Will father return or not, that is the question? What does it all mean?

1  2021-06-05 by tiptopkitkat


he would not invite Mark Zuckerberg to dinner “next time I’m in the White House”.

I’m sure Zuckbot is devastated he won’t be getting served gourmet hamburgers.

Idk if Trump can survive another loss tbh.

But he never lost in the first place?

Well except the entire government and the WH in a singular term, the biggest loser since the 1930s.

Having an election stolen from you through fraud isn't exactly losing, it just means the establishment fears you too much 😘

Produce evidence of fraud.

1 piece, no gish gallop. Present to me the singular strongest piece of evidence for fraud.

It's actually really obvious if you take off the blinders for a second.

Only losers lose. Trump isn't a loser, he's a winner (He's said as much himself on multiple occasions). So how can he possibly have lost? It defies basic logic.

It's baffling to me that Dems continuously ignore this massive oversight.

I just love how easy it is bait you even with the most sarcastic comment. Never change your 🧩🧠 Pizza

the biggest loser since the 1930s.

I think Bernie Scammers is the biggest loser, tbh. But I do give him credit for fleecing his r-slurred base.

Tons of people have lost primaries, almost nobody has lost an entire government in 1 term.

Tons of people have lost primaries

Losing to HRC is pretty embarrassing, though.

Clinton won more votes than Trump did in a general and had a fairly high approval rating among democratic voters.

huh she lost the election lmao talk about not knowing your history

Yeah, because of an out-dated and rigged electoral system set up to benefit a minority of the population.

More people voted for her than Donald Trump. Meaning she was more popular than Trump was.

More people voted for her than Donald Trump. Meaning she was more popular than Trump was.

she lost the election dude i don't think you really understand how this works??

If more people vote for one person over another person, is that person more or less popular?

idk man all i'm saying is that trump won the election its that simple. if you don't believe me look up the results from 2016.

are you not an american?

Ok let's dumb this down a bit.

Is the number 10 greater than, equal to, or lesser than the number 9?

this has nothing to do with what we're even talking about. not sure what the whole rigamarole is for.

It does.

If Candidate Y gets more votes than candidate B, which is more popular?

candidate trump won the election, so he was most popular among the varied electorates

That's not how this works. Clinton was more popular, Trump won because the system was rigged to aid a less popular candidate.

ok like i said above I dont think you know how elections work, but imagine it like a pie and we divide it up among each of the states fairly and they each get to use their portion to 'put-in' toward who they want for president, and trump got more of these because of his popularity.

hope this helps.

I don't know how you can't comprehend what popularity means.

If more people support one candidate than the other, that candidate is more popular.

Just because system is rigged and benefits the less popular candidate does not mean he's equally as popular, or more popular.

maybe you don't really understand because you live in a parliamentary country? I don't know, but i've tried to explain it severla times now.

I have multiple degrees, live in America, and a firm understanding of American politics.

You seemingly have not a basic comprehension of what popularity means.

oh then i think your probably a retard

Why is the popular vote called the popular vote?

we already went over the whole thing dude, don't know how many times i can explain it to you

You're just wrong is the thing. The popular vote is called the popular vote because the person that wins it wins more total votes, making them more popular.

Here, let me help you out:


the vote for a U.S. presidential candidate made by the qualified voters, as opposed to that made by the electoral college.

i'm still not seeing the relevance of this to what we discussed earlier but i don't feel like rehashing the subject.