Hook, line and sinker

1  2021-06-03 by offshoreredditaccnt


I wonder if this tweet made by a satire account with a clear setup and punchline is a joke or not

Well there is no "/s" at the end so how is the average R*dditor supposed to figure it out?


But..but what about poe's law

Cope’s law

Nah but seriously I tend to assume most things are unironic because it’s more dramatic and therefore funnier that way. If someone is only pretending to be a Qultist or SJW I don’t care I’m still going to make fun of them like they legitimately are. I just also like making fun of anti-SJWs who don’t get the joke

Irony is just usually a mask that people use to have deniability of things they really do like.

Dem streets out here are cold dog.

Like it said in the book: we are based and cringe



Satire and irony are actually crypto-hate, sweaty


Jonathan swift fucking hated babies


The man in the irony mask

not knowing who Tatiana McGrath is

Noobs out out out

Yeah that “Titania McGrath” is a satire account


sorry i never finished the 201 course on punchlines. that class was so boring...

Assuming the reader isn't autistic is ableism. Even worse if you're on reddit.

Hey it wasn't a "setup and punchline" for Magneto lol

If non-terf rfs were prominent right now, this would've been completely realistic.

Magneto? Don’t relate real life to funny books it’s cringe

he'd completely bust you up man

It could honestly go either way now a days.

Yeah, it's satire

Lmao transitioning and it's consequences are a disaster for celebrities. For the sake of dramacoin hope she has to now defend white men.

Won’t happen. 🚂s don’t actually identify as the gender they 🚂sitioned to, they identify as 🚂s.

I wouldn’t identify as a man mayo monkey either

Finally, the Savior white men have needed all along is here.

Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t follow Titania McGrath.

That would require me to have a twitter account and I already get enough brain damage reading this sub.

I am familiar with that account. It is very much a troll account.

That's the point of the title of this post.

Thanks for clearing that up.

You kid but without his comment, I wouldn't have ever in a million years figured it out.

Ah yes Tatiana McGrath, it's a satirical Twitter account exposing the blatant hypocrisy of the woke.

What constitutes being woke besides affirming people’s sexual protestation? Being against racism? Being for gender equality?

You can't just go up to people and start sexually affirming their prostates without consent.

God forbid you assume someone has a prostate.

And there we go, I knew it wouldn't be long before some snowflake wokeist crawled from under their rock to rage at being given the label woke, coupled with the over bearing levels of hypocrisy.

Just proving Tatiana McGrath is right.

Cope more unfunny rightoid.

Was going to ask what drugs you're on but realised you're trolling.

Cope more unfunny rightoid.


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I never said they were wrong.

I am saying it's wrong, it's wrong because a person's race, a person's sexuality is for the woke all that matters, the hypocrisy though is that race matters, sexuality matters but only if the race isn't white, only if the sexuality isn't straight, if you fall into that intersection then by nature of being both straight and white you are evil.

Yet at exactly the same time, gay people cannot possibly be sexual predators, some are, most aren't. At exactly the same time black people can't possible be wrong for a crime, some are most aren't criminals yet never the same leniency is given to some straight white person.

Yet the woke argument goes, all lives are important, all lives and all races are valid, all sexualities are valid.

That's the hypocrisy, that's what makes woke people a joke. A sick joke but a joke nonetheless.

Racism, discrimination, wrapped up in empty virtue signalling, for nothing more than peer approval.

Do you see how The Woke predicate all these judgments on the idea that the United States is a white Christian dominated country? That deviant subcultures are discriminated against? That dark complexioned people are discriminated against? If you can’t see that, then yes, the rest makes no sense. On that note, it’s often hard for people benefitting from current norms to accept their complicity.

"Not being affected" =/= "benefitting".

To answer your question, "PC SJWs" are people who took the values of

Being against racism? Being for gender equality?

and went about it in irrational, zealous fashions.

"Woke" refers to the even more extremist versions of that, from cultish stuff like White Fragility to outright alignment with vengeful blacknats etc. - consciously declaring the MLK ideal to be an old mistake or even racist, is a common trait.

The Sansculottes of anti-racism essentially (any their self-hating aristo supporters).

And yeah a flood of cluelesscels here apparently...

Do you see that it's not just the USA bubble, do you understand why Spain, France and a few other Euro countries have stated that woke culture is damaging and they are outlawing it.

