The straightest man alive

1  2021-06-10 by Leandover


Milo’s lying to himself so hard. Wasnt he on legion of skanks and cringed at people showing him vagina pics?

Bro he's not lying to anyone other than gullible rightoids. He's still living with his lover and dressing like a gay guy.

He just realized the only way to spin out of the pedo stuff was to pretend to be a reformed gay and the rightoids would eat it up.

Wait is he? I thought he was divorced. Yeah theres a debate to be had that Milo was trying to justify or downplay his own sexual assault, but overall wouldnt it have been best for him to actually apologise (or just not say that in the first place) rather than wait it out a few years and pretend to be straight? I know grifter’s gotta grift and he probably has too much of an ego to just admit he was wrong but still. Or better yet if he wanted to be right wing he couldve just been the “gays need to uphold the nuclear family” kind rather than the alt right “get back in the closet” kind. Then again this is me being captain hindsight to a guy that only ever wanted attention

There's no apologizing for this lol.

I'm actually of the opinion he was downplaying and rationalizing his own sexual assault.

But he also surrounded himself with wolves, in a climate where anything with even a "pedo hue" was instantly attacked by people looking to project or prove how anti-pedo they were.

He can say sorry and explain himself, but wolves aren't interested in reason or coherent thought.

True, but at the same time its right to be paranoid. I dont think theres a rape epidemic going on but powerful people do like the old rape so its right to nip that in the bud when it happens, but really in the end rape apologism is also a bipartisan thing. Our last two presidents have both been child abusers

Lol.. come on man, which child did Joe Biden abuse?

Oh i didnt realise i was talking to you pizza, the #1 biden superfan. Do you really think the guy who sniffs children and raped tara reade doesnt cross the streams of those two things?

I'm not even a fan of Biden.

A) Being a creepy old man is not child abuse.

B) There's no proof he raped anyone, nor is she credible.

Sure dude keep telling yourself that. It’s like the locker rook talk excuse but for blueanon r-slurs

What makes you think a woman lying about a law degree and writing shit like this is credible:

Use your brain man.

President Putin’s genius is his judo ability to conserve his own energy and let the opponents flail, using up their energy, while he gains position. Currently, President Putin has a higher approval rating in America then the American President, particularly with women. President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity. It is evident that he loves his country, his people and his job. Although his job may seem like in the words of writer, Elizabeth Gilbert on genius, “ trying to swallow the sun.” This is a whole lot to deal with for one mere mortal… President Putin’s obvious reverence for women, children and animals, and his ability with sports is intoxicating to American women. Especially since the bloated, American President is so negative, denigrating and dismissive of anyone but himself as he stumbles even playing golf (which is not a real sport anyway but a past time, sorry golfers).


You can only be raped if youve never lied in your life, got it

Didn’t know you were so committed about the need to #BelieveWomen, true ally

I dont believe every woman there is, the emmet till incident comes to mind, but ive been very open about being a feminist on this sub. I mean when theres smoke theres fire, and legitimacy comes in numbers. Forgive me if im wrong but hasnt there been 20-30 assault allegations against Trump, about seven against Biden and none against Bernie? Yet hes apparently unelectable (not that i agree with his policies hes just a better man than both of them)

At least Trump has the decency to not be filmed being creepy around young girls. He knew that rape was a special, private event that should be kept behind closed doors.

Trump literally bragged about walking back stage on nude underage girls over the radio.

That tape surfaced after he accused said girls of lying.

Man, Trump bragged about something? Now we KNOW its not true.

The timeline is:

  • former underage models accused him of walking back stage to spy on them while nude.

  • Trump campaign calls them liars and smears them.

  • media digs up a tape of Trump talking about how he'd walk back stage on models to see them nude.

They're both creeps, whatever. Why argue over which old fucker is worse? If it makes you feel better, I'll agree that Trump is with a caveat of I wouldn't vote for either of them anyway.

Being a liar that writes Putin worship blog posts speaks to your credibility.

