Vice President is Cringe

1  2021-06-09 by Shubard75


I don’t like Harris but what exactly do they think going to the physical border to stare at it and some desert is going to accomplish? It’s basically a photo op for politicians who do. At least visiting a holding facility would be more purposeful but you can do that in fn New Jersey and other states to spread that corporate money because they ship people to facilities way away from the border and separate people from other adults family members who are in ice and private detention centers.

but you can do that in fn New Jersey

Oh, so now you want her to visit the third world? Outrageous.

Enough 👏 with 👏 the 👏 serious 👏 posting 👏

She could at least fake cry and take some selfies. AOC really set the bar high.

Votoids judge politicians by their rhetoric and other acts of drama. Who has the time to sift through bill records and assess policy outcomes? Pundits? Journalists? Get with the times, fluffy.

Theres not a continuous conga-line of immigrants crossing the border, that you can look at and maybe drink some tequila with?! TIL I guess...

God damn, just annex Mexico already. I know it’s before his time, but surely DDD knows we still have some destiny that needs manifesting in the absolute worst way. We can take Leaf Land while we’re at it.

I yearn for conquest.

We need to have an exchange program. We accept 1 beautiful bronze Aztec king for every 5 blue checks we deport. This exchange rate is fair because you cant equate their contributions to society as 1:1

You're really selling the Mexicans short.

5:1 that is straight up a hate-crime against Mexicans, to imply that 6 blue checks work anywhere near as much as one frijoles.

NAU when?

Not soon enough 😔

Please do this soon. Regarding Maple Leaf Land. The wypipo here need a wake up call.

They'll soon be replaced by Chinese Communists. Its fine. America can finally annex Canada then.

I'm hoping I can one day become a burger.

Blue checks should be deported free of charge to leafland, and then a giant ice wall be built to close the border, like in GoTShit. Then just wait for winter or something until they all freeze.

Best shit I’ve ever read on this sub!


The leafs wouldn’t know how to function with all this glorious freedom.

I wish this was the norm. Imagine politicans calling each other cringe, asking for votes because YOLO, hitting the dab and doing the backpack dance on their way off the stage.

While we're at it, let's replace presidential debates with presidential diss tracks. I would love to hear a DDD vs DDR rap battle😍

If you think it would be cool to see memes win someone votes, then I must have woken up in 2015, and I need to make some sports and elections bets right away.

I'm not talking about just "pokemon go to the polls" or people replying to DDR's tweets with rare pepes. I'm talking full on, no holds barred zoomer "humor" taking over political discourse.

If you don't think it would be cool to see DDD and DDR argue about which one of them is more "sus" I don't know what's wrong with you.

I'd trade a not meme government for America's only two choices are Eric André for the demonrats, and 2010 Colbert fully in character for the QOP.

What will definitely happen, though, (because zoomers are fucking stupid), is that by 2060, one party will run a Pewdiepie-level influencer and win. Rather than memes, though, her campaign will just be spent promising everyone lambos, and curing all the diseases, and making crime stop by making crime illegal.

Zoomer online shit is funny (>implying) if funny people do something with it. Geriatric sundowners repeating meme phrases their handlers teach them verbatim is just embarrassing.

I don't think zoomer humor is funny. I just think it would be funny to watch old ass politicians eating tidepods or calling each other the gamer word in a CoD lobby to look relatable to zoomers and get their vote. That's all.

That's fair. Admirable even, as far as tide pods and (racial) slurs are concerned.

The house of commons is like that except its got autistic rules about what language you can use. Still great banter sometimes.

I would love to hear a DDD vs DDR rap battle😍

This exists. (Kind of)

Your campaign's like your family- crash and burn




I really just posted because I thought it was funny the boomers at Fox News are putting "cringe" in their headlines. Why is everyone talking about Mexico?

Its basically just twitter drama with 3 sentences like in an agenda post tho.

She's unironically right. What is a photo-op next to a fence going to do to help?

