Girl doesn’t like that date drinks soda, f*tties are hurt, drama ensues

1  2021-06-04 by DaddyLongStrode69


From a restaurant workers standpoint, it’s worse that she ordered water

Yeah, yeah, we all know you fucking vultures hate the idea of a free beverage cutting into your mandatory 20%.

Your employer pays you pennies. Take it up with them, wagie.

'Theres a little something in there for you' I say smugly, sliding the bill back with the total rounded up from £93.96 up to £94.00



I remember when a good tip was 15% and most tipped like 10

Did you know some people tip even if they aren’t sitting down in the restaurant? Like some people people drivers, or the people who hand them their food when they they do take out. Why the fuck would I tip someone 20% or even 15% when they were involved in the transaction for all of 30 seconds.

Yes unfortunately. My wife recently felt pressured when they turned the screen towards her and tipped 20% on a pickup order. Like I drove her and she walked in and picked it up. She had to spend the evening locked in the pantry for that.

I've got a family member that always tips like 30-40% regardless of the service.

20% is nothing. I tip at least 40% when I get coffee and that’s not even moving around much. Fast food needs at least a 25% tip.

I tip my USPS driver with wasp nests.

You got downvoted but I agree. There's nothing worse than a poorscum wagie complaining about woe is me tip culture pressures me in to giving some pennies to even poorer wagies. Fucking rentoids.

yeah who cant afford to tip delivery drivers or curbside people?

broke ass mfs deluding themselves into thinking they can afford to eat out

eah who cant afford to tip delivery drivers or curbside people?

People who aren’t making a living wage for one

I don’t tip because I can’t afford it. It don’t tip became the company is saving on expense wage by making me do it instead.

I've started tipping a few bucks for deliveries since covid started because I felt bad they had to work a shitty job while I worked from home and got delicious food delivered straight to my doorstep.

Sorry to seriouspost but I’m an actual Carside worker. We bring the food to you in your car, bag it, double check the bag, also prepare bread, utensils, and drinks. I always ask if they want anything while they wait for the food and handle special requests and shitty doordashers. They still pay us the server wage of like 5.60 an hour and we don’t get anything from the door dashes and shit. And what the fuck am I supposed to do about it, exactly? My ears are open sweatie.

Quit lmao

Omg that sounds like so much work!!!

“Prepare utensils and double check the bag” TBH $5.50 an hour sounds like we are paying them too much if anything.”

Well when fucking stacey rolls up and pitches a fucking fit because her sauce wasn’t on the side and wants it remade yet says “now my food is cold” as soon as you communicate to the doomer cooks who call you gay slurs behind your back that this bitch wants her food re-done yeah it can be a pain in the ass. Hope coding from your little air conditioned office is just as fun bro.

Damn, I never thought of it like that. Next time, I'll only tip the cooks.

You should complain to a construction worker about how hard your job is

It's okay, 5-10 years from now we'll have robots that won't screw up a task as simple as a takeout order.

And, inshallah, if they do fuck up and the customer complains to them, the robots can legally shoot them and not face consequences.

I do want min wage raised but honestly if anyone deserves a tip, its not you. Its the cook.

You're getting downvoted because this place is filled with retards, but your job is basically making sure the product gets from the counter to the guy outside?

Go to college.

If you actually took a glance at my profile, you’d see I’m a college student. Sorry my mummy and daddy won’t pay my fucking rent and I don’t want to be a debt slave like my friends 👍🏻

Then finish college damn dude you want me to solve all your problems for you? Grab your nuts

I looked at your profile and the first thing I saw way DUI. No wonder you make Jack shit, not one trusts you with real responsibility

I looked at your profile

Leftoid fucking loser

Read one comment up where he literally told me to look at his profile. Illiterate fucking loser


Libertarian fucking loser

Fair nuff

You're forgiven. For now that is, but try to stop being so poor in the future.

