Landstacy (♈) declines a tenant (♏) due to his pathetic zodiac sign

1  2021-06-04 by my32


fav movie is the joker

Go fuck yourself

She did nothing wrong.

It is a good movie. But the best answer would have been any selection of marvel based capeshit (*except for blade)

It is a good movie

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Good movie? Maybe for an edgy teenager.

You wouldn't understand.

Oh a derivative ripoff of Taxi Driver and Falling Down with no substance.

Yeah cool bro. Sorry I dont understand cape shit and need cape shit lens to view anything in life.

I read the classics. Those were the OG cape shitters (aka myths) 😎

You wouldn't get it

Are you trying to imply that there is a meme and or reference that I did not get? Because I assure you that I fully understand every meme and or reference that was used above me and I wish not to be lowered to your standards and for you to imply that I am ignorant and or unknowing.

You're just mad that the movie didn't cause an incel mass shooting like the media promised you it would.

A fellow man of dramatic enlightenment I see!

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You 👏wouldn't👏get👏it👏

I haven't seen falling down. The only similarity I see with Taxi Driver is the lighting. Yet a difference is during the day. Taxi Driver was far brighter and had few shots during the day. Also certain moments in Joker were bright and colorful. Dancing with his mom, him interacting with that girl.

There are similar themes but over all a different film. Joker was more about poverty; lack of privilege; lack of access to resources; and of course mental health. In this regard Taxi Driver was different in Taxi Driver Travis is an ex soldier suffering stress and PTSD. The themes of income aren't really there. More so themes of solitude, anger, hatred at society. I don't think travis was crazy as in psychotic. I do think he becomes radicalized. Like an Incel almost.

Words words words

Gonna program longpostbot tonight.

Don't hate the playa hate the game playa

True. I don't have anything against you bb, other than you have shit taste for movies 😘😏

I like good stories. Not a professional critic or anything. Some movies I like

Bram Stoker's Dracula.

The Professional .

Man on Fire.


The Matrix.

Have I redeemed myself?

Gladiator was not on that list so you should be ashamed

Holy shit I feel bad that is on my list to watch. Taxi Driver too is a good film, Goodfella's; Goodfather; Carlito's Way; There's more. Black Death with Sean Bean was good too.

I just watched pandorum like 3 days ago and it was so good. Honestly never even heard of it before. There’s a lot of good lesser known movies out there too

Agreed. Check out Event Horizon as well older film somewhat similar.

I’ll check it out bro

kino dino

0/10, no 12 Angry Men. You are a redditor on reddit right?

Also le epic John Wick XD! Keanu Reeves so fuckign cool I want to be just like him!

-12 Angry men was good. -John Wick was good too. Keeanu Reeves is a good dude. Like a genuinly good person. I think.

Other one's I like -V for Vendetta

-Ong Bak

-Black Heart

-The bourne trilogy.



Oh fuck me i love the bourne trilogy. Might be what I watch tonight while playing TBCC 😎

Damn homie. You gonna stay up like 7hrs. My old ass can't handle it. Respect.

Oh god I'll probably get half way through it then call it quits and go to bed like the boomer I am. Playing WoW TBCC is comfy as fuck tho.

It's all good brother. You have a good rest of the night and good rest of the weekend.


It's a remake of the king of comedy with batman characters sprinkled in. It's not that bad of a movie. Definitely not something you feel strongly about. It leads me to believe you're just a contrarian hipster fslur

And you're in drama because

It's just a worse version of Taxi Driver.

Nah it's a 1 hour Photo ripoff

no wait FMJ

You get what you fuckin' deserve.

I haven't seen The Joker, but is it really as bad as people in the replies are saying? I thought it was supposed to be pretty good.

The movie is good but it's associated with the people who put quotes in front of joker faces and the anti-sjw crowd so obviously the citizens of birds united don't like it.

We truly do live in a society 😔

Its pretty decent, great performance from Joaquin Phoenix but the movie itself is extremely derivative of better movies like Taxi Driver. Unfortunately we do live in a society where rslurs won't watch/cant understand anything that isn't tied to capeshit, so people think it is some revolutionary concept and glorify it to be better than it is

Did the imagery of rats remind you of rat city?

Like in "the departed" I.e. an actually good movie?

The Departed is good until it turns into an Adam Sandler movie at the end with all the characters getting randomly shot in the face.

I haven't seen that one. But rat city was an experiment that tried to create a utopia for rats.

It's all right, but the whiny schizo schtick gets wearisome. Within the "white guy loses it" genre, Falling Down is much better. It's funnier and more grim.

It's a C+ or B-, pretty good but tries a bit too hard

It's fucking dope dude. It's marvel stans trying to keep their capeshit hegemony.


Pretty meh movie in my opinion carried by a fantastic performance from Phoenix though. Worth one watch.




it’s an incredible performance by phoenix but other movies have done it better and not gotten as big

It was ok imo. I kind of thought it would be a normal guy pushed to his breaking point by SoCiEtY, but instead its about a guy whos already mentally unstable with an unstable mom and everyone hates him because hes weird as fuck


“You could’ve said an animated children’s movie or hecking Wonder Woman!” It’s weird these ACAB BLM furries suddenly are in favor of a a black guy not getting a house because a white woman thinks he’s dangerous

lmao i thought Wonder Woman was an odd choice - the person who recommended it is a notorious e-beggar and great lolcow. 🥝 Farms has a thread on them under Gagliardi / @afurrytoo

Haha ofc

Smells like a m*yo f*id.

How much of that is to do with Lagos, Nigeria?

If it is they’re even more r-slurred than the typical fembot-horoscopecel.

Nigerians who make it to the US are based af. Their culture also puts huge emphasis on education.

Yeah I know mad successful Nigerians from Lagos. They're practically super jews

Not great with electrical though. Worked with one that arc flashed himself doing work on a breaker box and my old plant manager managed to straight up get electrocuted and died working on his breaker box at home.

Very smart people. Just keep them away from electricity.


Very fake

Agreed. This is the first post I haven't upvoted since I started visiting this subreddit.

This shit is finely-tuned to make twitterites mad.

Lol @ calling exposition and normandy DTLA. i hope someone robs these dumb awfls.
