-old master will die this year (and then he does, leaving the team to his 90-year-old bowling-fan wife).

No other sport is this unfair, and I think it owes that to the draft and parity.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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To be fair, suing people for asshole behavior is pretty much the only way to guarantee they stop being assholes, so... 🤷‍♂️

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