Darqwolff is back! He appears to be currently stalking a girl in Florida. I hope she keeps hiding....

1  2021-06-08 by Doc_Optiplex


Idk if I'm allowed to post the link to his google guide profile but it is one hundred percent undeniably him




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I think you can link anything that isn’t from reddit

Tattoos make it hard to hide from not just the government, but also redditors.

These lame and costly vandalisms of the commidified "rebel"- Are you truly making oneself unique with your branding, or simply decorating the future skin suit of some internet psychopath?

Are you truly making oneself unique with your branding, or simply decorating the future skin suit of some internet psychopath?

As if any self-respecting sociopathic maniac would settle for low-quality, marred material.


Please, this is Darqwolff we are talking about here.


Hearing about darqwolff makes me think of angrydm. He was one of my favourites

Same. Gone but not forgotten.

Angrydm will never be forgotten

Feel like pure shit just want him back x

She has a tattoo ergo she is too old for Darq.

'I know, I'll stay in tonight, drink some wine, and troll losers on Omegle'

Then a man with a 350-point IQ with screencapping software carefully separates all the blurry 720p frames he recorded that night, and believes he's found distinct landmarks in the reflections of your eyes, and is now driving around not even the correct US coast, under the belief that you really do love him, even though you never thought about him once during your four-minute conversation.

The mayo-male menace is driven by greed and schizophrenia, and the only cure is hormone blockers. Imagine the edifices, laws, and technologies lost in the dissipated concentration of that manqué genius, all because gussy has to exist. The Homosex State would guarantee happiness and fulfillment in work, and I know that if we could just talk to him, we'd be able to help him out of his latest mania.

🚂 and 💦. I challenge any of you to come up with a problem that isn't solved by 🚂 and 💦.



Huh, he must be 24-25 now. How time flies, they grow so fast!

Is he CEO of Google yet? I haven't been following him that closely tbqh.

No, not quite there yet.

there's a name I have not heard in a long ass time.

How do you find these things?

I went down the rabbit hole HARD after someone posted his original pasta, just started googling things, one good search turns up a little more information, which in turn reveals a little more information.

Pretty quickly I found his full name, address, DOB. Sketchy, but from there it was really easy to find all of his current online presence.

It's really easy to find who he is, there is even an old ar drama post showing linking to an article about him getting arrested, with picture and everything

Yee, and I didn't get his address and all that shit, some other neckbeard in a forum found it, probably from the police report.

Can u give me a quick explanation on what this man is

To make a long story short, He first got kinda famous Reddit wide for making this pasta (google darqwolf pasta and find it, since can’t link to threads even if they are years old apparently)z. I think people assumed he would grow out of this kind of mindset, but it became clear soon that it would never happen. Then he found his way to the sub and it just got worse from there.

He was a lolcow for a while but eventually what his accounts was first when he started posting about how the age of consent should be lower because “it would be better for freedom if everyone who was emotionally mature enough to have sex was allowed even if it meant a lot of people got taken advantage of” (paraphrasing but that was basically his argument). Of course in his eyes this meant something like 8 or 10 lmao.

The prior stuff may have had nothing to do with his ban, but I had to include it, but then what really did it was when yang entered the DNC primary and was promising UBI, he jumped on that train. Then when someone pointed out that people like him were the reason there would never be popular support for UBI, he threatened to go on a shooting spree if he was excluded from it.

He may have also been stalking people, had a lot of shitty takes , and nonsensical positions in issues. There is a lot of stuff I’m forgetting,

My man!!! Thank you this is meaty, I feed off narcissism


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Can you send that thread. We can link stuff within r/drama I think


He was bound to ultimately become Florida Man wasn’t he? We should have seen this coming.

The saddest thing about this post is that he got to eat at Krystal and I didn't.

What is Krystal? Any good?

It's the southern version of White Castle. Since I am in NoVa I haven't seen one since they closed the one at the bottom of VA that I used to stop at when I would go see my friend NC.

