(Not drama) Why are Redditors like this

1  2021-06-08 by busslordlowkeybussin



These poorcels think that bootlife is sweet but it's a camp for cheaters that love hoes and guns.



The main reason young men join the service is to get pussy, the recruiters talk about how much pussy you'll get wearing your uniform and how much pussy you're get overseas.

Young women join because they also want pussy or they're whores. Some exceptions, but if they disagree with my last statement they're not the exception.

As the ages go up to the mid to later 20's alot still join for pussy, but for the most part because they were failures who couldn't make it in the real world.

Anybody who joins to be a gungoho body stacker is doing it for the pussy.

Is it true women in the navy get trains run on them when at sea cause everyones so desperate.

Nah, mostly just boat boos hooking up.

I'm sure it's happened before, but it's mostly tall tales.

Ive heard so many sob stories from men that every woman in the army ends up cheating on their partner almost immediately. So is it only the non-single ones getting kinky?

Army of Cucks


Coincidence? I think not.

Never worked with the army. Only AF, Navy and USMC. AF women are normal because it's not really the military.

Men and women all cheat, women at least lie and say they have an open relationship, men don't really acknowledge it.

Would you have a serious long distance relationship with a sorority girl or a college athlete and think they’re going to never sleep around when you haven’t been intimate with them in at least a month?

My current wife was in a sorority in college. All her sorority sisters dressed like whores and loved to party. She would do the same because it was college and she wanted to fit in.

She always had guys hanging around her that she called her best friends that I didn’t really like but she assured me they were just friends. They were never anywhere to be seen when I came to visit though. She promised that she never cheated even when she blackout drunk. I believe her and trust her because she’s not that type of girl.


Good for you two and I hope it's true. Even if it isn't true I hope she never tells you.

I hope she never tells you, stay happy king🤴🏿

t. redditor


fucking a sorority girl

Pick one.

My current wife was in a sorority in college. All her sorority sisters dressed like whores and loved to party. She would do the same because it was college and she wanted to fit in.

This is weapons-grade cope.

Sir you’re on ahr drama this is like an open invite to getting bullied

It's always in your best interest to avoid boat hoes. I was briefly on a DDG before getting deck-swapped over to an all male ship and life was so much better despite working longer hours and with decreased living condition qualities due to the ship's age.

I think you’re underestimating how many people find the prospect of getting called a hero for killing foreigners sexier than any pussy.

I used to know a dude in high school who had like straight up psychotic anger issues, openly fantasized about murdering people, but then one day he realized if he joined the army maybe he could do violent shit for real and be congratulated for it instead of locked up and sent to therapy, and from then on he was all about Serving His Country.

Also if that two moms girlboss army recruitment video taught me anything it’s that apparently some women join because they think it’ll look great on their resume

They do it for the pussy.

Idk man I reaaaaaalllly wanted to fly



Well women are better than moids.🤷‍♂️

that happened with one of my friends from high school who was really into "dark shit" and was basically a psycopath who was ready to kill at a moment's notice if it were socially acceptable.

He ended up dying in Afghanistan while working as a contractor.

sounds like a story where those of us who knew him would celebrate, but we really didn't. it was just really bizarre.

He ended up dying in Afghanistan while working as a contractor.

At least he died doing what he enjoyed doing.

From what I remember about the guy I knew, he struck me less as the kind of person who would plan and carry out a school shooting than someone who would one day get into a fight with a completely random person over something totally petty and end up murdering them. Now I’m trying to pick apart how and why that distinction exists in my mind.

Perhaps you needed to know in case he shanked you for letting your eraser make that squeaky squeaky noise on a test.

Yeah for as much of a psycho as he was I never felt like I myself was in imminent danger from him. Like I was reasonably sure he was going to kill someone someday but I never lay awake at night worried it was going to be me, because I wasn’t one of his enemies. He could be affable and even innocent at times, just so long as no one got him angry.

Now I wish I could remember his last name so I could look him up and find out what became of him. If I had to place a bet just completely out of thin air, I’d say the military didn’t work out for him in the end and now he either is/has spent time behind bars or he became a cop, lol. 50/50 on whether he’s ever been a domestic abuser. Maybe he even found Christ or something and he’s now an ultra-repressed ticking time bomb waiting to go off to this very day, idk

Yeah it’s different when they shoot back bro

One less psycho off the streets, sounds like a win to me

Always think that if Eric Harris hadn't been on antidepressants and had joined the marines like he wanted, he could have done what he did in columbine in Iraq and got medals for it.