lol what school debt just vote for Bernie and he'll emancipate everyone

You’re going to be really pissed when you find out that the money they have been paying you is barely enough to reimburse you for the depreciation on your vehicle and that you have been charging them essentially nothing for your labor


get a real job or like buy land or something lol. 🖕🏿😂💅🏿


i still do 10, they make enough off their wages where i live

be american

get shot

tip the shooter

Mandatory? lol

Indeed, one should only tip their landlord

Sir, this is arr drama.. Not arr based?

the tards on birdapp are really pretending that drinking 120 grams of sugar WITH DINNER is normal and not a massive red flag health issue

The t@rds on birdapp are really pretending they're even a little bit better. Lmao

What else did you expect from twatter users? Eating an uncontrolled amount of sugar is hecking valid!

If you order anything other than 1-2 beers on a first date it's still a red flag

I order 6-7 beers just to double down

the tards on birdapp

redundant but ILY bby

Reminder that the only excuse for ordering Coke is if it's mixed with alcohol

Even then you should stop being a pussy and order the liquor straight on the rocks

Still watering it down with cubes

Some liquor tastes better slightly watered down.

There are even a few red wines I'll put ice cubes in when it's particularly hot out.

Ice in red wine. Civilised society is well n truly fucked

How dare anyone have the arrogance to turn this $10 wine into sangria!

Shut up. There's nothing high brow about getting hammered.

Sangria is Spanish toilet water with floating tinned fruit and rotten lemons. That’s why the french believe they’ve got superior booze.

Only barbarians like Gauls or Germans drink wine without mixing it with water first

Putting ice in red wine has been a thing forever. New money wine snobs that want people to think they're classy and well-learned and poorcels are the only ones who don't understand.

Only the old water down the booze because they can’t handle it. Money, status, the 40+crew = diluted juice. The Spanish accommodated with sangria, white wine spritzer and another abomination which thankfully I can’t remember.

You will be first against the wall when the revolution comes

I've put ice in beer a few times too.


alcohol is gross you degenerate

Same, brother. May allah break the backs of these disease-filled rodents.


The fuck is wrong with you nerd?

the stench of AL GHUL betrays your degeneracy

The only AL I follow is the American League 🇺🇸 ⚾️

Beyond that I have no clue what you are referring to


Is the de-chapoed Disco Elysium as good as the original one?

i like it. the original voice acting was really uneven.

they kinda fucked up not giving different voices to all of the different stats in your head

A can of soda is fine as a snack but it’s the reason why everyone is so fat and has fucked up teeth. Switch to water and it’ll be the best dieting decision of your life

I hate people that complain about the taste of water.

Yeah it’s such a stupid complaint because a) it tastes really good and b) it’s not meant to taste good at first, it’s meant to feel good the more you drink it

And you can always add shit in to it to steep if that’s a big hang up for you. Gonna sound like a massive fslur for saying this but a cold glass of cucumber or rose water is maybe the most refreshing beverage to drink on a porch during the summer

Lemon and mint pour moi.

Sparkling mineral water with a couple dashes of angostura bitters and a lime wedge is my thang.

Cucumber water is fucking delicious bro

Gotta say tho water < ice water.

wait, are you talking about water or liquor

I look down on them as lesser.

they are cattle who have lost their way. I know more than a few who refuse to drink plain water.

My taste buds need constant stimulation. There is no time for pure water.

I'd complain too, or at least inquire, if I could taste water. It shouldn't have any discernible taste or smell.

I'm always going to complain if it tastes chlorinated.


Real men drink tea

When he takes you to sushi and orders green tea 💦💦

Real men drink hot chocolate

That’s what they called me back in the day 😎

Green tea is the most comfy beverage.

I like iced tea but the ones they serve in most restaurants have just as much sugar as sodas

I love sugar but when I go on diets I drink diet soda like a mother fucker since it’s like the one thing I get to enjoy. After you drink diet, regular soda kind of taste off, way too syrupy.

