Wife of illegitimate son of Princess Diana and James Hewitt pushes out a girl. French tunnels have made no comment at time of press.

1  2021-06-06 by CherokeeSurprise


step down from royal duties because everyone in your family is racist

name your daughter after the Queen

How fucking dumb are these people?

I don't think any of them are real. As far as I'm concerned every country outside America is an elaborate performance put on by Hollywood to keep us entertained.

The Reverse Truman Show.

Ahh now I understand lilibet, lol what a shit name

They're in a desperate struggle to get/keep the public on their side. Bongs hate them but burgers don't see through their bullshit for the most part. The queen is universally loved by these pathetic royalists so tying her to them is their priority. It's a power move.



Lilibeth is the queen's nickname based on how she would pronounce her own name as a toddler. Pretty sure only her parents, sister and husband called her Lilibeth. Such a weird move to name your child that. I continue to be fascinated by the damage one single American kween is doing to the bongistani royal family.

Well seeing how she is lighter skinned than Steph Curry, the M*yo obviously seeped into her brain for desire for having "unique" names for her children.

I forsee papparazi in a tunnel in their future.

I hope they will claim their son was diddled by andrew next

Man your title 😄😆

Oh God. Another rich white woman who's gonna go around acting uppity because she's got some melanin DNA somewhere inside her. What is she Quadracial? One-fourth-Blackracial?

I'm still waiting for when all Amerimutts get reparations from the Eurocels.

Why hasn't James bond assassinated these people yet?

007 is a BIPOC queen now, get up to date grandpa.

And hopefully played by megan herself

What a terrible name.

It's a giant dick-sucking move. The Queen couldn't pronounce "Elizabeth" as a child and said "Lilibeth" instead. It became her nickname amongst family.

that’s cute lol

The title for worst is still X Æ A-12.

Definitely. Any name that requires an explanation more than explaining how to spell it, should just not happen

And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


  1. Wife of illegitimate son of Princes... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I think it is bizarre when people give a legal name to their child that is a nickname like putting "Peggy" on the birth certificate instead of Margaret. I also think it is silly to choose a nickname for your child the second they come shooting out of the uterus. "Oh his name is Thomas but we call him 'Timbo' for short ". Somehow these supposedly elitist Royals managed to participate in both of these trailer trash practices at the same time.

I’m so glad I’m not the only person to share this sentiment. Why would you want your child to have a permanently casual sounding name? It’s like forcing your child to wear sweatpants for the rest of his life.

I went to high school with a kid who’s legal name was “Joey”. Imagine.

Diana must have owned a time machine. Harry was two years old before Diana met Hewitt.


