I mean, it's a perfect depiction of the commodification of queerness. Empty gestures that don't improve our material realities, but give the impression of allyship.
> commodification of queerness = makeup + female dress --> being a woman
It's more the case that the lack of sincerity is across the board.
Like, there's a regular "happy Friday" post on the company social, but there's a palpable sense that you shouldn't appear too enthusiastic, because that would signal you don't love your work enough.
74 Hoes_very_Mad 2021-06-04
Dare I say... Based?
11 __TIE_Guy 2021-06-04
Je ne sais quoi mon ami.
56 TheOverSeether 2021-06-04
Thus Spoke the Train:
> commodification of queerness = makeup + female dress --> being a woman
> Empty gestures = a tweet from a twatter
Heh, ironic.
9 heretobefriends 2021-06-04
Wait, when did we start pinging birds?
42 cyberdick 2021-06-04
Oh boy what a trainwreck
9 MYNAMEjef174652 2021-06-04
These are the people who call you a reactionary.
26 fat_fist_fister 2021-06-04
Human rights are when you play school sports
22 SnappyIsMyWaifu 2021-06-04
Bongcel here. I've recently moved from working at a Leaf tech company to working at a Burger tech company.
The main difference I've noticed is a large uptick in 'diversity is awesome!' messaging and a corresponding downswing in sincerity.
22 DeanofPSU 2021-06-04
Why would anyone possible be sincere about it?
7 SnappyIsMyWaifu 2021-06-04
It's more the case that the lack of sincerity is across the board.
Like, there's a regular "happy Friday" post on the company social, but there's a palpable sense that you shouldn't appear too enthusiastic, because that would signal you don't love your work enough.
14 ChapoDestroyer 2021-06-04
Florida says no 🚂 rights!!! 🥳🎉
3 Pepperglue 2021-06-04
Oh this is good. This is very good.
2 heretobefriends 2021-06-04
You really can't do anything for people.