Deep state scientist reveals he may have mislead the public on the origins of COVID-19. C0PE-21 likely to begin infecting r*ghtoids.

3  2021-06-11 by WarBoyPrimo


Surely this is the end of “surely this is the end of fauci”.


idk why it's so hard for rightoids to understand "possible but highly unlikely."

They want it to be a lab really bad. Some will blame all Chinese people for it. Some will use it to claim we don’t need to have collaborative efforts for virus studies world wide. Which we do that’s how we get a lot of great research and the best people worldwide. Some in the super conspiratorial bunch will use to keep their heads buried that bad things happen naturally some time even if it’s unlikely to be a lab accident and not every bad thing is a malicious government plot.

It makes no sense lmao. The Trump admin lifted the ban on gain of function research in 2017, meaning if it did leak from the lab, the Trump admin and the US is just as to blame as China is.

The fact rightoids don't get this is wild.

if it did leak from the lab, the Trump admin and the US is just as to blame as China is.

Thats like saying Einstein is just as responsible for nuking j*pistan as Truman.

Did Einstein personally finance the Manhattan project?

Einstein did write a letter to FDR that was like, "Hey, this shit could be used to make a bomb. And the Germans are probably gonna do it. You should get on this." and because that man's name was... Albert Einstein, FDR actually read it and authorized like infinity money to be spent on the Manhattan Project.

I'm OK with saying that he's responsible then.

My grandfather- or great grandfather? I don't remember- on my mother's side was one of the people involved in getting the program money; he also worked on it for a little bit and worked with Einstein a few times.

A shame he didn't pass his intellect down to me.

Interesting. I'm no historian but my understanding was that Einstein didn't have much direct involvement with the Manhattan Project beyond this initial letter. He came up with the theory of special relativity, obviously, but he hadn't even thought of using it for a bomb until some other scientists pointed it out to him. And because he was pretty much the most famous scientist in the world, they wanted him to write to the President so the letter wouldn't get sent to spam.

Idk the working with Einstein thing could easily just be some bullshit part of the story the family passed down, wouldn't be surprised. Family stories always tend to get exaggerated the more times they're told.

But I was curious and I did look into the guy. It's true at least that he played a fairly important role in the whole thing, but I never found any proof he actually met Einstein.

I want to believe tho

He laid the physical groundwork, which is even more important than chucking some shekels, there were plenty enough of those going around

Einstein’s physics didn’t really have anything to do with nukes. Radioactivity and particle physics were already being researched by the time E=mc2 was a thing.

He wrote a letter, which lead to the creation of the Uranium Committee, which didn’t do anything. The Manhattan Project showed up later after the British MAUD report.


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I don't really care for the Trump angle because, as a bong, I would simply get a tickle if social media platforms were to be shown up for banning people over this exact thing and then it turned out to be true. And I never bought the idea in the first place.

the Trump admin and the US is just as to blame as China is.

Yes. Of course the fascist dems will hide this, for they are complicit with republican. Always.

As far as I'm aware, other than the burger right's interest in businesses working the right's "covid opposition", incl. anti-mask stuff and conspiracy claims etc., is just something they latched onto in order to oppose the MS - I don't see how this flows from any rightwing ideology at all, it's just the 2 teams picked their views and stuck with them.

Except when Fauci etc. didn't want to criticize the Floyd protests for spreading the virus and the right objected to that nonsense - but that was just a blip.

it's just the 2 teams picked their views and stuck with them.

Thats literally all politics is nowadays

I don't disagree, but if you're bored maybe check out "Manufacturing Consent" by Chomsky and, more recently, "Hate, Inc." by Matt Taibbi. They both cover how the seemingly perfect opposition between Dems and the GOP on all social issues is carefully choreographed by the capital-controlled media outlets that feed most of us the information. I don't think it's a coincidence that they disagree on everything but neoliberal economics and foreign policy (although they dress them up with different language).

Yeah I'd heard about the former already, need to go check those out.

This is correct: there's no logic to it and the two teams could just as easily have gone the other way.

Imagine if the rightoids had gone: "We're going to close down everything and protect Americans from the dangerous Chinese virus! Everyone wear masks to keep out the Wuflu!"

Then the leftoids would have been like: "Masks are a sign of racism and xenophobia! Never ever wear masks! Keep everything open, let's all go out for dinner in Chinatown to prove how tolerant we are! Covid-19 is just right-wing scaremongering!"

let's all go out for dinner in Chinatown to prove how tolerant we are!

That literally happened

If Daddy didn't take the "covid is no big deal, we have it under control, it's a hoax" stance a couple of days later libs would have never done the 180 they did, probably. So everyone who is grateful for lockdowns should thank Daddy.

Yep, would've even made more sense that way; cause which side is gemerally known for wanting to limit fun and interactions due to viruses lmao

oppose the MS

This is the win basically. It discredits mainstream media, which mostly has a leftwing bias atm (except Faux News).

I don't see how this flows from any rightwing ideology at all, it's just the 2 teams picked their views and stuck with them.

Yeah, I've been listening to a lot of right wing radio recently and this seems to be accurate. They just decided that covid-19 being from a lab and not a wet market is a huge win for them in some abstract partisan ball game so they doggedly pursue that theory. I haven't heard much reason for why it will be such a big win for them that is substantive.

Believing the sinoids are incompetent instead of nasty omnivores to.... own the libs?

The idea is that it's proof of their malice. If China's intent wasn't malicious, why would they e developing a bioweapon?

Tbh it would be really fucking great if it was a lab breed (no not that kind of lab, 🐶🧠). Would cause amazing drama, and would accelerate our timeline into hopefully another world war to maybe fix lil zoomie's brains.

