G*mers apologize for celebrating Pride by beating the digital shit out of a queer woman

1  2021-06-09 by JimieWhales


sorry link broke cuz I switched from base36 to decimal, here's the new link https://rdrama.net/post/3926/gmers-apologize-for-celebrating-pride-by

an in-game challenge designed to celebrate Pride Month tasked players with defeating canonically bisexual character Poison Ivy hundreds of thousands of times.

omg I love capeshit now

People who admire Poison Ivy are probably beating the shit out of their girlfriend already anyway. Seriously the whole point of that character is just that shes equally abusive to cute jewish jester girl as the Jelqer

the Jelqer

I need someone to make this a real character

If i ever write a funny book ill put him in there just for u. Tho i think i got that from cumtown

that’s what i thought. el johker.

cute jewish jester girl

Why didn't the capeshit writers rebranded Harley this as a qt torah-observing yahud with a tichel instead of a generic wh*te trash betty boop smh

I’ve genuinely never read any capeshit comics, but I thought they were pushing the whole Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy thing as a “UwU Harley finally escapes the Joker to get the strong lesbian relationship she deserves” angle?

Makes no sense tho. Shes just running to another psycho. Lol.

I was a capeshitter as a kid and I don’t think that was ever how it was portrayed. It was pretty much always Girl Power, while Joker would be literally throwing Harley out of windows and shit.

More modern interpretations make Ivy and Harley carpet munchers despite her being a crazed eco terrorist

I mean that's how it always was, they just couldn't be explicit about it because it was a TV-Y7 saturday morning cartoon.

You know way too much about batman, friend

Sorry I watched cartoons when I was 12

The only approved cartoons to watch at twelve are The Family Man and Courage

Nah, Batman TAS was legit good.

The only thing called The Family Man I can find is a movie made after 2010 which means it’s shit.

You never heard of the Family Man with Peter Griffin? Its a good show!

Remove women from vidya so as not to expose them to any imaginary violence. While we're at it, if you're not good at fighting games, do NOT main any POC, or neurodivergent characters. This is akin to actual violence against marginalized humans.

Imagine playing fighting games and not playing a female character. 🤮

I dont need vidya to watch a woman get beat up 🤭

Boy players but for video games

"Real life violence against the LGBTQIA+ community and women within that community in particular is all too common"

Is it, though?

Yes but it's perpetrated by lesbians

Schrodinger‘s abuse.

It’s happening to women, but by women so we don’t discuss it.

How can male g*mers commit violence? They can't even go outside for fear of making contact with grass

yea, I enjoy capeshit how can you tell?

The bloodied knuckles and your wife’s black eye?

I don't foul my knuckles with violence, I prefer to use my Nintendo switch.

leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. G*mers apologize for celebrating Pr... - archive.org, archive.today*

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