“But [insert Trump accuser] lied about random unrelated thing and is also a feminist. Fake news!” Says the rightoid. Now youre using the same logic. Horseshoe theory in action

Again, that woman is a pathological liar.

Believe women incel

They wouldn't let you sniff children like he does

LOL, rent free much.

Are you two pizza’s alts?

we are legion.


Most people don’t mind our current (not) president being a pedo.

Not even sure he was married. There are very few pics and none of his husbands face. Main pic is this. Could have been elaborate trolling to throw off claims of racism by saying "I married a black guy".

Huh? He did make a public speech, where he put on a hammy chastised schoolboy persona (that everyone believed was "his real self for once" lol) and said a bunch of cliches like apologies, he was rationalizing his assaults and was wrong etc.

He appeared on public debates since then, e.g. one live against Destiny and another one on white fragility where he was impersonating Christopher Hitchens. He didn't disappear for 2 years lol

Alright im not familar with Milo beyond the surface so i thought he just didnt apologise and said he was trolling or something


Maybe just going thats nice rather than looking like youre about to bleed out your eyes

vaginas feel good (to my penis), but 99% of them don't look good. anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves.

Take the bussypill already, lol.


Youve got a point there but hes still not straight. I honestly think tho as a straight guy the penis is just a better looking body part than the alternative. It makes things funnier, it’s not got weird shit on it and every dick looks different

You are definitely not completely straight then

Believe me i want to be attracted to dudes but im not

Bro same



When I receive dick pics I say nice, because I like dick. I am not sure what you are, but certainly not straight lmao.


It doesn't take a gay man to admit that dicks are prettier than pussies.

One of us!

if you're so, """"gay""""", then why did you go, "YUCK" when I sent you a pic of mine....?

You sent me dick pics? I really don't remember.

that somehow hurts even more than the yuck smh

I get dozens of dick pics every month, how the fuck am I supposed to remember each of them?!

Think geaux, think!

What should he do instead?
Vaginas are not particularly pleasing to look at.

Not react like a gay man to one

Sodomy is way hotter if you think you're going to hell for it. It's as simple as that.

I hate when he goes on LOS. He seems like a try-hard.

Is LOS any good?

Never eatched it, but dave smitha funny pedo

I like it. Listen to some clips to see if you like it. They usually have fellow NY comedians on. I think shane gillis & dan soder are on the new ep.

I might check those out. When i first heard it i thought it was a broad-centric podcast then i saw dudes hosting

I think he’s lying to everyone else and not himself, the guy is a massive troll

Is there a way to be a former heterosexualist? Asking for a friend.

Posting here helps

Isn’t that what buck breaking does?


Damn, Milo's really degenerated since he started denying himself interracial gay sex.
He's beginning to look like those old mayo Hollywood has-beens with saggy skin and revolting hairstyles

BBC was his medication, now he's gone cold turkey and is starting to look like one.

He even has on the wrong shade of foundation that ends abruptly where his jawline used to be

Wow he's f*t af

I can't wait for all of the grifters to get old and slowly turn into Steve Bannon, in front of our eyes.

Hopefully by then the men's body positivity movement will have taken off and Alex Jones / Steve Bannon will be peak male vitality.

Alex Jones / Steve Bannon

Can't put both together, as Jones is a giga ch4d while Bannon is a big stu*id blob

Alcohol makes the difference, and super male vitality of course.

That's how you know he's a str*ight now.

For a "straight" guy he sure is an attention whore and a drama queen.

and he fucks men

I think this guy might be gay

Didn't he also say that dogs have stopped barking at him on the streets ever since he "turned" straight?

Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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Good for him

Super Straight

Surely the straightest man alive is the man who decided to be straight. I was merely born this way.

The slightly distorted reddit image here makes him look like Val Kilmer, I legit thought it was about Val Kilmer who put on a weird wig and someone called or mistook him for Milo lol

Oof he sure did get fat. I dig those Bret Hart sunglasses though.