George Floyd Square gets evicted at 5am (the perfect time for evictions), and Twitter reacts.

1  2021-06-03 by PacificSpices


Are you implying there's an imperfect time for evictions?

Oh my look at the time, it's eviction o'clock

Yes, giving them advance notice so rentoids can attempt to cover up claimable damages.

Yes actually. I evict all my rentoids from about 4 pm to 6 pm. It might not seem like a long time but I also have many machines I built to help me evict chapoids! I can make more and put them up for sale.

That's actually smart because there's no way they'll find a new place at those hours and ensures they will have to spend the night as a homeless person thinking about how their poor financial decisions led them to this moment. How very kind of you, their benevolent Landlord, to give them this practical, hands-on life experience and for free, no less.


any time 0.00000002 nanoseconds and beyond after they have failed to pay rent is an imperfect time

It's what "The Landlord" would have wanted.

Those pics are prime material for another round of the "spot the healthy BMI" challenge.

Also, I love how these rslurs call the eviction "violence against the community", when the actual community, the people living there, were sick and tired of this little larp.

Though I wish this had gone the way of CHAZ and actually escalated before fading away.

Also crazy how much CHAZ has been memory-holed already, or maybe just been ignored from the beginning.

Most of the bad stuff of the last year has been memoryholed hard. Somehow we forgot that the WHO and Fauci lied about masks and played it off as intentional(???), BLM attacked the White House, the Jan 6 police officer died unrelated to the riots, the Times published an article admitting to collusion between media and tech to manipulate the election, and that’s just the stuff I remember off the top of my head.

This is minor but Disney star Skye Jackson doxxed a 12yo (and a wrong one) for saying the gamer word on Twitter and BLM twitter cheered for her

I mean that’s just based

Yes, but it was the kid who was based.

Old drama, yawn.

BLM attacked whitehouse? Link to that one? I remember all those others

June last summer they put Trump in a bunker through the tunnels because of riots over the night.

I totally forgot about that.

Yeah you aren't supposed to remember that one

Saying that "BLM attacked the Whitehouse" is as hyperbolic as saying that "Trump supporters tried to stage a coup on Jan 6th".


I really don’t care about either. If we’re being pedantic, “BLM attacked the whitehouse” is more accurate here though because they literally did and failed, unless you’re going to argue that BLM wasn’t behind in which case I still don’t care. I just hope the next riot actually gets someone.

CHAZ "security" literally executed an unarmed black teen and it was minor news for like a day.

Yeah thats what I was thinking of. In a non-rslurred world that would have given the "defend the police/create community policing" people a moment of pause to reflect how the first attempt to institute their ideas turned out even worse than the current situation.

But nope, long forgotten, and if it is mentioned, it's just called notsea propaganda. Post-factual society in action, and both sides are equally guilty of it.

That's the notable memory hole example for me. That was very quickly forgotten in the news cycle.

Those pics are prime material for another round of the "spot the healthy BMI" challenge.

Imagine thinking tie-dye and/or shorts were a good option.

Tbh I dont think there exists a good option for someone like that. Also, did you notice it says black lives matter on the shirt?🤡

It's easy to memory-hole CHAZ when literally no 24/7 news networks talk about it.

Some new improvised blockades have been set up around George Floyd Square where the old barriers were.

Lol they turned a collapsible table on it’s side as a new barrier.

I actually thought they were using cardboard as a barrier when I first saw that image

There's definitely a cardboard gaylord in that first image.

I mean a particle board fold out table is only one step above cardboard

This is an ICONIC cope

Lmao what a great show of contempt for the losers who think George Floyd was gonna be the next big posthumous revolutionary leader.

losers who think George Floyd was gonna be the next big posthumous revolutionary leader

There was some mayo girl ragetweeting about how people would be wanting to visit the George Floyd National Memorial 100 years from now but won't be able to because Mayor Man did a heckin' Naziism.

Like people are even going to remember him in 5 years after the next guy gets shot, or the next one, or the one after that, etc. Do these protesters even remember the name of the dude from the St. Louis 'burbs who stole cigars or whatever from a liquor store and then tried to take a cop's gun? The dude whose shooting kicked off this new era of anti-cop protests? I sure don't.

a Czech Hedgehog

Who are they expecting, the 6th Panzer Division?

