Fat people shouldn’t be allowed to vote- good drama in the comments

1  2021-06-08 by Llamayoda


If fat people weren't allowed to vote then America would turn into a monarchy

Naw, just an aristocracy of us non hamplanets.

Colorado's representation would skyrocket and Mississippi's would plummet.

this concept intrigues me but internet autisms frequently underestimate how to translate their abstract rslur ideas into the real world where people actually live

so first, universal healthcare right? thats the key to sticking it to the fatties, do it, the republicans are clearly on life support, when ddr inevitably is murdered by hildawg his own arteries the mass suicides alone will destroy their future

all healthcare is now covered by the government, because of the obvious insanity of how burger government does anything, this will materialize as the hospitals charging insane fees and the government guaranteeing a payout just like student loans because we never learn

BUT if you are contributorily negligent in your own mortality hazard you are not eligible to have the government pay for your care, all the people now unemployed that had spent years of their lives figuring out how to deny your healthcare claims are now employed by the government figuring out how to get the government out of the same claims. they are coming for the fatties. also smokers. not drinkers that will be constitutionally protected thanks to the representation of alcohol americas on scotus now.

this brought to you by drunkenly graduating law school and needing to do literally anything to spend more time in the building with air conditioning

or just the fact that USA spends a more of its GDP than most on healthcare and it still isn't even universal

Oh, I thought this was Snappy for a good minute

i do have aspirations

Pretty sure I said this a year ago. It's time we start treating fatties like smokers, peer pressure is a MF.

Example: Gross you smell like ciggs, you know they will kill you someday.

Now with fatties: Your arm rolls are disgusting, you do realize you're slowly dying right now.

This isn't bullying, this is actually the opposite.

"You fat disgusting slop-fuck, i can smell the pork pudding dripping from your blimp folds. The spam clogging your arteries is making its way to your brain making you a stupid sack of lard meat wrapped in a fowl bag of butter bile. By the way im not bullying you."

I like it

Woke : Only fat people should be able to vote.

Imagine the cool infrastructures 😎

