Bird place launches paid version, allows editing of tweets for dramacoin and a handful of completely worthless features

1  2021-06-03 by carpathianflorist__


Jews did this


  1. Bird place launches paid version, a... -,*

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Careful, snappy

Snappy let me tell you the tale of Icarus for the 6th millionth time.

Snappy has Icarus-ed himself like five times already

Hopefully this means twitter aren’t making a profit on the free version and this is just a sign of the beginning of the end for birdapp

it's an open secret that Shitter doesn't make any $$$, hence why Jack dorksey looks like a homeless incel.

Rich Dinklage.

it would be great actually if they could paywall the app then they could just pay to echo chamber together and leave the rest of the world out of it

SA II: electronic boogaloo

Sterilization should be the the first step towards paying for twatter.

Shitter ----- Twat

What's in the middle? Twitter.

That's pretty rad centrism, if I do say so myself.