Cali governor Gavin "The Hair" Newsom BTFO by Federal Judge: California’s three-decade-old ban on assault weapons is unconstitutional, federal judge rules AR-15 RIFLES ARE BACK BABY!!!

1  2021-06-05 by HodorTheDoorHolder__


Going to the 9th circuit court

Lmao think again rightoid

Being a gunsexual doesn't make me a rightoid

Oh I know, I'm one too. I'm just throwing some cold water on this.


tbf the trump admin was able to drastically change the make up of the 9th during his tenure.

Wait he was? That sounds like it would have been big news.

The media was too busy chasing ghosts like the pee tape and kids in cages to actually cover real things Trump got done

Oh I know that. I just didn't know he was able to change the 9th at all. Didn't know there was any openings in his tenure.

not my heckin' 9th circuiterino!

All the judges Carter appointed time the court that made the 9th the way it is retired so trump got to fill them.


No... Not the Assault-Rifle 15s....


Arma Lite up that bussy Boi !

I like to imagine AR is an Asian mispronunciation of how you’d expect ArmaLite to be abbreviated.

AlmaRite Lmao 🤣

I'd just like to interject, AR is ArmaLite, sweaty

Do better be educated 💅💅💅

Unless this is bait. Good idea to troll rightoids.

Ass Rape 15 year old twink bussy 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤤🤤🤤

What did he mean by this??

Tbf I don’t think he left a lot to be interpreted in that comment

It's like someone is training a machine learning bot on arrre drama posters lol

It’s working pretty well

imagine what kind of a fent or soy-addled kreatur you'd have to be not to get that

You new here?

not as new as the new account you'll have to make lmao


The people standing around filming the Floyd arrest could've saved him had they been armed or willing to make use of being armed - and at least the reds of today understand it, but the libs I guess don't? Like how about at least waiting until the police problem is solved before making the flawed spree shooter arguments again?

Hell most public police brutality incidents can be stopped if everyone just decides to start kicking the in the heads, however guns can't hurt. They wouldn't have needed ultra murderer rifles either, but no one shot those cops during the 10 minutes it was going on - someone tell them they could've lol

AR stands for Alt-Right. 15 stands for the first and fifth letter of the alphabet- A and E- which stands for Adolf Eternal.


All these seething bird app users brings joy to my heart. Excellent drama

This shit is fucking hilarious. The amount of morons going “omg I feel so unsafe now!”

Bitch, you do realize the vast majority of gun related homicides were carried out by a handgun and not rifles like these right?

Libtards and their fear of the AR is absurd. You’re just as likely to die in a car crash as you are from a gun. In fact the majority of people are more likely to die from a car crash since most gun deaths are suicide and most gun homicides take place within very specific demographics involving people that know each other. Car crashes are a lot more random.

I live in California and the amount of people I've talked to who've said we need to "ban AR-15 machine guns" is insane.


Is there a more based group than Cuban expats?

holy shit he kinda looks like Edward James Olmos in that one movie

The one that nearly swept the 4th Independent Spirit Awards hosted by Buck Henry?

That's the teacher one right?

Stand and Deliver. Which was written and directed by a Cuban-American who also grew up in California.

the LA DA is a Cuban expat and he's the guy who totally fucked up in SF the last 8 years or so

I'd just like to interject as a smuggie real quick.

> assault weapon

> military style

like no shit. military style weapon let me have my mousin nagant that shoots a huge fucking round that WILL kill a man if shot in the chest. shooting a rifle should be a rite of passage for fucking redditors, and i'm a leftist gun owner myself, because god damn these REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED think that guns are some sort of cape shit super power that never miss, never malfunction, and can be reloaded Call of Duty sleight of hand perk style.

how the fuck do you get more military and "assault" weapon than that, all rifles and guns are "military style". they are meant to kill.

maybe im too drunk rn

these REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED think that guns are some sort of cape shit super power that never miss, never malfunction, and can be reloaded Call of Duty sleight of hand perk style.

