Chad Hunter confirmed gamer

1  2021-06-08 by hackfraud30011999


We can neither confirm nor deny that this is a Russian misinformation campaign. Please consult with your journalists who have served honorable careers in the intelligence community.

It's not a hard R so it seems legit, other way he would be done for good, nevermind the copious amount of sex and drugs in Ukraine, conservatives are alright with theses now but a full blown hard N-slur, that was over, the Republicans would have attack him relentlessly 😎

Sorry, Gemini, but words against humanity are punishable by death. Prepare to get v&.

Remember not to read any original material yourself. Tune into CNN / Fox so we can do that for you citizen.

original material

Can't. Already died from boredom.

This but uniro

Nobody that isn’t black or anyone under the age of 25 says “n-slura”. I call BS

I've read this a couple of times and got this far with the translation:

yt bad

That close?

So how is showing Hunter Biden as a drunken, whore mongering, druggie racist going to affect DDD? Trumps kids are retarded and he only lost cause of his own stupidity.

Everything I learn from the rightoids about Hunter just makes me like him more. He really does have a big dick too

Did you see the pic where he stacked mnms on it?

How the fuck did I miss that one, I thought I collected them all.

It's basically all magatards have. Despite all their wailing and gnashing of teeth though, all they've really done is consistently prove how much of a Chad he is.

It’s all they have that isnt a criticism of his policies, which is bomb kids and rape women which Trump did anyway

Yeah lol they loved it when orange man did it but now suddenly it's a problem. Just like libs screeched when trump was deporting people yet Obama was the biggest deporter-in-chief to ever live, yet that wasn't an issue back then. This is why I'm a radical centrist. So I can be smug no matter who's in the white house.

Based brother

There's some shitstains in the centrist crowd, too. I say fuck the politics, which aren't really politics to begin with. It's just a bunch of clowns dancing for the peasants in the town square. Maybe throw them some crusty bread when you'r feeling a little generous.

I mean, there were also emails that have Hunter peddles his father's influence and that was confirmed by Tony Bobulinski, the guy that helped them do it.

Libbies just couldn't get enough of the big hunter cock tho and forgot about that part.

I just don't see why it matters anymore, Joe already won.

No one cared.

Oh no, rich people using nepotism to get what they want? Say it ain't so!

I was browsing /pol/ after that shit first leaked a while back and I can promise you it's because deep down they're all just jealous they don't get paid millions of dollars to smoke crack and fuck high school girls all day.

Hunter is literally living out their dream life, and there's nothing they can do about it.

They literally never have an answer. All they did was spam his dick pics for a week pretending it was some doomsday scenario for Biden.

They got so desperate they started calling adult instagram models children.

There were a couple of confirmed high schoolers in some of those pics, but if I were a high school girl I'd want to fuck Hunter too so I can't really bring myself to feign outrage over it.

There are no confirmed HS girls in those pics.

There were three that were confirmed, I can personally attest to that.

Again, it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to use this as some kind of political ammunition. But I'm also not going to deny reality.

But this isn't true lol, this was literally fabricated on 4chan and debunked countless times.

There were no "HS girls" in any of those pictures.

The only ones that could even be identified were clearly hookers.

There's a black girl in one photo, but she isn't facing the camera. 4chan claimed it was HS girl and friend of malia.


No, it wasn't. Stop talking like a typical lib, you're better than that pizza.

There's a black girl in one photo, but she isn't facing the camera. 4chan claimed it was HS girl and friend of malia.

Yeah, this was bullshit, you're right about that.

I won't go into the details about the others because it involves minors, and I don't expect you to believe me. I don't see why it even matters anyway, nothing will come of it.

No, it wasn't. Stop talking like a typical lib, you're better than that pizza.

Friend, I spent a long time going over all of this shit. There was not a single HS girl in any of those photos, not 1.

I won't go into the details about the others because it involves minors, and I don't expect you to believe me. I don't see why it even matters anyway, nothing will come of it.

I have seen it all. I don't care, it's just disinformation.

a drunken, whore mongering, druggie racist

god I wish that was my life. sadly I'm only the last part :(

Kamala doesn't have any biological kids (other than her stepchildren), so they can't bully them like they used to try to do with Obama's daughters. That's who they would really go after if they had the chance.

White boy summer officially started!

How much money do I owe you. Becaause (sic) n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.’

Based and thickschlongpilled

My n-slur Hunter game so cold

My boi Hunter here just dripping with big dick energy.

If I were Joe I'd say the right boy died.