"Worst" case, nuclear war and a return to pre-industrial society😍

I think it's a lab leak, not because I'm anti-China or want to blame them for it, but because if I were some Chinese dude working in a lab I'm sure I'd probably fuck up safety protocol somehow and accidentally release a pandemic across the entire planet.


Yeah, the weird thing about the furin cleavage site in Covid is that the insertion appears misaligned. Like, if you compare Covid genome to RaTG13 which is mostly identical at that location except for the insert, it looks like

 Ratg13: AAT-TCA-               -CGT-AGT

TCA and TCT code for the same aminoacid, but there's like a 1 in 50 chance that the hypothetical Covid precursor got it mutated serendipitously to make it look like an off-frame insertion. Or maybe the Chinese scientist was a leet haxor and did it that way just to show off, but I can't begin to quantify the probability of that.

Mother nature on the other hand doesn't care about social conventions like decoding frames and would have absolutely no issue with sticking 12 nucleotides from some other virus right in the middle of the TCA codon ("T-CCT-CGG-CGG-GC" or else "CT-...-G", that works too), resulting in what we see here.

So I went from being 80:20 for the natural origin as a boring conformist to 80:20 for the lab leak upon discovering that the "scientific consensus" that I trusted was secretly one guy Peter Daszak who financed coronavirus Gain of Function research in Wuhan, and back to like 60:40 against the lab leak hypothesis because of this weird shit. Being a radical centrist means that I flap like a sock in the wind upon receiving new evidence.

(edit: you can look at this shit yourself by googling "covid genome download" (smdh at zoomers who don't know how to pirate viruses) (you want to get here), "ratg13 genome download" for the sequence id, then on the covid page click "Run BLAST" on the right, paste the ratg13 sequence id, click the BLAST button below, then ctrl-f for "CGGCGG", and here you are, copypaste the stuff into notepad and have fun with it)

All this talk of CGC and TSA, boi why don't you go out and get some BUS

dude BUS lmao

Wait you can download virus genome sequences? What's preventing someone from 3d printing polio assuming they got the right equipment?

Yes, and absolutely nothing!

Well, if you're using third-party DNA synthesis services some of those check if you're printing something scary, and to buy your own device you need like $100k . But yeah, this future we are living in is kinda scary in this respect.


Imagine being yourself. Just imagine.

I don't have to imagine, I'm living the dream.

Don't you have a grant proposal to be writing?

I don't do that on account of not being a phdcel like some.

There are so many viruses and their genome is so fucked that it seems plausible that this would be of natural origin. Idk why someone would go through the trouble of inserting it and also having a frameshift when you could just stick it in there normally imo

The fact that this lab theory is even being discussed in the mainstream media is proof that it doesn't fucking matter. I think that the lab theory holds water, but who cares?

On a similar note, the UFO thing that 60 minutes did the interviews with aircraft pilots also must not really matter or else the government would cover it up

You are assuming that the US government isn't using UFOs as the new way of justifying billions of dollars being spent on new defense projects.

With the UFOs the common theory I hear is that the slow release of information helps keep the narrative in control, either for the sake of keeping some information classified or to stop hysteria over the release of the info. That being said it's pretty unlikely there's anything too mindbending in the upcoming report.

guys there are flying tic tacs in the skies and ocean no we don't know what they are

That's about it I'm sure

I'm such a retard I've never heard of limited hangouts before.

That's the only thing you should post from now on.

While Burgercels fight over where the virus came from they're too dumb to actually do anything about it.

I love this country (and Ohio).

This comes as many Americans are refusing to get vaccinated, and thousands, if not millions, of Johnson & Johnson shots will expire soon, including some 200,000 doses of the vaccine in Ohio alone.

In recent days, however, Baltimore has told a fellow researcher, the scientific journal Nature and the LA Times that – while he had been quoted accurately in the bulletin – he should not have used the phrase “smoking gun” and was uncertain what the feature proved regarding the origins of the virus – natural or otherwise.


id say the same if I didnt feel like being epsteined anytime soon.

also what rightoids would gain out of this is void to me? the US financed the project

Lol. Pretty much no scientist will tell you their initial study or experiment is 100% correct in assumptions, results and infallible. That’s why we have stuff life peer review and even scientist retesting and updating their own experiments to update results.

Some/ a lot of journalist and news media also aren’t good at reporting science stuff a lot of the time. Running with non peer reviewed papers that are published for critique and peer review. Also misunderstanding things. One that grinds my gear a bit, for example in cosmology and physics. The “Dark Energy Survey” or DES was recently completed. A bunch of articles with “Einstein was wrong and we need to adjust how we understand physics” etc type headlines. But the actual results are pretty on what we understand and super close to what was estimated within a few percents which the equations used for predictions actually work that way. They aren’t meant to give like 0.0000001 accuracy in the first place. There was a weird spot on the survey but it doesn’t mean what half the articles were trying to imply.

Please stop writing all those words it hurts my eyes

Pretty much no scientist will tell you their initial study or experiment is 100% correct in assumptions, results and infallible

I mean they did though.

Maybe the gun was smoking because it had a bad day at work and needed to unwind.

Baltimore’s clarification came as he was also challenged in Nature on another of his claims relating to Covid-19, that the coding of a segment found in the furin cleavage site was not usually found in viruses, with a fellow scientist pointing out the same coding was also a feature of the Sars virus.

Lmao. The close relative of COVID has the same feature? What a dumbfuck

The lab leak theory is the most likely scenario. Social media has made this political but it isn’t some new rightoid concept to agree that authoritarian regimes have a terrible history of causing massive disasters then attempting to deny or place blame elsewhere.