Don't forget: 'um sweaty if you're about to get stabbed to death you can just shoot the knife out of stabby's hand' like you're fucking revolver ocelot

I have MY concealed carry so that YOU are safer for when I'm at the mall food court in line for my second orange chicken plate and a group of immigrants wearing skii masks bust in yelling GET ON THE GROUND but little do they know I'm strapped with my Glock 19 9mm ideal for versatile use because of its reduced dimensions compared with the standard pistol size. It's the most balanced and comfortable sized Glock. And then head shot each and everyone one without shooting any bystanders.

Thank you for your service

Thanks, it's just responsible gun ownership

You're pretty good.

All men should strive to be as cool as Revolver Ocelot.

Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the founding fathers intended

Hear me out, draco with 100 round drum mags. Two of them. Loaded full of blanks. I'm sitting in my living room wearing dirty tighty whities and an open Hawaiian shirt, nothing but a dim red light on. I havent slept in days and I'm living on caffeine and coke. 3 men break into my home and I click the button for a large stereo system which immediately plays the Evangelion theme song in russian and the red light begins strobing rapidly and getting brighter. I stand my from seat and let both of my dracos loose firing 200 rounds of 7.62x39mm blanks. The intruders are scared. One of them starts to run and trips over the trip wires I've set up all throughout my home, he falls into a bamboo spike covered in 3 week old shit, he is pinned to the ground and stabbed through his intestines. His friend pulls out a gun but he cant tell what's going on, after my guns have run out of ammo I toss them aside and pick up my mosin nagant, at the end is affixed 2 bayonets, one welded to the end of another. I charge the man with the gun and run him through sticking him into the wall. The final man finds his way to the door they entered and begins running down the long wooded path that leads to my hovel. As he is running I pull my high point .45 AARP affixed with another bayonet. I line my shot up and with one well placed round he goes down. My home is safe once again and I return to my seat, the first man is still pinned to the bamboo spike crying lightly, I finish him off. Once all is done I take a sip of my everclear and start reloading my dracos, safe for another night.

, and can be reloaded Call of Duty sleight of hand perk style.

Nah but doing it lobby shootout style is realistic.

Nah they think all those things except they also think reloading takes 10 minutes

let me have my mousin nagant that shoots a huge fucking round that WILL kill a man if shot in the chest.

Fortunately, that'll never happen with a Mosin unless you can push the muzzle into his sternum.

Not the dirty AK15s! After the Mulford Act heroically defended minorities I’m disappointed that progress has regressed this far

Now anyone they want can walk and get a 50. Caliber AK-15 with an extended clipazine and wide variety of attachment (the more tacticool the gun looks the more people it will kill)

Go into 🏴‍☠️News and say “there’s no need for anyone to own machineguns like these”

30-50 feral ice agents

Bring back shoulder thing that goes up please


May the larping extend from sea to shining sea


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Well it will probably be reversed on appeal pretty soon. The way this judge from the article wrote their ruling makes it pretty likely. It’s full or personal opinion, which isn’t legally relevant. Along with stuff like the AR15 configuration requirements californium has are unconstitutional but the configuration requirements that disallow and limit the configuration limitatimv of policing ownership of machine guns is constitutional.

policing ownership of machine guns

were not talking machine guns here libtard

article says

Read the opinion. It goes through 2a precedent, the 9th circuits scrutiny procedures for 2a cases, and the state's data/experts on the efficacy of an awb. It's a perfectly legally sound decision.

I bought one last year and I've used it once. Guns are kind of a waste of money. I think it would be more fun if I lived in the middle of nowhere and ammo was 1/4 the price as what it is now.

Local slur buys gun at absolute top of the market during civil unrest and global pandemic, is surprised when ammo is spendy.

Sounds like you weren't ready for the fun.

Guns are kind of a waste of money.

Imagine being poor enough to care lmao