Chapos Getting Ready for a Shining New Path for Peru 🇵🇪

3  2021-06-07 by -frozen-chosen-


So he's an anti womens and lgbt rights commie. So his politics are based around hating the rich, the middle class, the woke, women, and the gays?

King shit.

Throw in mayos and we might have the spicy Latin king so many of us wish we were.

Stupidpol types need to control their cooming sprees because his party had to form a coalition with some of the more woke lgbt friendly socdem parties to have any power.

So the coalition is going to fall apart over womens or lgbt rights and stupid pol will get even angstier. The dream

This recent race was so tight that I’m sure that both the SocDems and the main party (forgot what it was called and don’t care to look it up) will likely avoid breaking up the coalition. If the margin of victory was 5 points and not around .05 points then I’d day to coalition is in danger.

Both parties are socially conservative. We (women) are fucked one way or the other.



Fake Peruvian here (gringa but lived there)

Peru is the country that was hardest hit by bat 🦇 flu which is threatening its relative stability and prosperity. There’s a huge election and right now it’s 49.8% vs. 50.2% between a commie & the daughter of the guy who fixed the country in the 90s (he’s in jail for corruption, like all former Peruvian presidents that haven’t killed themselves). It’s looking like the commie may win. In Peru everyone has to vote or you are fined. They are still counting ballots. The poor people in the Andes are going for the commie and the expats are going for Fujimori’s daughter.

Didn’t Fujimori also cooperate with death squads and sterilize heccin bipocerinos to own the lefties? Peruvian politics are wild

Allegedly 👀

He fucking did.

Its amazing all the things fascists can do and still run a country better than the commies.

Cooperate is the nicer word for it instead of them being just state sanctioned. Part of his daughter platform is also letting him out of prison and doing whatever their version of a full pardon is for him on all possible charges. Probably full civil war if that happens.

He did. I'm peruvian. Born and raised. Both of these candidates are utter trash even for peruvian standards. I didn't vote. I hate this country and want to flee

Oh wow!!! I hope you’re doing alright and can maybe come to America.

That Shining Path joke was wasted on this lot, but good job. Why would you ever live in Peru if you're a foreigner?

I had a charity project :)

Didnt you guys have a fascist indigenous movement a while ago?

the communist party of peru is not "fascist"

I’m not talking about them

Uhh they had indigenous paramilitaries fighting against communist terrorists and for some reason the people fighting against the commies who did shit like burning people alive and killing pregnant women and children with machetes wound up being anti communist to the point that they'd sign up with anyone who'd help them deal with said commies so yeah they had indigenous RWDS.

Its over for Fujimoricels

Based title

Didn't Shining Path mass murder a bunch of Natives?

Yes they would go and just massacre people in small villages :(

Have you been to the Museo de la Memoria in Ayacucho? It was incredible to see what had happened in the area during the Shining Path times.

The government did incredibly fucked up shit too, and the villagers were caught in the middle. They were fucked if they supported the rebels and fucked if they supported the government. So sad.

I wish I hadn't been born here. From Lima though not Ayacucho. I'm so miserable.

Who do you think is gonna be the next Latin American country to take a hard turn to the left?
Mexico is going that way, now Peru.

Chile! The young people do not like the free market policies of the previous generation and it’s starting to become unstable with protests, etc.

What about the Guays, Colombia, Salvadore or Brazil?

I am not sure. Unfortunately I am no South American expert! I work in healthcare lol

PS love your username 😍

The vote came to Bussy vs Gussy, i think the choice is obvious

Those hats deserve their own post.
