Portland Cops Are Mining Intel From Informants Who Infiltrate Masked “Black Bloc” Marches

1  2021-06-04 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Using confidential informants to charge Huber, Hall and Loomis serves two purposes for police and prosecutors: It takes protesters bent on property destruction off the streets, and it creates an atmosphere of suspicion among remaining protesters, who don’t know if the masked person next to them is talking to the cops.

Based. Turn them against each other.

That's just status quo for me the left though, no?

It's called accelerationism sweaty 💅.


So they actually are trying to get these spergs? I thought Bortland was like escape from new york by now

The article says that rival protestors won't snitch to the cops due to them both hating cops, but they don't understand just how petty these dudes are

cops doing cop things, shocking

agent provocateurs are where its at

100% One of these guys are gonna kill their comrade thinking he's a cop now lol.

Portland Cops number 1

Arresting the cops would be pretty funny


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