“Why you shouldn’t date single mothers” shitflinging begins in the comments.

1  2021-06-06 by Llamayoda


Single moms are literal super heroes. Why wouldn't you want to date a super hero? Are you a super villain or something?

Because I hate capeshit. 😎


based tunasafedolphin blogspot reader

Don't opposites attract sweaty?

My straight friends hate dating single mothers but my gay friends love dating single fathers. There must be a pattern there but I can't put my finger on it.

Dude bussy lmao

There's a relevant snappy quote about this

The father comes with a potential extra bussy

Dudes rock?

It makes sense. That gives them a kid (which gay people still want too), single fathers can be hella lookers because 40 year old men are hot and menopause isn’t, and the tried and true “if someone else wants this, I want it too”. Same with milfs. Someone thought they were fuckable enough to put a kid into, so you’ve already eliminated the worst ones.

Not dating single mothers is one of those things that is taboo to say and you'll get criticised for saying that, but it's something most people do anyways.

Yeah. A lot of serious posting about it here about their hatred of single moms, but anyone who isn’t a complete aspie goes outside and talks about how single moms are heroes, but will personally avoid them.

I don’t hate them, I just don’t want to marry or associate with one.

Same, and I'd imagine most girls wouldn't want to be with single fathers as well.

Most single fathers are rather wealthy and tend to have their shit together (because you have to be in order to win custody in court), both of which are attractive traits for women.

Same with the Super-Straight shit. Most people are but they don't wanna get attacked on Twitter

The Twitter mob is the new inverse red scare.

Imagine being canceled for not wanting to fuck a train. This is our current reality.

I mean dude bussy lmao

Dude bussy lmao!

any man who dates a single mother with a son gets the pleasure of watching that child grow up to become the man who nutted in her all those years ago before he stepped up to the plate and got his sloppy seconds.

Blogspot. Yep. Crack siiiiiiiip.

Good days... Google+... yep...

Crack.. siiiiiip.

DAE member angelfire. Yep. siiiiiiip.

What can of goodness did you crack open Mr Sip?

Classic Western Woman Entitlement. "I am beautiful, perfect, and special, no matter how many dumb mistakes I made or how selfishly I behave! And if you don't validate me by repeating that mantra back to me, you're an asshole!" If a straight white man were to act that way, you would either call him a pathological narcissist or "Mr President." But when women do it, it's somehow beautiful, empowered, and totally hecking valid. Honestly, this is a part of why I supported Trump back in 2016. I wanted to give these delusional narcissists a taste of the exact same abusive narcissism that they inflict upon others.

Please pardon my bitterness, I just got off Tinder. To be fair, I was raised by a single mom, and I got fortunate enough to get a stepfather who is a really awesome person. But my step-dad is basically a superhero, and I could never be as patient as him (nor would I want to be). Expecting a superhero as the default baseline in a relationship is extra-strength narcissism, and when you encounter a woman like that, run far and fast in the opposite direction. Key phrases may include "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best!" or "I was just too much woman for him!"

I apologize for the long seriouspost, but let's be real here - half of r/drama users are probably the children of broken homes, so this is both empowering and relevant to you (unfortunately).

All good homie. At least you aren't pizzashill. Are you? 😏

God, I hope not! I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. He seems like a perfectly fine r/drama poster, he's just a little... odd.

Aren't we all? We are just cynically misfits.

Aka the 4chan retirement home.


Pizzashill is fully unironic in his posts, and that is hilarious but also sad.

Please pardon my bitterness, I just got off Tinder.

lol uggo


How many of you realize if you subtracted the media from the equation, no one would know and everything would be fine.

oh, you saw in the news that Iran is digging mass graves. 4,500 ppl in Italy

and that couldn't possibly be a lie? right? created by the hollywood nwo government that has been releasing films tv shows games books everything for 10, 20 years everyday about pandemics, end times, zombies, . . . .

You live in this fantasy world where you CHOOSE what flavor of media/propaganda to believe and what is bullshit, or wrong, or not your thing.

See, I'm writing this because I just want peace and quiet. Good music. Good food. Good people. I didn't ask to be here. Did you? I work to make the best of it. But it's very hard. Mostly because there are billions of liars and idiots being lead around like cattle, AT BEST.

Fuck you!!! 🖕🖕🏻🖕🏼🖕🏽🖕🏾🖕🏿

Where is this schizo shit from?

The internet

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. “Why you shouldn’t date single moth... - archive.org, archive.today*

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one time i did an out-call for couple and did not realize until i was inside their house that they intended to introduce me to their teenage son, who was in the house at the time, before we began our appointment

they made me shake his hand. the way that kid looked at me, he knew what was up.

good old drew carey show had several episodes about how even drew doesn't want to date a single mother

An out call? Are you some male hooker?

in another life, yeah

i like to sprinkle little anecdotes about it here and there on the sub. that was one of the less fun ones.

Let me get this straight. You were going to have a threesome or bang the whore of a mother and this sick fucks introduced you to their son like they were about to have family dinner with a friend?

hell yeah, that's a pretty accurate way to describe it.

and the husband got involved towards the end, if you take my meaning. but mostly he just watched.

it was super weird.