I could see Eric turning into the angry chad businessman who just up and murders his whole family cause his wife gained 15 pounds and his kids don't smile at him after he comes home from work.

So is this how erotic columbine themed fanfics started on Tumblr?

All of my reasons for doing anything eventually boil down to getting pussy

Yes it's true for all mammals

People even chemically castrate themselves for pussy. Just look at finasteride.

Why do women avoid fighting on the frontlines like the plague? If theyre not fighting for pussy, then there are waay better means of getting lesbian sex. Its like any of them have standards for each other.

Aren't like 90% of fslurs molested in the military? Why would any one of them would willingly chose to join? So that other slurs can yell you orders that you have to do without question?


They lure you in with promises of pussy and then they make you realize bussy is better.

They don't make you realize, it's just an fact of life you learn as you age.

Once you realize the only reason you're spending time around females is their pussy, you realize getting it really isn't that big of a deal and bussy is basically the same thing without all the headache.

The important thing is taking the bussy pill before you knock a women up, then you're better off being tied to that gussy for life for the sake of the child.

But what about gay dudes who hang around gussies?

They cray cray.


That's for grunts, the fuck else are you supposed to tell them, "hey brah, wanna go get shot at for three years and then go work at a Wendy's?"

There's a different siren song for people who aren't retarded about free tertiary and training in a profession. What they don't tell you is that you'll be stuck there for 5 years, and the pay isn't all that great.

Honestly, a poorcel with some brain activity can do pretty well even as old as late 20s.

Don't forget how after you shot some innocent Afghanis for standing in the road, you now have debilitating PTSD and start screaming every time the tv goes bang bang bang.

Bootlife == cheat life Aka divorced and PTSD life

I just wanted help paying for college... and pussy

We need to stop teaching incels how to kill

What if you genuinely like stacking bodies and breaking bucks?


I think it's chargers now. Or was a few years ago.

As long as I can get it with a v6.

New Camaros are ugly as hell. Chevy can't even sell them.

Click his profile and I guarantee he posts on one of the capeshit subreddits.


The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and shared universe centered on a series of superhero films produced by Marvel Studios. The films are based on characters that appear in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The franchise also includes television series, short films, digital series, and literature. The shared universe, much like the original Marvel Universe in comic books, was established by crossing over common plot elements, settings, cast, and characters.

Also DC

Like anyone cares

I have never watched a movie with a budget of over 30 million

never having watched Fight Club

Reddit moment


I'm going to start getting in to the habit of profusely apologizing whenever something innocuous I've said gets a few downvotes

shanghai noon & its sequel were pretty dope movies tho who cares bout his characters name

I'll watch Owen Wilson make fun of orphans any day of the week

Wait till these dumbasses find out how many were conscripted.

People that post shit like “Edit: spelling”, “Edit: fixed a word” make absolutely no sense to me. No one in the world cares so why are you announcing it as if you’ve made a life-changing revelation

I've never understood that either. It's always been a thing as far back as I can remember so I guess everyone just assumes it's some unwritten rule of commenting on reddit.

I suppose so you don’t get accused of changing your comment out of context, so that the replies don’t make sense

Yes. Especially if you post a "controversial" comment, there's always going to be that one annoying stalker or two who is constantly looking at your edits and waiting for the moment you change something.

Edits Edits Edits

Words Words Words

"The only reason we fought Hitler was because of propaganda" and "I accidentally committed cultural appropriation and I can't stand racist stereotypes" in the same post, that's a first.

Boy, for a subreddit about self awareness, these idiot soys sure lack self awareness.

Wang(王) as a last name is super fucking common for Chinese people. It's not racist to name your white character John Smith.

Exactly. Racist is naming the only Asian in your 7 book series Cho Chang.

Thats two Asian last names, from two different Asian countries.


Cuz it's full of rslurred young adults that entered college and think listening to woke views and reiterating them makes them intelligent and popular

The average redditor needs to let everyone know that they are very smart. This is a lie. The real question is are they selfawarewolf enough to know that they are liars?

This is genuinely one of my least favorite things in modern political discourse.

The idea there are "2 sides" to every story and "nothing is as it seems."

It's gotten so fucking absurd people are trying to do it with Hitler himself now, probably as clear-cut an example of pure villainy as could ever exist.

People are so overly eager to seem "intellectual" and "above the sheeple" they'll just say and believe the dumbest shit imaginable.

Shanghai Noon was a good movie

Because they are literally 12 IRL.


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