There was a time when a black man said judge people not by the colour of their skin but the content of their character, now the woke bs is telling us to judge by the skin colour, judge by their sexual choices, shame as evil all those who don't follow our cult.

Do you see that one evil does not wipe away a past evil, do you see that while there are problems, there are problems on all sides not just the one.

All you're doing is trying to justify your own version of racist and discriminatory behaviour.

You talk of complicity, ok so by your logic then all black people deal drugs and belong to gangs and are the worst kind of racist people that exist, they claim to be victims of racism, yet for all the attacks on Asian people by black people you'd think the black community knows better but obviously not and since your trying to justify generalising and entire race for your own ends then the equality works both ways and you e walked into your own trap.

Spain and France are outlawing woke ? The fuck you blabbing about ? My god ardrama really need a purge

On the contrary, Wokies are generally in favor of racism, only they call their version of it "anti-racism." Wokeism is a movement with roots in Marxist theory that replaces the traditional Marxist view that the proletariat/working class is oppressed and exploited by the aristocracy/landchad class and replaces it with the idea that every interaction is a power dynamic wherein one or more parties oppress some other person or group. Wokeism generally portrays this dynamic in terms of demographics, usually through a prism of race, gender, or sexual orientation. They are all in favor of dividing people by race and treating them differently based solely on those divisions. They have unironically advocated for bringing back segregation.

Neither are they for any type of equality. That's why they no longer use the word, and instead say "equity." "Equity" means equality of outcome, and is of paramount importance in the movement/philosophy. That's why they eagerly portray their power dynamic theory in terms of demographics. Wokies believe that anyone expressing ideas of equality of opportunity and accomplishment and recognition based on merit is an oppressor. They believe unequal treatment must be imposed so that they can somehow make sure anyone engaged in any endeavor does no better or worse than anyone else. They are advocating for changing Harrison Bergeron from a work of fiction to prophetic dystopian nightmare.

Adherents of the movement/philosophy generally seek to destroy norms and traditions. Which is the real reason they hold up trains and rail service as virtuous. If the groupthink suddenly shifted and the railroad came to be considered somehow bad they'd readily start throwing trains under a bus. You can see this in the way Wokies treat beautiful butterflies who are flying against the wind when they announce they're going to run for office as a rightoid, or in how they speak to and treat minorities who reject their vision.

It's a movement that treats the works of Orwell as an instruction manual. Wokeists are notable for their (sometimes successful) attempts to redefine words, rewrite history, and co-opt the mantle of objective science in order to advance their agenda(s). They focus on race, gender, and sexual orientation for two reasons. The first being that those three things give them a way to claim the mantle of victimhood and decry everyone else as "an oppressor," which they believe gives them some sort of moral high ground. The second is that they are purposely ignoring the real privilege in our society, the privilege which is attached to class. None of this should be surprising since Wokeism is the creation of middle/upper-middle/upper class academics, and is generally pursued by middle/upper-middle/upper class 'professional activists' and moral busybodies. It is a way for those who are well-off to absolve themselves of responsibility for the ills of society, many of which they are undeniably responsible for creating. It is also a way to blame those ills on others. The true irony is that they are generally blaming those of lesser economic privilege.

In short, Wokies are horrible fucking people. The "I'm just against inequality and racism" retort you tossed out, one that is commonly used, is complete bullshit. They are not the good guys. They're either useful idiots who don't realize what they're doing and aren't bright enough to figure out the harm they're causing even when it's pointed out to them or actual misanthropes who know they're fucking shit up but don't care so long as it improves their station in some way.

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk Pizzapost.

Bingo and this explains perfectly why in their warped little world of oppression Olympics 2+2=5.

OK eunuch.

Genital fetishist

This whole Elliot Page situation reminds me of that Glenn Greenwald tweet with the statistics showing that so many 👭s switched teams to FtM 🚂s that now the latter outnumbers the former

I suppose there's a joke about men BTFO'ing women hidden somewhere in this mess, but I can't be bothered to find it

Titania is a troll persona

Yeah, it's a satire account.

It's a twitter profile that was designed to trick.

It's a user on an online messaging platform whose profile was created for the purpose of making others angry.

They are truly doing the Lord's work.

This is really testing the limits of Poe's Law