Macron, president of the Fr*nch, gets slapped by some dude

1  2021-06-08 by dawnofthedawgs


He slapped him limp wristed for pride month

the way macron hangs his chin out over the railing combined with the wimpiness of that slap makes this feel very staged to me

Any baguettes around for translation?

Probably has something to do with Macron not meeting his monthly, French government mandated rape quota.

I continue to maintain that DSK lost his election because it turned out he didn’t rape that cleaning lady in New York.

Yeh I get the feeling raping some random is the French equivalent of having a pic taken kissing a black baby in the US.

"Montjoie Saint-Denis, Down with macronism."

Montjoie saint-denis was the motto of french kings. The guy was also a larper practicing medieval martial art, so probably just a neckbeard (he also has an anime waifu youtube channel). No political revolution on the horizon.

"Montjoie Saint-Denis, Down with macronism."

Montjoie saint-denis was the motto of french kings. The guy was also a larper practicing medieval martial art, so probably just a neckbeard (he also has an anime waifu youtube channel). No political revolution on the horizon.

Accurate translation, Neckbeards = modern Templar Knights



It's a (fictional) quote from a very famous movie about a medieval knight who travel to the future with his servent Jacouille to the 90's because of a witch.

"pélera le jonc" = cut his dick off

"On le pendera avec ses tripes" = then hang him with his guts

It's like the most popular movie in Frenchland for millenials/genx/boomboom, it made like 15 millions seated tickets back then in kinemas

This ran on France 24 this afternoon. My French isn't very good but I think what they're saying is, "Look at that granny fucker get slapped like a bitch."

French cops literally wear vests that say PIGS on the back.

I know French cops gassed the shit out of me when I was just trying to walk back to the hotel in Paris

Those were probably just local Parisians not cops. You can smell them 3 blocks away.

Que disent les cinq doigts au visage?


Good morning, French people


This is why I’ve always liked the French over the British


