Children argue whether a game dev donating money makes him evil or not

2  2021-06-11 by TheColdTurtle


>who wins here?

ummm the guy not hopelessly addicted to degenerate porn and who made 10s of millions of dollars off making a shit game for zoomers?

The seething over some rando's political donations is peak intersectional šŸš‚, twitter, and gam*r drama. Yeah I'm sure he cares that a bunch of a degens (who gave him money) spent time drawing deranged porn that he'll never see. This is pure, unadulterated copium

> furry pfp with alphabet-people meme flag

Uncle Ted moment.

Also, Islam. Islam is who wins, insh'allah

Why does everyone have to bring in politics for no reason

I was about to ask the same with furries.

Do people still give a shit about fnaf? Even the game theory guys have moved on, right?

Nah, they're still milking it dry. A true bottomless pit.

I had to go check and the last video was a week ago, lmao. It does just keep going.

I can report live from the front lines that 9-year-olds still care about FNAF, though not as much as Amongus and Mein Kraft.

Game theory: Is fnaf actually a dog whistle to pizza gate?

Iā€™m gonna assume his typical g*mer degeneracy does make him evil tho

i google fnaf gay porn and get ten million result

That furry avi makes me want to give a big chef's kiss.

He's a brony too

There is absolutely 0 chance the FNAF guy isn't a furry. He could've modeled the animatronics after any literally any creature, fictional or real, and yet they're all basically just fursuits.

But putting on a fursuit in those games literally kills you. It's actually a message about the dangers of the furry lifestyle.

Kind of a shame, I actually really like this guy's animations. I suppose twitter really does ruin all :c

The dude's first game was a Christian themed word search. Of course he donates to Republicans.

You should need to be atleast 25 to make a social media account anywhere.

He sucks but these people deserve it for having bad taste.

If you piss your money away on such a shitty game he's free to turn around and spend it in the most obnoxious way possible.