T-slur on twatter mocks arr GCJ meme, arr GCJ goes t-slurphobic in response.

1  2021-06-10 by Upper_Finish


GCJ is a sub dedicated to defending every shitty big budget game that relies on crunch and abuses its women employees while calling anyone who says the publishers shouldnt pay off journoloids to look the other way an alt right misogynist. They’re limp wristed fatties who cope all day at what are normally teenagers making fun of the influencers GCJ likes

You could have just said they were a circlejerk sub and that would have been enough.

True, im not too familar with those so i wasnt sure if its a common thing

Gamergate is over, let it go.

Youve got a point lol, i dont even agree with gamergate i did think it was stupid i just hate the fact that theres legit misogyny in the system but its being ignored in favor of defending twitch streamers and journos

I hate when people defend journos too.

Thanks 👍

i dont even agree with gamergate


Yikes found the incel! 👩😡💅🏻

My ample bovine physique is not exactly hard to spot, Stacy 😡🍔🍔🍔

They levelled up😎


They and the arr ahs group took out the LOU2 sub which was a beautiful capture of the original manbabies of gaming before woke manbabies took center stage om the internet.

Yeah tbh i prefer when gamers are r-slur reactionaries over r-slur socialists. Im in a discord with a guy who asperged at me for bringing up act man a rando gaming whotuber because hes a “reactionary” and he said hbomberguy (a whotuber communist) doesnt have controversial politics hes just “not a weirdo bigot like most other youtubers”. I was going to say in a reply how he told a friend of his that said a mutual was harrassing her “maybe you remembered your harrassment wrong” and basically didnt even try to repremand the guy or even ask if he did it if he didnt believe her just outright denial. I didnt tell him that because i didnt want to set the guy off because i like the owners of that discord and dont want to be seen as rocking the boat

I dont care


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Good morning i hate journalists

Since that article was posted about journoids having the less sex of all professions everytime I'm being mad at reading/watching some journocel take I think about that article and how miserable/angry they must be not getting laid. 🤗

Journocels lmao😹😹😹

Imagine being more pathetic than twitter users.

Yeah journalists should be atleast decent to good at video games. Imagine reviewing books without knowing how to read

Lol if you think journos read books before writing a review on them have I got news for you

Same thing with music reviewers not listening to an entire album

Must Redditors always fall for the bait?

why are 🚂 such trainwrecks?

Serious mental illness that has somehow become acceptable to enable and encourage

When Tumblr popped the pus infected everything else.

what they said about fatpeoplehate but it actually happened

Too much anime, capeshit and vidya consumption

The train seems to be the most reasonable one in this case.

If there is something worse than being a G@mer it's being a G@me journalist 🤮. Lowest of the low 👇

GCJ is on the same level of forced cringe irony as arr landlordlove

irony isnt funny when the only thing youre being ironic for is to express your shitty agenda in a cowardly way

Satire is supposed to be funny, not an expression of the opposite opinion .

Why circlejerk subs become leftoid cope centrals?

GCJ is such a pathetic sub. Imagine spending your entire day seething about people seething over vidya

That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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