Behind the folding table no less, so it can be indirectly pushed by a vehicle.

I bet this "George Floyd" fella never twitted anything supportive about Pride Month.

About time we cancelled his transphobic ass.

no funko pops allowed on property 😎😎

There's no evidence to prove that George Floyd wasn't gay or at least bi. His queerness should be celebrated.

In wich twitter commies realize they are mere pawns

Now that Black Lives Matter are no longer politically available as a tool for those in power they are taking down George Floyd square. Showing their support was only ever a opportunistic ploy

Long live george "the landlord" floyd. PBUH

"What? You mean huwhite trash and 🏀's stealing tv's from target wasn't the beginning of the revolution?"


I support this eviction in favour of George "The Landlord" Floyd. It's what he would've wanted!

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. George Floyd Square gets evicted at... -,*

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These fortified zones that people build are the adult equivalent of pillow forts.

I like how they make their blockades out of like plastic tables and random garbage.

It wouldn't even be that hard to set up some actual effective shit. Get some cement and rebar and start sticking bollards in the road.

You can get sandbags for less than 50 cents a pop. However, that requires monotonous manual labor, some pocket change, and organization. It's anyone's guess as to why they didn't go that route.


If one volunteered to do that, I guarantee they would all immediately start talking about how that comrade “always made them uncomfortable” and stalk his social media for stinkinthinkin.

Now that Black Lives Matter are no longer politically available as a tool for those in power they are taking down George Floyd square. Showing their support was only ever a opportunistic ploy

Oh my God they're learning.

Seemed like a pretty nice place for foot traffic. At least put a roundabout there to preserve the art instillation. They could have simply increased police presence so it wasn't an "autonomous zone" since crime was the real problem.

But no, they had to do it ass-backwards. Americans are too r-slurred to use roundabouts, so just demolish the entire thing so it becomes another fatass slab of ghetto asphalt where nobody wants to be again.

Fuck it, raze the entire city while you're at. No more crime with no cops necessary!

just demolish the entire thing


Europoors always talk about “just walk outside” and forget they don’t have much of the biggest reason people don’t walk outside in burger land.

they don’t have much of the biggest reason people don’t walk outside in burger land.

The chance to meet other burgers?

Take your stroad and shove it, commie 🇺🇸💯

God knows if there's one thing we need more of in this country, it's 4-way road intersections

That image is pure Burgerpunk.

hell yeah brother

Europoors can't even fathom how much of our beautiful country looks like this

"Burgerpunk" is a hilarious and brilliant term for it 🙏

Why would you preserve a shitty art installation for a violent psycho

Say what you will about any of the junk surrounding it, the metal fist in a flowerbed is a badass sculpture.


What is that red black and green flag?

(invented by Burgers, ironically and appropriately enough)

Thanks for teaching me something.

I just Googled "red black and green flag"

I appreciate it


Black supremacist flag. It's pan-African colors so lot of black Americans use it in their identitarianism.

Burger Africans pretending to be real Africans is just as obnoxious as burger Europeans pretending to be real Europeans. With an added bonus of even less chance they've been anywhere near. You're burgers. Get over it.

American should be a race.

Thanks for teaching me something.

What gender is that thing in tie-dye.

It's a new gender, but one that's been growing over the past year called "fat ugly" Gender..

They go by the pronouns "fat/ugly", "fatself/uglyself" and "fug/fugly"

Why are the CHAZoids in Minny putting up Czech hedgehogs made of pallet wood that's like 3/8" thick? The shape that makes them so good at stopping vehicles isn't maintained when they're made of cheap-shit material that breaks on contact. At least go steal some railroad ties, cut them in half, and connect them with really big grade 8 bolts if you're gonna go the wood route.

If you're ok with having a completely nonfunctional barricade, why not just put up yellow tape?

because it's all a larp. they don't expect it to stop anyone serious about getting through, nor do they want it to.

they want to have a fun anarkiddy pseudorevolt that they can tweet about. yellow tape doesn't provide the right photo op.

Startlingly racist to evict them 7 hours before CP Time even begins


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