Journos, once again, are the lowest form of life.

Are journos a form of life though?

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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Watching rightoids try to fabricate some "crisis at the border" because literally the only tricks they have in their book are manufactured claims of voter fraud and "immigration crisis" is wild.

Biden’s immigration policies are about the same as Obama’s which resulted in about net zero for undocumented crossings from federal stats. In layman’s terms for every person who was estimated entering they forcefully deported someone or someone who wasn’t documented left the US (semi to fully*) voluntarily. There’s a reason Obam was called the deporter and chief by some mex and South American groups.

Harris also told Guatemala people the other day “do not come do NOT come” along with her and joe saying it to other places.

You’d think rightoids would be happy they’re taking a pretty normal right wing to hardline without the cruel words approach to immigration that rightoids and cent dems want.

Rightoids care about the aesthetics of being tough on illegal immigration, not about the act of efficiently and effectively deporting them.

Correct. Leftoids are too busy diddling kids on discord.

cruel words

nooo not the heckin cruel worderinos

I sent a few articles to my “Biden and Harris are communists” relative today and one of the sources they questioned and seemingly didn’t like because it was a leftist site (even though the article was trashing Biden for funding ICE) and the other was about Kamala talking to Guatemala people and all she said was “well she needs to go to the Mexico border and tell them all to turn around and she hasn’t done that!!!”

As a rightoid, this makes me mad because it's correct.

But I'd like to point out out its still happening despite Biden actual policies. It's because partisan r-slurs from all over the spectrum declared racial jungle Biden the great liberator of PoC, which made the migrants think they'd get a free ride. I put more blame on bird app then Biden himself.

Fabricate a border crisis? Projecting much Pizza?

What lol? It's literally a meme, it wasn't even up at historically abnormal rates.

Like they constantly do this shit.

It's like the "gas crisis" which is actually just gas prices reacting to a massive surge in demand as the country opens back up, and overall returning to pre-pandemic levels:

Another funny part about the immigration stuff is it's likely smugglers were advertising off of Trump and convinced people it'd be easier to enter the country once Trump was out of office:

Have Biden administration policies caused this increase? There is no evidence to suggest that this is the case. Organizations working with asylum seekers and unaccompanied children in the San Diego-Tijuana border region tell us that even before President Biden took office smugglers may have been exploiting potential clients by claiming it would be easier to enter the United States once the Trump administration was gone. This is supported by the literature that examines changes in the fees smugglers charge at the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as a DHS report on the same subject

Like this is the same bullshit playbook these people use every single cycle.

  • rile up idiots with fake immigration hysteria.

  • lie about gas prices and exploit any expected shift in gas prices by claiming it's totally energy policy despite it having nothing to do with energy policy.

  • accuse the "radical left" of causing x y and z.

It's like how in Texas when the power grid failed (mostly because natural gas and Republican failure) they instantly started spamming about wind turbines to create a fake scandal around energy policy.

This isn't even funny to deal with anymore because it happens like clockwork.

"there's no crisis and also the crisis was caused by Trump leaving office"

We were always at war with Oceania

There's no crisis either way, but it's pretty obvious smugglers marketed via Trumpian bullshit, even dhs said as much.

smugglers marketed via Trumpian bullshit

Can you quote the DHS on this? I know they're useless, but they do hire grammar checkers.

The paper is talking about how smuggling fees increase as border enforcement, or the perception of border enforcement becomes more intense::

Basically, Republican propaganda is a driving market force in smuggler fees.

Thanks, habibi. I'll check it out.

90 percent of seethe about this has been from leftoids on the bird app lol

Most rightoids seem pleased but just want to dunk on kamala due to some animal, tribal urge or desire.

It's just slightly grating seeing leftoids defend the 'concentration camps' now that the guy running them is someone from their team.

But you're right, other than that I don't actually give a shit tbh.

Because the kids are now safely in pods and not cages