Also lmao literal cuckold married a single mother

well i was already there, and a grand is a grand.

i think he was the bio father, but yeah...yeah.

How hot are you to get paid a grand to fuck a man’s wife? And how desperate are you that you would?

i used to be pretty good looking yeah.

rich people pay a lot for certain securities/amenities, like in-calls and discretion and no jealousy complications, and prices can multiply the more they're looking for. and once they get past a certain age, rich guys seem pretty keen on watching their trophy wives have sex. presumably because they're getting their own whores(and sometimes i'd be involved there too).

i dunno how to answer the desperate question, it wasn't really a hardship most of the time.

used to be

Damn is r/drama all just oldheads now?

Sounds like an interesting life though did you quit or age out?

oh, i've been here for an age in one form or another. i'm the wind, baby.

i met and married bee-girl, the hot chick i've occasionally posted naked photos of in our tiny methlab kitchen. and it's a pretty poor career for a husband.

tho coincidentally(unrelated to whoring), i had some medical issues arise around the same time, so i was going to be done with it around then either way. i've been going in and out of treatment and having various surgeries for much of the last 5 years.

fwiw my kind of good-looking actually lends itself to a longer career -- straight-acting, head of hair, white, thin, etc. there are surprisingly few whores like that(at least in my area), so we burn out less quickly than the twinks or nubian gods, as long as we focus on the classier massage-adjacent stuff. why, maybe there's even hope for you if you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a glorious cock.

Seems like you lucked out missing the heroin epidemic. But you are old which means, I have to say, in the words of our great drama s-slur herself, ok boomer

rats, i didn't know there was a heroin epidemic. or is this a dig at me about the one in the 90s? because i'm not that old

then again bee-girl had to explain what fent was to me so i'm a little out of touch i guess

How’d you get into the business?

Dating single mothers is a terrible idea but hooking up with them is great. They're so desperate that anything goes. And then you block them and never have to meet their spawn.

Mmmm so many copes:


1- They are domesticated. They can cook, clean, keep house, balance a checkbook and stick to schedules. How many single women are sloppy and can't cook because they never had to take care of someone?

2- They're smart. They DIDN'T stay with a deadbeat in order to save face and took on the single mother stigma head-on to sacrifice for their children.

3- They don't treat men like trash. They already know how to out others before themselves. How many single women do that well?

4- Because they've experienced prior heartache, they KNOW what they want.

5- Because single fathers had a 50/50 chance of being a single parent too when they married and started a family. Could men ever bear to be judged like the man that wrote this article is judging women?

6- Because stepchildren still have the potential to be the one of the best things that happened to you. How many men adore their nieces and nephews? How many men teach or mentor children? You can love the experience if the mother is as great as you're dating her for....she'd be raising superstars!

7- They're humans with talents, personality and other qualities to attract. Everyone has a history. Writing half of the dating population off for something that could work out fine is not the ONLY choice single men have.

Sincerely, Gorgeous 36 yr old, divorced mother of three....with a Masters degree, house, car, career and open heart! 👏🏼

  1. I take it you've never met a slatternly single mom then. Empirical evidence suggests that they exist.
  2. Or deadbeat bailed and they didn't get the choice; either way, single mother stigma ain't what it was two generations ago so maybe soft-pedal the "stunning and brave" line a little
  3. They know how to look out for their kids. May or may not extend to going the extra mile, the extra yard, or one extra inch for a man.
  4. Because they've experienced prior heartache, they KNOW what they don't want. No guarantee they're any clearer on what they do want, though.
  5. Most men prolly don't have anything like a 50/50 chance of being a single parent. Men get judged plenty and I shouldn't even have to defend that assertion.
  6. Maybe. Or maybe it's just going to be 15 years of "you're not my real dad!". Some single moms may be raising superstars but those aren't odds I'd bet on.
  7. The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the smart way to bet. The rewards need to outweigh the risks that you're just looking at someone who had all her fun in her twenties, and you wouldn't have made the short list then, and is now basically just after a provider, which purely by coincidence happens to be where you come in.

Sincerely, rather unlovely 61yr old married father of two... with a Bachelor's degree, house, car, paying job and pious hope that his sons will be happy.

You’re 61 and seriousposting on r/drama.

You got a kik? I’m into older married men

Seriousposting? Just being argumentative for the lulz. Aren't we all?

Can't help you with the kik thing, sorry. But you're not missing much.

Can't help you with the kik thing, sorry. But you're not missing much.

Don’t slander yourself like that king, I’m sure your dick tastes great!

Ah, I was famous for my dick once. But I'm aware enough to recognise those days are gone. Worse to be in denial about it, yesno?

I always had no problem casually hooking up with single moms but it usually ended when I made it clear we weren't dating. I manged to not have a kid before 30 and I expected the same out a potential girlfriend.


If you cant keep a roof above your head, you won't keep a man around 🤭🤭

I love dating single moms. they're so grateful.