In general I agree though, it’s crazy to me when I see people who drink 3-4 mountain dews or cokes a day, cut that out and you’ll lose probably 10lbs in like a month and a half

skinny people don’t drink diet soda

Many people will lose between 5-10 pounds if they stop drinking things with sugar in them.

Hamplanets are fucking disgusting

Sodacels shouldn't breed.

Who the fuck drinks 3/4 glasses of coke during a single meal? No wonder burgers are humongous

I worked at a restaurant when I was younger and goddamn do people slurp that shit down like it's their final meal before they get the chair.

One family went through so much Dr. Pepper that it was a massive waste of time to keep going back and refilling their glasses so I started just leaving an entire water pitcher of Dr. Pepper at their table.


One can of Coke contains 41% of your daily allowance of sugar... And because it's a liquid, it goes straight to your blood as it doesn't need to digest any solids. If anything will make you diabetic, it's sugary drinks and less so sugary snacks. Drink more of the glorious nectar of Allah known as water! Don't become like one of these godless kebabs-on-legs, Twatter users 😇

That guy was lucky, dating a red scare user sounds like hell

I feel theres a pretty big difference between drinking coca cola and smoking cigarettes and doing addictive drugs

Ha. If anything the soda is worse.

Go to a hospital and count the number of people in the beds with bottles of soda. Not a coincidence.


The issue is not the quantity of food, it is how you drink it. If this guy is slamming 4 cokes in the time it takes her to drink 1 water, he is a slob.

No, it's also the quantity.

Most fatties would probably shed a good chunk of weight if they just drank water instead of carbonated beverages

Yuppers, I vetoed soda's when I got together with my husband, he dropped two pant sizes in two months.

Every hamplanet at work who starts going on about dieting has a soda on their desk lmao absolute state


or just diet soda. it tastes almost the same. the secret is to not do that fat retarded thing of "oh, I'm having diet soda, that means I can have some more bacon".

I'm an unhealthy fuck who loves soda but even I couldn't drink at absolute maximum more than two glasses.

Diet soda drinkers are subhuman CMV

"I've never seen a thin person drinking diet coke"

Heh, I'm pretty skinny and I drink coke zero relatively often.

I used to genuinely love diet coke for the taste.

Idk if they changed or if I did, but I can't stand it anymore.

Coke Zero is actually alright, but I wouldnt drink it more than a few times a year

Isn't red scare the podcast of the girl that cucked Adam Friedland?

yup, perfect if you want an hour of vocal fry.

pissed off Twitter fats: 😍🥵

w*man on redscarepod: 😒😬

Anyone who drinks 4 glasses of coke in 1 setting is pretty gross. Imagine his other food habits. The problem isn't drinking soda. It's drinking 4 glasses of soda in 1 go like an American.

Not defending that degenerate but some restaurants pack so much ice into the glass that a 'full' glass of soda is like a third of a can.


Fatties mad.

I used to do this as a teenager. Coke at a sit-down restaurant is like Sprite at McDonald's... shit is legit even more addictive than out of the bottle.

I was a skelly, though, so if anything I needed the weight.

Sprite at McDonalds is the worst choice. You can taste how infrequently they clean the nozzles on their soda machine in clear sodas more.

Sugar doesn't make you gain weight though you were just fucking up your teeth

No cavities so far 🤷‍♂️ although I'm not a degen when it comes to brushing my teeth so maybe it balances out like cheap hookers and penicillin.

Sugar isn't as calories dense as far but you digest it quicker than protein, fat, or more complex carbs. means you get hungrier quicker after eating it.

This is the opposite of right. Insulin is, specifically, a satiety hormone and carbs-heavy foods like fruits are the most satiating food. Fats are the least satiating group, which is why until the advent of addictive junk food the science said fats bad carbs good.

The problem is that junk food is scientifically designed to be addicting. You aren’t going to be hungry after drinking 1000 calories of Mountain Dew, but your brain is going to crave it anyways.

Sugar doesn’t make you gain weight



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Imagine not drinking Pepsi instead.
