As one of the students of Reddit University attempts to earn his PhD in Simpology (minor in catfishing), some MRAs show up to dispute the findings of his thesis.

1  2021-06-10 by busslordlowkeybussin


Tbh everyone knows most men on the internet are turbo creeps.

My only issue is women acting like this is some great travesty as if they can't just ignore it and go about their day.

One of my favorite stories was when that women decided to send nudes to random men to "teach them a lesson" and the men loved it:

Men fundamentally operate differently than women do. Stop whining about it.

Women are only bothered that undesirables are who message them. So Indians, Chinese guys, etc. Theyre okay if a blond buff white guy DMs them, it’s madness. Its the same thing with social media, influencers ask for more and more attention but want literally every piece of criticism filtered out by men before they see it

My hatred for women was solidified after I realized when myself and my short chubby friend do the same thing, I end up with too many women to choose, and he gets called a creep. Women are simple sorting algorithms and nothing more.

Im slowly getting convinced the whole bigotry shit constantly being pushed is just typical f0id projecting. They're orders of magnitude more judgemental than m0ids, but also orders of magnitude more narcissist and delusional, so they also care so much about their image that they rather lie to themselves and everyone else than acknowledge an open secret. So they offload their dissonance onto m0ids and accuse them of bigotry to hide their own. Case in point, talk to any mayof0id about dating pajeets or rice-cels and watch the klan rally happening behind their eyes.

Contrary to my kazakh statements, I actually love the women in my life for the most part, and individual women mostly have enough positive attributes to even out the score; but in general as a gender I fucking hate them so goddamn much

Non-sperg edition: this is why Homofascism is the only way forward.


F0ids crave nothing more than attention, but only when they like it and in the way they like it. And from certain people. Obviously all that without ever even hinting at how to discern when/how they do want it, or acknowledging even to themselves how they dont want even the chad-est of pajeets (well for a pajeet) hitting on them.



Someone once sent me a vajayjay picture as one of a set (started out with her looking like a nice outdoorsy-type gal and then cut to the chase at the finish).

Sadly that was the part where she wanted my credit card details to "verify my age", so that was that. Oh well.

She wanted to send you some pizza rolls in the mail.

Why do women have such a r-slurred idea of "teaching a lesson"?

πŸ•πŸ₯› probably can cross the blood-brain barrier and has neurological effects, i assume.

lol the first comment in the picture is pretty much saying "we're not like those guys."

The first comment on this thread too


Edit: I think I remember the one guy even baited me to look at his user page by saying he had pictures of his cat on it.

I clicked on some guys user page and it was full of nudes.


Trust me, when I was laughing it wasn't only at him. Cute cat tho.

Send the dick pics and the cat. <3


