1  2021-06-10 by Matues49


"The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe," Fernandez said, referring to the country's many European migrants. He later apologized for the comments and said his country's diversity was something to be proud of.

Lmao the apologies are always so funny and half hearted. You know he's not sorry, he's only saying it cause he has to. He should have gone full passive aggressive and said "sorry you're offended by my words".

Brazilians came from the jungle

Hold on there Bolsanaro is trying to remove that jungle

Along with everybody in it.

After seeing him flexing on corona by doing push ups I'm convinced he can do anything.

If you think the push-ups are a flex, just wait until you hear about how he rejected Pfizer's offer to buy their vaccine

57 times


Wait until he hears about those Portuguese fellows who landed in Brazil.

Bolsonaro obliged by tweeting a photograph of himself wearing a native head-dress, smiling among a group of indigenous people. The only text in tweet was the word "JUNGLE" in capital letters, flanked by a Brazilian flag emoji.

He is truly the last gift to the world with DDR bucked and broken

Speaking of, I'd love to hear DDRs take on breaking bucks.

I would like to see Ben Ten making a cartoon out of it.

t. Masterlawlz Onlyfans subscriber

Hold up, I'm going to deepfake DDR saying that bb copypasta /tv/ made.

Oh fuck im going to coooom

it's just not the same...

"Los mexicanos descienden de los aztecas, los peruanos de los incas, y los argentinos, de los barcos"

In the original quote by Mexican poet Octavio Paz, this is a burn against Argentinians. It casts them as rootless, cultureless boors.

All the white and suspiciously blonde people in Argentina came with the old ships

More like the U-boats. Still technically ships though.

Bubbleheads get really upset when you call a submarine a ship instead of a boat. I suspect there's a lot of undiagnosed autism in that community though...

They choose to live in shared bunks on a metal tube underwater for months at end breathing recycled air while mere feet away from a nuclear reactor and enough warheads to kill 10s of millions. Yeah there's probably extreme levels of tism

On a boat designed to sink, no less. Hard pass for me.

They can dream. They will never be White, as long as they speak Spanish.


There’s a crap ton of Mayo looking Brazilians tho? And they aren’t expats?

Yeah there are quite a few Germans in the south, there's one state where they're the majority (Santa Catarina), I think.

there are quite a few Germans in the south

Gringocels will keep repeating this outdated info forever won't they?, Brazil's southern states do (sadly) have more mayos in comparison to other states, but by now even these southern regions are majority mixed as much as the rest of the country.

this outdated info

Well excuuuuuse me for not staying up to date on the demographic intricacies of some shithole country whose main exports are vaccine test subjects and execution videos.

We still exist although we're a definite minority. Most mayoids still around are the descendants of Brazils last major immigration wave in the mid 1900s from Europe.

t. mayo bruhzilian

Uma delicia.

They targeted gamers. Gamers.



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someone repost that classic meme

Brazilians 'came from the jungle'

Where's the lie?


Apart from India, is there any other country in greater denial of their third world shitholery than Argentina?


Imagine wanting to be a mayo...

When the alternative is a mudcel, you got no choice. 🤷

where's the lie?

In that Argentinians are as indians and thirdworldly as their brazilians or mexicans counterparts, but they believe they are Europeans.

